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Posts posted by pyscripter

  1. 7 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    You can't be doing multithreaded programming where "whilst still not perfect" as a valid statement. It's got to be right.

    Absolutely right.  This is why I am passing the challenge to people like you, with much deeper knowledge than mine.  I would very much hope that @Primož Gabrijelčičfor instance, has a go at providing  a solution, since he has faced the very same issue in OmniThreadLibrary.

  2. @Darian Millerhas published a very nice article about the state of TThreadedQueue and TMonitor in Delphi.  He has also published at Github a stress test that shows how TThreadQueue still fails under stress.


    I have played with his stress test and concluded that the problem is almost certainly in TMonitor. TMonitor implements a lock-free stack to recycle events created with the CreateEvent function.   The relevant code in SysUtils is


      EventCache: PEventItemHolder;
      EventItemHolders: PEventItemHolder;
    procedure Push(var Stack: PEventItemHolder; EventItem: PEventItemHolder);
      LStack: PEventItemHolder;
        LStack := Stack;
        EventItem.Next := LStack;
      until AtomicCmpExchange(Pointer(Stack), EventItem, LStack) = LStack;
    function Pop(var Stack: PEventItemHolder): PEventItemHolder;
        Result := Stack;
        if Result = nil then
      until AtomicCmpExchange(Pointer(Stack), Result.Next, Result) = Result;

    This lock-free stack is used by NewWaitObj and FreeWaitObj which are part of the Monitor support protocol and used by TMonitor.   This works reasonably well, but under stress it fails.  The reason it fails is known as the ABA problem and is discussed in a similar context by a series of excellent blog posts by @Primož Gabrijelčičblog post 1, blog post 2, blog post 3.


    His OmniThreadLibrary contains the following routine that he uses to deal with this problem.

    /either 8-byte or 16-byte CAS, depending on the platform; destination must be propely aligned (8- or 16-byte)
    function CAS(const oldData: pointer; oldReference: NativeInt; newData: pointer;
      newReference: NativeInt; var destination): boolean;
    {$IFNDEF CPUX64}
      push  edi
      push  ebx
      mov   ebx, newData
      mov   ecx, newReference
      mov   edi, destination
      lock cmpxchg8b qword ptr [edi]
      pop   ebx
      pop   edi
    {$ELSE CPUX64}
      push  rbx                     //rsp := rsp - 8 !
      mov   rax, oldData
      mov   rbx, newData
      mov   rcx, newReference
      mov   r8, [destination + 8]   //+8 with respect to .noframe
      lock cmpxchg16b [r8]
      pop   rbx
    {$ENDIF CPUX64}
      setz  al
    end; { CAS }

    I have tried to use this function to provide a solution for TMonitor similar to the one in OmniThreadLibrary.  (see attached iaStressTest.TThreadedQueue.PopItem that can be used with the original stress test).  Whilst still  not perfect it helps a lot in 32 bits with say up to 100 threads.  However it crashes in 64bits and I do not know why.  I am posting this here in case anyone with better knowledge than mine of assembler and thread programming can help with the challenge of fixing TMonitor.  It would be nice to try and get a fix included in 10.4.  And even if it is not included, it can be easily used as a patch in the same way as in the attached code.




    • Like 3

  3. 9 minutes ago, pyscripter said:

    Let me thank again everyone that responded.   You said that the error-code is thread specific, this is not the way to check whether a specific API call failed etc., things I fully agree with, but which I knew already.


    My post just made an observation, probably not of any significance.  Whenever you run code in a thread, GetLastError always returns 87 which corresponds to a call with invalid parameters,  The original post asked two questions:

    1. Was this a known fact?
    2. More importantly why?  In other words, what is the API call in the TThread code, that sets this error?   Even if it is inconsequential, and I believe it is, I had the curiosity to find out.

    I don't think I got an answer to these questions.


  4. Let me thank again everyone that responded.   You said that the error-code is thread specific, this is not the way to check whether a specific API call failed etc., things I fully agree with, but which I knew already.


    My post just made an observation.  Whenever you run code in a thread, GetLastError always returns 87 which corresponds to a call with invalid parameters,  The original post asked two questions:

    1. Was this a known fact?
    2. More importantly why?  In other words, what is the API call that sets this error?   Even if it is inconsequential, and I believe it is, I had the curiosity to find out.

    I don't think I got an answer to these questions.

  5. @Der schöne GüntherI am not sure about the relevance of your quote. 


    No matter what your thread code is or how you run it (by inheriting from TThread, creating an anonymous thread or whatever), something results in an OS error 87 (it is always the same code) that corresponds to "parameter is incorrect".  This OS error has been raised before your thread code has started running.   And this has nothing to do with the return code of a thread.


    This is a problem because if you do any OS stuff in your thread code, and then you want to check whether an error was raised using CheckOSError, an exception will be raised. 


    A workaround would be to always start your thread code with the statement:



  6. The following code


    program ThreadOSError;
            On E: Exception do

    produces the following output in 10.3,3 in Windows.


    System Error.  Code: 87.
    The parameter is incorrect

    Same is true whichever way you run Thread code.


    Is this a known issue?  Any idea why the OS error is raised?

  7. On 2/1/2019 at 1:07 AM, Rudy Velthuis said:

    The compiler needs a type for Bob so it can know it should return a TTalking (through the Implicit operator) and not a TSmartPtr<TTalking>. There is no way around that.

    If you want type inference then add a new method:


    function SmartPtr<T>.Value: T;
      if FGuard <> nil then
        Result := FGuard.Value
        Result := nil;

    Then you can write:

        var Bob := SmartPtr<TTalking>(TTalking.Create('Bob')).Value;

    slightly more elegant than having three times TTalking on the same line.

  8. 2 hours ago, RDP1974 said:

    "They" should move if want to jump to the bandwagon of parallel computing (IMHO? Within 5 years will be the facto with dozens or hundred cpu cores as standard)-> hard to beat Elixir, Erlang, Go or those functional programming that offers built-in horizontal and vertical scalability (userland scheduler with lightweight fibers, kernel threads, multiprocessing over cpu hw cores, machine clustering... without modify a line of code)


    Funnily enough some of the most popular languages today, Python, JavaScript R and Ruby are single-threaded and you have to go out-of-your-way to use more than one cores.

    • Like 1

  9. 8 minutes ago, David Heffernan said:

    The issue is that x64 trig functions are very slow for very large values. Nobody actually wants to know sin for 99999999/pi radians.  Put in sensible values for the argument to sin and it looks more reasonable. For instance try using      



    Yes you are right...

  10. I revisited this thread  and tested the code below:


    program Project1;
    {$R *.res}
      TThreadPoolStatsHelper = record helper for TThreadPoolStats
        function Formatted: string;
      function TThreadPoolStatsHelper.Formatted: string;
        Result := Format('Worker: %2d, Min: %2d, Max: %2d, Idle: %2d, Retired: %2d, Suspended: %2d, CPU(Avg): %3d, CPU: %3d',
           self.MinLimitWorkerThreadCount, self.MaxLimitWorkerThreadCount,
           self.IdleWorkerThreadCount, self.RetiredWorkerThreadCount, self.ThreadSuspended,
           self.AverageCPUUsage, self.CurrentCPUUsage]);
      procedure Load;
        TParallel.For(0, 99999999, procedure(i: Integer)
        Writeln('PPL Test ---------------');
        Writeln('Before: '+ TThreadPoolStats.Current.Formatted);
        Writeln('Finished in '+SW.Elapsed.ToString);
        Writeln('After: '+TThreadPoolStats.Current.Formatted);
        on E: Exception do
          Writeln(E.ClassName, ': ', E.Message);

    This is the output




    PPL Test ---------------
    Before: Worker:  0, Min:  8, Max: 200, Idle:  0, Retired:  0, Suspended:  0, CPU(Avg):   0, CPU:   0
    Finished in 00:00:00.7620933
    After: Worker:  8, Min:  8, Max: 200, Idle:  7, Retired:  0, Suspended:  0, CPU(Avg):   8, CPU:  15



    PPL Test ---------------
    Before: Worker:  0, Min:  8, Max: 200, Idle:  0, Retired:  0, Suspended:  0, CPU(Avg):   0, CPU:   0
    Finished in 00:00:14.0655228
    After: Worker:  8, Min:  8, Max: 200, Idle:  7, Retired:  0, Suspended:  0, CPU(Avg):  85, CPU:   1


    Can anyone explain the huge difference in times? (it was consistent over many runs).


  11. @Attila Kovacs Thanks I missed that.  Now I get it.  The key is in 


    class function TLocation.FromValue(C: TRttiContext; const AValue: TValue): TLocation;
      Result.FType := C.GetType(AValue.TypeInfo);
      Result.FLocation := AValue.GetReferenceToRawData;

    If AValue contains an object, Flocation would a pointer to a pointer.  That was not the case in my testing.  He could do the dereferencing in this function of course.

  12. I was looking at an old blog post by Barry Kelly.  


    In particular the function:

    function TLocation.FieldRef(const name: string): TLocation;
      f: TRttiField;
      if FType is TRttiRecordType then
        f := FType.GetField(name);
        Result.FLocation := PByte(FLocation) + f.Offset;
        Result.FType := f.FieldType;
      else if FType is TRttiInstanceType then
        f := FType.GetField(name);
        Result.FLocation := PPByte(FLocation)^ + f.Offset;
        Result.FType := f.FieldType;
        raise Exception.CreateFmt('Field reference applied to type %s, which is not a record or class',

    I am puzzled by the line:

    Result.FLocation := PPByte(FLocation)^ + f.Offset;

    If Flocation is an object (FType is TRttiInstance type) and I am having a record field inside the object, the Result.FLocation should be PByte(FLocation) + f.offset, i.e. the same as for FType is TRttiRecord.


    Barry Kelly is probably the guy that wrote the Rtti stuff, so he knows what he is talking about.   What I am missing?

  13. @Dave NottageThanks for responding I am in Delphi 10.3.3.


    Here is what I see in verbose mode when I select Add New SDK as above and then press OK.




    The -version -skd happens while the dialog is showing.  Nothing seems to happen when I press OK.


    Do I need to download the SDK in the Mac?  The XCode version is 11.4.

