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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/31/23 in Posts

  1. 3ddark

    Simple ORM

    Delphi Simple ORM using ZeosDBO https://github.com/3ddark/delphi-orm-test Two different version. v2 supported actions function GetList(AClass: TClass; var AList: TArray<TTable>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; function GetListCustom(AClass: TClass; var AList: TArray<TTable>; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; function GetOne(ATable: TTable; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOneCustom(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AFilter: string; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOne(ATable: TTable; AID: Int64; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function GetOneCustom(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; AID: Int64; ALock: Boolean; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function Insert(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function Update(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function CustomUpdate(ATable: TTable; AFields: TArray<TFieldDB>; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function DeleteBatch(AClass: TClass; AFilter: string; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function DeleteBatch(ATables: TArray<TTable>; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; overload; function Delete(ATable: TTable; APermissionCheck: Boolean=True): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalSelect(AClass: TClass; var ATable: TTable; AFilter: string; ALock, AWithBegin, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessSelect: TBusinessSelectEvent): TEntityManager; virtual; function LogicalInsert(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessInsert: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalUpdate(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessUpdate: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; function LogicalDelete(ATable: TTable; AWithBegin, AWithCommit, APermissionCheck: Boolean; AProcBusinessDelete: TBusinessOperationEvent): Boolean; virtual; procedure Listen(ATableName: string); virtual; procedure Unlisten(ATableName: string); virtual; procedure Notify(ATableName: string); virtual; function IsAuthorized(ATableSourceCode: string; APermissionType: TPermissionType; APermissionCheck: Boolean; AShowException: Boolean=True): Boolean; procedure Start(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); procedure Commit(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); procedure Rollback(AConnection: TZAbstractConnection = nil); frmMain contain example for using methods
  2. Remy Lebeau

    .exe File not outputting

    Why are you using ShellExecute() to run pdftotext.exe indirectly via cmd.exe, instead of using CreateProcess() to run pdftotext.exe directly? Try something more like this: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var sCommand: string; si: TStartupInfo; pi: TProcessInformation; begin sCommand := '"C:\PDF\pdftotext.exe" "C:\PDF\ABC.PDF"'; UniqueString(sCommand); ZeroMemory(@si, sizeof(si)); si.cb := sizeof(si); si.dwFlags := STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow := SH_HIDE; if CreateProcess(nil, PChar(sCommand), nil, nil, False, CREATE_NO_WINDOW, nil, nil, si, pi) then begin CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); end; end;
  3. Markus Kinzler

    Airline phone number spam

    I locked them out agian, for now.
  4. Alexander Sviridenkov

    ANN: HTML Office Library 4.7 released

    The only native Delphi library for reading and displaying documents in 19 formats: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF, EPUB, Outlook and much more. Whats's new 1. Support for MBOX files (Thunderbird and other mail app. mailboxes) 2. Support for CHM (help) file format. 3. Support for CSV (displayed as table). 4. Support for DOC 6-95 format. 5. Support for old XLS format. 6. Encoding detection for text files. 7. Support for PICT format (embedded to some office documents) 8. Support for JPX (JPEG2000) - currently using openjpeg. 9. PDF conversion was completely rewritten: Big improvements in PDF rendering quality. Better text extraction from PDF (space detection, hyphenation handling). Faster PDF conversion - 1000 pages / sec. Less memory consumption for conversion of big PDF files. SIMD optimized image conversion for PDF (color spaces, masks, etc.). 10. Improvements in PPTX, DOCX and XLS. 11. Faster text extraction for all formats. 12. Added document properties Authod, Keyword, Modified, Created. 13. Search engine was completely rewritten: 14. Smaller index and faster than all similar products (dtsearch, docfetcher, copernic, x1, etc.), search for word sequence. 15. Support for highlighting of code files (PAS, C++, JS, etc.) 16. DarkMode property - convert styles to dark theme. 17. ImageConverted now has CanvasClass property (canvas is used in HTML to PNG conversion). 18. ODTTF format support 19. TOTFFont now supports adding ligatures 20. FileBrowser demo no more requires VirtualTrees. 21. New demo - PPT file explorer. Demos: https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/FileBrowser.zip - file viewer. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/codefinder.html - full text search engine / document viewer. https://delphihtmlcomponents.com/office.html
  5. Andrea Magni

    How to even start? WSDL to REST

    Hi, now I get what you meant, sorry. To design your API in OpenAPI 3 format (for example) and to have the corresponding API implemented in MARS. This is something I'd like to add as a feature but I would say not in the immediate future. I've added (in the past) OpenAPI3 support to MARS, meaning the library will emit an OpenAPI3 description of your API (the other way around with respect to what you are asking). It would be a nice addition to cover your use case. I'll let you know if I'll find time to implement it (of course I would appreciate contribution as MARS is an OS project so if you feel to contribute, you are welcome!). Sincerely, Andrea