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  1. Remy Lebeau

    System.Net.Socket: TSocket.BeginReceive timeout

    If you don't want to ignore all socket exceptions, you can use breakpoints to tell the debugger to ignore the exceptions only for particular sections of code. And even use breakpoints to toggle when other breakpoints are enabled/disabled. Breakpoints have quite a few useful features beyond just stopping execution when they are hit. It is still available, it is just not installed by default. See https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/en/Installing_Socket_Components
  2. Remy Lebeau

    Destroying TList with Managed Types

    No, because the as operator forces the compiler to create a hidden variable for the interface, before it is then passed to the const parameter. Had the code been written like this instead, THEN there would have been a problem: List.Add(TItem.Create); Correct.
  3. Remy Lebeau

    Destroying TList with Managed Types

    That is not the reason. Your test functions may simply be holding a hidden local reference to the IItem that you create and add to the list, so the item is not fully released until after the list has been freed first. Try this instead to isolate that reference so it gets released sooner: procedure TestDestroyOnly; var List: TItemList; procedure AddItem; begin List.Add(TItem.Create as IItem); end; begin Writeln( 'Start Test - Destroy Only'); List := TItemList.Create; try AddItem; finally List.Free; end; Writeln( 'End Test - Destroy Only'); end; procedure TestWithExplicitClear; var List: TItemList; procedure AddItem; begin List.Add(TItem.Create as IItem); end; begin Writeln( 'Start Test - Explicit Clear'); List := TItemList.Create; try AddItem; List.Clear; finally List.Free; end; Writeln( 'End Test - Explicit Clear'); end;