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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    Trim, SplitString

    procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; Str, Seperator : String; LArr : TArray<String>; begin Edit1.Text := '10 * 20 * 30'; LArr := Edit1.Text.Split( [ '*' ] ); if Length( LArr ) < 3 then begin // Error; Exit; end; Edit2.Text := LArr[ 0 ].Trim; Edit3.Text := LArr[ 1 ].Trim; Edit3.Text := LArr[ 2 ].Trim; end;
  2. Rollo62

    [Android] Odd problem with TMediaplayer

    Strange, I would investigate why and where its blocking in the first test.
  3. Rollo62

    [Android] Odd problem with TMediaplayer

    I had the same thought when reading this. In my app I can use TMediaPlayer to play files without blocking, even several TMediaPlayer could play in parallel You could try to decouple the "Play" method, to ensure that the Memo is forced update first. If that still delays the display, then probably something is blocking somewhere else. memo.Lines.Add('blablabla'); MediaPlayer1.FileName := System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine(TPath.GetDocumentsPath, 'a.mp3'); //playing an internal resource TThread.ForceQueue( nil, procedure begin MediaPlayer1.Play; end );
  4. Rollo62


    I like the split helpers http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.SysUtils.TStringHelper.Split
  5. http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/Libraries/Sydney/en/System.Real Maybe only issues in older versions, currently it should be equivalent.
  6. When I reading FireDac: it could a missing FireDac unit, I think it was the ...PhysSqlite... uses clause was missing , after an update to a newer version. https://codeverge.com/embarcadero.delphi.firedac/firedac-in-unit-without-form/2001879
  7. I would check first if all the permissions handling is correct, there had been many changes. If that doesnt helps, have you tried to recreate a new project under 10.4.2 and reset your project to the latest projects defaults ?
  8. I'm afraid that is not possible in mobile (iOS / Android) to have dynamic libraries. The 30MB libProjectName probably contains all the basic system library, which is needed to make everything run, you can tweak this a bit, but not that much. Its not that every new form will add another 30MB, usually this is not big a problem.
  9. Still not getting your point. If the texts were dynamic, you should have to check them too anyway, not only the enum itself.
  10. Not sure if I got your point right, you want a message/crash if a new type is added on the enum, to get noted, right ?
  11. Idefix Pack: Sounds a little strange to me, at least in German, like to order the dog to grasp
  12. Rollo62

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

  13. Rollo62

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Yes, what I meant was the original idea of TPM (as 2FA). You're right, and IMHO it means that all firmware/software TPM solutions were OoA (Obsolete on Arrival). But from a user's perspective I love the idea of the virtual/firmware TPM, to open some options.
  14. Rollo62

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    Because as far as I understand TPM is a kind like a separate hardware 2FA for the PC, which is maybe good for the people who needs this level of safety (officials, companies, etc.). I don't like or need it either, but to have TPM virtualized makes not much sense also IMHO. To serve its intended purpose it should prevent copying machines, so that means also prevent against copying VM. VM vendors of the world unite, and find a hacky workaround for this TPM stuff 👊 Maybe best of all TPM would have a switch, to let the user device ( which is always best ).
  15. Rollo62

    Notifications in android

    An alternative could be the progress dialog in the app itself (or you have to try something in Java).
  16. Rollo62

    Physically reduce jpeg image size??

    Interesting idea to add some small "blur" with compression, I thought filters like lancosz, added enough "blur" already. I have to check that next time, if this idea can offer visually better image quality.
  17. Rollo62

    Access violation on resume in IOS

    I understand that your app starts and works, only when terminating it crashes after a while, is that correct ? Are you doing some long operations in UI or threads, without properly stopping them before going to background ? Did you ask for any unusual or dangerous permissions, which could cause such problems, or is it just a form-like DB application ?
  18. Rollo62

    Need suggestion on developing a custom component

    @Alexander Sviridenkov Thanks, thats a great help. Do you also have a similar page for the supported HTML5 features ?
  19. Rollo62

    Need suggestion on developing a custom component

    @Alexander Sviridenkov Thanks for that great library too, from my side. For custom design you should also mention that SVG support is great, and all in all it offers many ways for incredible user interfaces. Since the library is somewhat between HTML1.1 and HTML5, I would like to know when you think that you followed up HTML5 CSS3 completely ? My favorite would be the CSS Grids, which could make a lot of other stuff obsolete, but there is a lot more in HTML5. Do you have a "compatibility list", or kind of "CanIUse", for the current library ? I think that could be very helpful for people who want to mix HTML5 and Delphi.
  20. Rollo62

    Delphi compatibility with Windows 11?

    I wonder what that means for VmWare (Fusion/Workstation) Win11 guests https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-Fusion/11/com.vmware.fusion.using.doc/GUID-4EC58A68-BE9E-42F6-B005-4BB63AE5D85B.html Do we now have to encrypt all guests, and cannot move them around easily ?
  21. DosCommand should be available in GetIt
  22. Rollo62

    Android Service

    How long are those tasks ? This can be probably be done by threads in the background, when app goes to Background the OS gives usually some time to finish everything, I'm not sure but I think that works up to 10 min. without big problem (if not the new OS versions have reduced that). Just a few operations should be OK, if its not too timeconsuming.
  23. Rollo62

    Android Service

    Services react usually on some system events, like notification, to run services in the background with heavy tasks in mobile is highly restricted and not really wanted by the OS manufacturer. https://developer.android.com/guide/components/services https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Service#ProcessLifecycle I really would recommend not to start with a service as first project, to get a better idea about what is possible in mobile, and whats not. To have a stable main app should be your first goal. Mainly these are no theoretical technical issues, but permission issues. The phones are really very sensitive and killing your app without any warning, if something goes against their everchanging rules, which make it hard to debug. Timers can be possible, but they are not the normal timers as we know it. https://github.com/grijjy/DelphiPlatformTimerQueue You better explain what you really want to do with it.
  24. Rollo62

    Android Service

    Mobile platforms behave pretty much different, try logging instead of debugging. Debugging in a service, not sure if this is working at all. FMX behaves not as easy as VCL was (which is not caused by FMX, but by the platforms most of the time ).
  25. Rollo62

    Android Service

    Usual timer do not work in mobile services. For such hardware related system, I would also consider to use a real device, forget the emulator. Only real hardware will show you real problems with the app. Try to use the latest Delphi version, 10.2.3 is already centuries behind, and its already tough to get 10.3.3 running with current devices.