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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. Rollo62

    Decorating read-only controls

    Unfortunately 99.99% of the people out there are NO engineers, so that these clear and straight concepts doen't work most of the time. It seems we have to sit on the users chairs sometimes, and have a look from their perspective. This catches me also from time to time, if some customer came up with a brilliant simplification idea. I would propose that all engineers should be forced to work for 2 weeks with their own apps and real data, before launching a product. This is not embracing designers work here (sure they do their own mistakes), but I praise the "sitting one somebody elses chair" method.
  2. Thanks Remy. I was always hesitating to use the "Transition" animations, because I never can be 100% sure where it may use Application.ProcessMessages internally. There are a lot of places where this is maybe used, and only by digging deep inside the sources I can check it out, but I'm never sure on what happens in future versions. procedure AnimateControlPositionXWait(AParent: TFmxObject; const NewValue: Integer); var A: TIntAnimation; begin TAnimator.StopPropertyAnimation(AParent, 'Position.X'); A := TIntAnimation.Create(AParent); try A.Parent := AParent; A.AnimationType := DefaultSlidingAnimationType; A.Interpolation := DefaultSlidingInterpoation; A.Duration := DefaultSlidingDuration; A.PropertyName := 'Position.X'; A.StartFromCurrent := True; A.StopValue := NewValue; A.Start; while A.Running do begin Application.ProcessMessages; Sleep(0); end; finally A.DisposeOf; end; end; The SetActiveTabWithTransitionAsync is maybe a good starting point for Async transitions, I will check that more deeply. TabControl1.SetActiveTabWithTransitionAsync( On the other hand I banned all unnecessary transitions from my apps anyway, because users don't feel like "cool" anymore, they often consider the UI as "slow".
  3. Everybody in the Pascal world MUST be active here
  4. Rollo62

    Copy Sqlite DB to tethered app

    Sorry, TLDR. These lines are a little doubtful to me. ms := TMemoryStream.Create; //<-- This is overwriting the formerly created TMemoryStream. ms := dmplanner.GetDbAsStream; I would expect some kind of CopyStream here.
  5. Google APIs have a quite relaxed free tier, but it may add monthly service cost if these limits were touched. You very likely will need an Google maps API key (I never used reverse GeoCode alone, only together with maps). (Sorry, already answered by Remy.) Apple reverse geocode is free (how unlikely is that ?).
  6. Rollo62

    Spring4D and IEqualityComparer<T>

    Thinking about Roslyn, it seems the hell had frozen already.
  7. Rollo62

    ANN: Find leaks in Delphi and C++ with Deleaker

    Thanks for clarification.
  8. Rollo62

    ANN: Find leaks in Delphi and C++ with Deleaker

    Does this tool also support FMX somehow and other platforms (iOS, Android, MaxOS, Linux) ?
  9. Please excuse my curiosity, I would like to know who is actually dealing with MacOS client apps.
  10. Rollo62

    Bluetooth not working with 10.3 on Mac?

    Not that I would recommend such harsh steps, but has anybody tried to reset something in the MacOS ? I'm not a Mac guy at all, so thats why I'm very hesitating to get any deeper into the Mac hardware secrets. Maybe there are other tools or settings which could help. Edit: Maybe it helps to search for differences in CoreBluetooth, which could affect Rx10.3.1 apps. Does anyboy know good MacOS forums for such kind of question ?
  11. Rollo62

    best practise sharing : 2 buttons with mrOK on a form

    One option would be to return two different "OK" in ModalResult from different buttons, like mrOK and mrYES. If that is what you mean.
  12. Rollo62

    Spelling and search

    Yes I like that idea too, but: This is just another service that reads ALL my texts I ever enter and sends them to their KI servers ... In my naivity I thought that Google and Facebook should make enough headache
  13. Hi there, maybe its too late today, but I don't see the reason why my app behaves different now. I updated to Rio 10.3.1, and made a new .dproj File by the IDE, to make all the necessary changes for iOS and Android. Now it shows the Launch-Screen in Debug mode on the deivice, but when I test via Release in Testflight, I just get a white, blank page. I have doublechecked everything, but I can see no reason. All settings in .dproj were doublechecked twice, against the old, working setting of 10.2.3. Nothing special. I added all icons and scxreenshots (including the new ones with different resolutions) I checked the icons for iPhone and iPad, they all are visible and OK in the IDEs "Application icons designer" In form SystemStatusbar I have black color, always, which is strange, since the launch sceen is white. Maybe this setting is only for the statusbar, but this is white during start too, only after start it went black, as usual. No error messages or warnings, all functions work fine, same in debug and release. I haven't checked the PNG file format yet, but I never got any issues, maybe now some special format is required. Anyhow all PNGs display fine in my graphics tools, as usual. I hope somebody could push me in the right direction, maybe tomorrow I see some light in the tunnel
  14. Thanks for the reminder Its always the best way if something get stuck to use the miracle "empty app" (so sad that this is the best method ...). Anyway, an empty app, only with my images launches of coarse (Release / Development should be similar binary as in AppStore). Interesting are the .dproj files, which have not much relevant differences I would say at first glance. The only intersting difference is, the deployment file: <DeployFile LocalName="..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_87x87.png" Configuration="Release" Class="iPhone_AppIcon87"> <Platform Name="iOSDevice64"> <Overwrite>true</Overwrite> </Platform> </DeployFile> <Deployment Version="3"> <DeployFile LocalName="..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_1242x2208.png" Configuration="Release" Class="iPhone_Launch1242"> <Platform Name="iOSDevice64"> <RemoteName>Default-1242w-2208h@3x.png</RemoteName> <Overwrite>true</Overwrite> </Platform> </DeployFile> These additional <DeployFile ... > items appear in the non-working project, the working/empty project doesn't have these special deployment settings.. Anyway also the working/empty project deploys these files correctly (what I can see during start), Both apps define the images in the same way. //empty app OK <iPhone_AppIcon57>..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_57x57.png</iPhone_AppIcon57> <iPhone_Launch1242>..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_1242x2208.png</iPhone_Launch1242> // non-working app (Debug OK / Release not OK) <iPhone_AppIcon57>..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_ApplicationIcon_57x57.png</iPhone_AppIcon57> <iPhone_Launch1242>..\_Assets\Icons\_App\iOS\iPhone\FM_LaunchImage_1242x2208.png</iPhone_Launch1242> So maybe there is something wrong with additional deployment versions ? Is there a way to reset them to default, so that I don'T have to re-create the whole .dproj file ? Edit Yes, that seems the case, but I don't know how I got there. The non-working project was re-created similar as the empty app, not long ago. So maybe I pressed the wrong buttons somewhere, very strange. Could this happen if adding files by the "resources and images" project option ? I think I better re-create the whole stuff again, to be sure and safe for the future. Thanks
  15. Hi there, everyday a new error message, when trying to send a debug version to iOS device via PASever. Nothing changed, all went fine before. I deleted the old all on the device, and re-build project, and start again. That seems to work. Hope that helps somebody, since this issue was never mentioned in the web before.
  16. Sorry. 10.3.1 Rio of coarse. XCode 10.x iOs 12.1.3 Sorry. Not in the Office. But should be all near latest version
  17. Rollo62

    Dragging a control with $F012

    What is $F012 ? Do you mean $F120 ? https://docs.microsoft.com/de-de/windows/desktop/menurc/wm-syscommand Cant you store the last mouse positions before, and redraw the lines, or did the window move to another place ?
  18. I used it for grouping (in very rare cases: type TMyEnum = ( None, GroupA = 100, A_1, A_2, GroupB = 200, B_1, B_2, Group_Last ); TMyEnum_Helper = record helper for TMyEnum function IsGroupA : Boolean; end; function TMyEnum_Helper.IsGroupA : Boolean; begin Result := (Value > TMyEnum.GroupA) and (Value < TMyEnum.GroupB); end; function TMyEnum_Helper.IsGroupB : Boolean; begin Result := (Value > TMyEnum.GroupB) and (Value < TMyEnum.Group_Last); end; I know thats a little smelly, so please don'T throw stones on my head. But I still find it very useful and efficient in some special cases, where I want to avoid a second variable for the grouping.
  19. Ok, I see. When I think of vectors, I look at simple shapes, which shouldn't take too much space. Such vectors could probably be layered above the original control, which I do sometimes when enhancing the original components. Unfortunately for TStyleControl based controls this is not working very well. Now I have to use e.g. TRectangles sometimes as background where TLayout would be enough too, if there would be an easy way to recolor. This is bloating code and components as well, while I think GPU supported vectors should be a more clean way to render. A way out could be of coarse also a more simple StylesEditor, which inclodes recoloring spaces and parts w/o export/import w/ Photoshop. I think of a kind of "Material Design" style, which is very clean, flat and easy to handle, and has the ability to configure lets say fill.Color and stroke.Color via runtime. If there is a chance that such style could be done, maybe for a reduced component set only, this would be very interesing IMHO. Because the current styles make it hard to make simple color changes on the fly, you mostly need a custom style for every color, which is very unreasonable. My solution to this is to add e.g. rectangles in one custom style, to get at least a visual solution working close to this, but unfortunately there is not a "golden way" to achieve this, instead there is a lot of special treatment needed for each simple control. If you see an easy solution to achive such kind of re-configurable material design, please let me know.
  20. Thanks for the proposals. Im missing such tinted color for the basic components. Buttons, Panels are fine. Listbox, Listview, TabControl, Label would be the minimim. The original components have different structure from platform to platform. Ideally I would prefer a style with basic vector objects only. E.g. I made a simple button component using TPath, works perfect and can be easily render any form. Why not make more use of vectors in styles ?
  21. Yes, but I think AndroidStudio does a very good job keeping the different versions all under one hood. XCode on the other side had already some critical breaks, refusing working together with RadStudio. On the other hand the yearly Apple provisioning desaster could be a good reason to keep also several XCode versions in one maching. At least XCode allows several versions side-by-side, using xcode-switch to change between. But that very clumsy, and I tend to avoid such scenario. I like the clean installs in VM, which also could be easily updated or completely new build from scratch. Of coarse you have a trillion Android devices, thats another story, and I personally don't think that there is the need to cover them all. If you focus on the main player (Samsung, LG, etc.) in the market, you already will get 80-90% coverage.
  22. Yes, for VCL this should be the right way. I'm curious about the different versions for Andoid and iOS, which can bring much instability into the builds. Do you work also with such OS in the FinalBuilder ? If so, are you working with AndroidStudio, having all the different Versions installed ? I think this could be quite easy. For iOS/MacOS this could be more difficult, so probably at least these could be running in separate OSX-VM. Maybe the right way is to have all RadStudio Versions and AndroidStudio on one machine, and the various OSX Versions in separate, small VMs ?
  23. Rollo62

    HTML Library & Fast Report

    I use HtmlComponents for Editor and viewer mainly. Its quite powerful, and I'm working on the move from RTF, Word, PDF, etc. to plain HTML + CSS, etc. The HtmlComponents seems best suited for this case, although it hase a little steep learning curve, but my larger plan is to have HTML as base exchange format on all platforms in the near future.
  24. Rollo62

    Mojave with RAD Studio 10.2.3?

    Thanks for the info, I had heard about "Marzipan" with one ear, but I'm not too deep into Apple developments. How do they handle Beta versions of XCode, OS, etc., do you have experience with that ? Would be also important for EMBT to have a well working Beta in hand soon enough. I hope their Beta policy avoids sudden changes before the final release is launched.
  25. One stupid queston: How do you manage all the different versions of related libraries and frameworks ? (like AndroidStudio, iOS Frameworks, etc.) Wouldn't it be simpler to keep each version into a separate, clean VM ?