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Everything posted by Rollo62

  1. I would say no, this seems to be SSL ceretificates, which are free from LetsEncrypt, but no proper CodeSigning certificates, IMHO. Please proove me wrong
  2. Rollo62

    XML library for Delphi on Android

  3. Rollo62

    Screen Brightness in iOS

    Nice idea. I understand this is for your personal phone, that will be fine, but if this is for the AppStore and the apps whole purpose is like this, then I'm afraid the reviewer will have a few questions ...
  4. Rollo62

    DLL Load Issue

    Maybe you should consider to work with, not against AI, one day
  5. Rollo62

    How to generate aab file

    @Patrick PREMARTIN Ok, well. I just checked this with a new project, you're abolutely right. It seems I had not created new keystores for a while then, or at least it didn't struggled me that there is no more alias password. Yes, under Release I can create the AAB, which is of course the only reasonable way, since the AAB is a bundle and contains 32 and 64 Bit bundles.
  6. Yes, I wanted to clarify WHAT exactly he wants to assign ...
  7. Edit: Ok, ok: procedure HappyAssignmentsFromHappyDeclarations; var stateOneItem : TShiftStateItem; statesetOneItem : TShiftState; begin // A single item stateOneItem := ssShift; // A set with a single item only statesetOneItem := [ ssShift ]; end;
  8. Rollo62

    How to generate aab file

    I'm not sure if this is needed, but my Keystores provide an KeyStore Password and an Alias Password as well. As far as I know this might be optional, but I always use it, and in your picture this field is empty. Perhaps that is the Problem?
  9. Rollo62

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    I'm using Parallels too, because at those days, VmWare Fusion was year behind and unsure to support Apple Silicon at all, while Parallels was way ahead and went clearly all-in. This forced me to move from my beloved VmWare to Parallels, and nowadays I would say that Parallels still is a step ahead, even if VmWare might get closer. The unclear strategy of VmWare at the time, and even today with Broadcom as their latest owner, I'm distracted enough that I haven't touched it for a while. No problems with Parallels so far.
  10. Ok then, another approach would be to pre-chop the large BMP into smaller BMP tiles, and show, pan and zoom through these smaller chunks only. Anyway, it depends if the images are more or less fixed data, like train tracks or city streets, or of this is realtime data, the latter would work neither way. My point is, that its not necessary to keep huge images in memory completely, if you only need a smaller fraction actively. I have seen an SVG of a chinese city, which really make no sense to load completely in the smallest zoom. You are better off with a smaller PNG of this view, because you can only see the overview and no details. Once you need the details, then you could switch to the next level of zoom and bring only those onto the viewport. Maybe something like Prezi is doing, only that this is vector based which make it much easier than multi-zoom tiles.
  11. Well I said it should be possible, I didn't say it will be easy 🙂 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BMP_file_format#DIBs_in_memory https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/75/BMPfileFormat.svg The PixelArray should be more or less linear. It depends how much pressure you have from your client, if its worth it, or if you better purchase a larger PC. The task sound a little, as if it is a kind of control system, where the purchase option is out of reach. Anyway, I know not much about the task yet, so also a kind of pre-conversion of those images into a better manageable "custom pixel-array" could be possible, from where you can more easy pan and zoom, and covert back into a real TBitmaps then, from a virtual viewport moving over a memory mapped file. Ok, if all this is nonsense, then I'm looking forward to see better proposals from others now.
  12. Rollo62

    Unit dependency viwer

    Not sure if I get your point, but you can de-select nodes easily. Isn't that enough?
  13. Yes, the OP is concerned about the in-memory use, of his many bitmaps at the same time in his app, which were already decompressed into TBitmaps, as far as I understand him right. These TBitmaps might work with a Paged memory mapped file for certain operations, to save in-memory space, what is so wrong to think about that? A Linear, decompressed Bitmap-File should be possible to handle, without loading it completely into memory first. Yes it might be terrible slow, but the images were probably more or less statically shown only, with very little operations to zoom and pan.
  14. Because, if you Zoom or only want to show parts of the file, you eventually don't need to load it all. Usually a full view of such large file is way too condensed anyway, to be viewed correctly, so you only need to show the reduced data to the user until he zooms in. Why is Google Maps not showing always the whole earth, but only tiles of it? 🤔
  15. Rollo62

    P4D Android visual component

    Maybe that works for you? https://blogs.embarcadero.com/python-on-android-with-delphi-fmx/
  16. Perhaps its possible to read and show the images partly, as memory mapped files, depending on the Zom factor. See this as example for large text files, from jaenicke in the german DP. https://www.delphipraxis.net/151898-sj-mmf-file-reader-0-2-schneller-textdatei-reader.html https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/memoryapi/nf-memoryapi-mapviewoffile
  17. Rollo62

    Notice on C++ Webinar today

    Hi there, I'm quite confused on the starting time of the C++ Webinar today. It shows 10:00 CST in the EMail note, which should be 17:00 in Germany. ... But it also tells me when joining Goto: 5 hours to go .... This would be 16:00 in Germany. I actually believe the Goto schedules, which should be correct, but something seems weird here. 🤔
  18. Rollo62

    Clipboard history

    It works on my Win 10 and Win 11 systems, although I confess that I never used this before. AFAIK there are methods to access the ClipboardHistory under Windows, which are implemented in WinRT only. Never used that either, mainly because the WinRT requirement.
  19. Rollo62

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Web app? Then TMS WebCore this is maybe intersting too https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az7X6jjDRd0&list=PLp3eFyNKVPpvCFj7lLTZjOoIjeH9pcdDA
  20. Rollo62

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    Yes, it moves between stable-unstable-stable over the years. But I can say also, that this is mainly because of external effects from Apple/Google, while Firemonkey tries its best to keep up. I have often seen original XCode and AndroidStudio developers, struggling with the same problems we saw in Delphi, only that those IDE's were maintained more eagerly. And to keep in mind, mobile development is way different to traditional desktop development, I fell into that trap too.
  21. Rollo62

    Delphi for Mobile Applications

    https://github.com/FMXExpress/Cross-Platform-Samples https://github.com/FMXExpress/CPP-Cross-Platform-Samples https://www.youtube.com/@QuarkCube/videos
  22. Rollo62

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    True, most of my machines get a 2nd life, afther their pre-life as Workstation. As Build-Server, other server, separate, small workstation for web-development, or the like, if they were no more good enough as main workstation. With Mac thats not so easy.
  23. You could fumble around with thwe RestDebugger tool, integrated in Delphi Tools https://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Athens/en/REST_Debugger_Tool When you're happy with this, you can generate and save the Delphi-Components with the right setup, to use 1:1 in Delphi.
  24. Rollo62

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    Yes they do, but I can not use my older MacBook for current development any more. For text editzors and web-Browsing it will be fine. I would recomment to use the latest, affordable Mac Mini with M2/3/4, since clearly this Apple Silicon is Apples future. No one knows, how long Intel will still be supported by Apple at all, I'm afraid my next major update will stuck on the old OS on Intel. They like to hard-cut and freeze older OS, even after a few years after purchase, which brings us back to the "Apple TAX". Not only their products have an extreme Price-Tag for the performance, they also enforce tp use the whole "ecosystem" and rebuy such maching after a few years. Now Windows is doing similar, after decades of backwards compatibilty, with Win10 to Win11, and the world complains massively. But Apple TAX is maybe the wrong expression, under these considerations, Apple MAFIA would hit it better It all depends on what you are using it for, if for development I would be careful.
  25. Rollo62

    Buying a mini pc to install Delphi

    It controls the mouse and you can transparently switch mouse and keyboard from one PC to the other, just by moving the mouse into the right viewport. That means you need 1x mouse and keyboard, but 2x display, one for each PC. That way you operate both machines at the same time, at least it feels like this.