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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/07/20 in Posts

  1. santiago

    Ctrl Tab Ide Plugin

    The way the Ctrl+Tab shortcut works in the Delphi IDE was always very inconvenient for me. Actually the Delphi IDE is the only program I can think of that does not navigate open documents based on the order in which they were last activated but instead on the order in which the tabs are arranged in the editor. So if you are were working in DocumentPrevious and switch to DocumentNext, I am used to going back to DocumentPrevious by hitting Ctrl+Tab. But in the Delphi you will navigate to whatever document is on the right side of DocumentNext. This has always been very annoying for me. Anyhow I made plugin that makes Ctrl+Tab behave to what I am used to from other programs, like Visual Studio for example. Might be of use for some. https://github.com/santiagoIT/DelphiCtrlTab Precompiled binaries are available for Delphi Seattle, Rio and Sydney.
  2. Daniel

    Strange behavior for literals

    @Mahdi Safsafi there is no need to convince someone here. Sometimes we just have different views on an item. This is not wrong by itself. if you think that you have found an error in Delphi, please create a bug-report at quality.embarcadero.com
  3. David Heffernan

    Strange behavior for literals

    I don't think the issue is that I don't see the full picture and have a lack of clarity.
  4. Vandrovnik

    Strange behavior for literals

    Delphi's "Shifting a 1 63 places to the left in a 32-bit variable" is the same as "Shifting a 1 31 places to the left in a 32-bit variable", so you will get $80000000. In the example above, shifting is done in 64bit variable and the result $8000000000000000 is assigned to 32bit typed constant - lower 32bits are used (0) and a warning is generated.
  5. Mahdi Safsafi

    Strange behavior for literals

    @David Heffernan I believe that you are not seeing the full picture here : The real issue is the dissociative type between literal and expression (not like what you understand "the ability to control FP constants") . BTW you don't work around an issue ... you need to fix it (fixing the type system will let you control FP type) !! This is a critical issue ! For now it just looks less critical but just think if at some time Delphi introduces type inquiring feature ! what will happen ? I was working on a Pascal-like compiler and I used a weak-typed literal system for constants, meaning the const was stored using the longest available type and casted on demand. I got a very surprising result when inquiring types/expressions/variables. This was my motivation to inspect Delphi constants. So I'm very sure that this aspect is wrong and will at some point produce unpredictable behaviors. I hope -by now- that you are seeing the full picture and everything is clear for you.