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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/12/24 in Posts

  1. Ali Dehban


    A new Delphi plug-in for automatically implementing the client side of a Rest API is now available in beta version. Repository: https://github.com/AliDehbansiahkarbon/OpenAPIClientWizard Demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7B7nSHIsV64
  2. Die Holländer


    Yet another nice Ali Delphi Wizard ! 🧙‍♂️ ChatGPT Wizard
  3. Dave Nottage

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    There is more than one version of PAServer 22.0, however I assume you are using the one that shipped with Delphi 11.3, which is v13.3.12.6. Regardless, as I indicated earlier, this combination works for me:
  4. Vanar

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    No, I got it working with PASERVER 22.0 Delphi 11.3 + PASERVER 22.0 = Success
  5. Dave Nottage

    Deploy Delphi 12 iOS 17 XCode 15.4

    So Delphi 12.0? Is there any reason why you have not upgraded to 12.1? Not sure if that might actually make a difference here, however PAServer may have been changed to ensure that the file specified in the -exportOptionsPlist switch of the call to xcodebuild uses the correct value for the <method> key, which would be app-store-connect, rather than app-store: That message looks more like a warning, than an error. I suspect the real problem is that there is some certificate issue: I'm just not sure what that issue is.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Windows PATH length limit?

    Current version is available on GitHub: https://github.com/UweRaabe/CompressPath