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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/27/24 in Posts

  1. The activated option "Lock Controls" in the Edit menu is not restored when re-starting the IDE! This option is very important and helpful, as it prevents an unintentional repositioning of controls in the Form Designer! It also prevents the annoying file change in the FormDesigner that frequently (randomly) happens when switching from the Code Editor to the FormDesigner (with F12), caused by the automatic re-aligning of aligned controls in the Form Designer: The option "Lock Controls" should be restored automatically when re-starting the IDE to prevent this annoying behavior! Can anyone confirm this?
  2. That is true for strings, but nor for dynamic arrays.
  3. MarkShark

    Bug: Lock Controls is not restored at IDE start!

    As a possibly related note. I've created a bug report Lock Controls not visible initially regarding that menu item having some issues when placed on an IDE toolbar. I always do this when I customize the IDE after install. It's a very useful feature.
  4. Uwe Raabe

    Bug: Lock Controls is not restored at IDE start!

    Seems someone already filed a report 8 years ago: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-13448
  5. Alexander Sviridenkov

    WebUI framework: Technical preview. Part 1.

    Small example of using custom HTML/JS inside Report control. JS code send pallet and boxes params to Server (Delphi), receive calculated pallet loading and display it. pallet.mp4