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Posts posted by limelect

  1. @skyzoframe[hun] The only way to reduce Is to zip and then open.

    I am using advrichedit which holds pictures and text obviously this

    move to a database.

    There are more options to decrease the size of the picture however

    the whole program takes up a lot of space.

    However, I am allowing to put a few pictures in the record which will bring back the

    size problem.

    Maybe the best is to decode as your suggestion to EMF file

    However, advrichedit is streamed into the DATABASE so I have

    To see how to split the data and use it.


    Waaa it starts to be complicated


    P.S using ADVrichedit is great as it allows printing in many formats

  2. @Fr0sT.Brutal number 4 in my first writing

    4. leaving only one large record in the database, NO PROBLEM. Record size 61094574.

    Can you elaborate on how to see memory consumption while debugging 

    do you mean to add software to the source at some points

    or there is an IDE tool for that which I never used?


    To make it clear your way might help but how?

    I was trying to do what you suggested with vmmap.exe.

    I tried a while ago but did not see anything special. all numbers were fixed.

    Do you have a simpler tool?


    P.S on my test program which has only a grid and button same

    logic works which let me assume that components are involved

  3. @programmerdelphi2k Sorry not to agree as since on my test program

    with 1 grid and a few buttons, this same database is reading all records

    even the large record.

    I suspect as the full program has lots of components altogether

    are the problem.

    Somehow the combination does the problem.


    P.S I send you the source for the test program and the database

    see the 5'th record and the test read it

  4. @Hans J. Ellingsgaard yes by now I tried all combinations.

    See above my last resort moving 1 record to memory freeing all

    components and using in-memory just 1 record tough large but only 1.

    I am left with no choice but to find which component/components

    have an impact on the program

    I am confident now that it is not only the database since I can insert, delete, change and do any manipulation on it.

    except for reading one record under the search condition.

    The search condition applies to all records with no problem only the use of 1 record.


    P.S all other records can be read (and there are more than 700 of them)

    with no problem.


    At the beginning of the problem, I started with SQL only then I changed to 

    combination of table and SQL.

  5. Well as a last resort to find what's making the problem 

    I developed many years ago what I call "scrounge the software"

    which means taking parts of the program/or components out

    until you reach what is your problem

    Obviously, work only on a copy of your program. 

    A lot of work but worth the self-teaching

  6. @aehimself I thought so too. One of my  tests was

    to delete all components involved


    Just one record !!!!

    FDMemTable1.CloneCursor(ProjectsFDTable);<< Move record to memory table
    //  FDMemTable1.RecordCount << check to see if data is inside

    >>>>>> Close and free all databases and even connections!!!


     FDMemTable1.FieldByName('Description').AsString;<<< Then use the record

    or this

    MyMemStream:=  ProjectsFDTable.CreateBlobStream(ProjectsFDTable.FieldByName('Description'),bmRead);

    crazy as it sounds memory problem.

    "That should minimize the memory usage." It did not


  7. @Daniel all I meant by this thread is that my test program just

    a DB grid and a few buttons the LOGIC is OK but on my full program

    with the same logic, I have a memory problem.

    I did not expect anyone to solve the problem as it is NOT a logic nor an SQL problem

    which I thought at the beginning.

    but a BIGGER Delphi problem as my main program is full of components 

    forms and more.

    I never saw such behavior with hunters of projects behind me.

    This is a warning to the Delphi community about what to expect.

    And finally, I hope I am wrong.


    P.S I will keep looking into this problem


  8. @programmerdelphi2k I do not believe your solution did it.But it did

    also, it is on my test program I now will move to my main program

     MyMemStream:=  ProjectsFDTable.CreateBlobStream(ProjectsFDTable.FieldByName('Description'),bmRead);


  9. Number 4 in my description

    It is a ftBlob

    4. leaving only one large record in the database, NO PROBLEM. Record size 61094574.

    If I leave 1 record NO PROBLEM. it has nothing to do with DB.

    Only the Delphi program This is what I think and I might be wrong

    Maybe you have something?

    I read the blob into a string  then

    St := TStringStream.Create(s);



    If the above works on any small record it is not the logic.

  10. 1. It will be too complex to split the data as it is text and pictures going into TAdvRichEditor

    2. As seen from my explanation I clear all the records and left only with one record big one

       And this is OK.

    3. I free all the connections and database as it will not have any effects

        and left with one record in-memory database that did not help.

     This supposes to have smaller program memory. It did not.

    4. Once the program uses a large chunk of memory I am stacked with it.


    I made hundreds of professional programs making money out of them never had

    such behavior.

  11. After so many years of successful Delphi, I almost give up

    on my free program.

    After out of memory  I made a new test program and this is what I came up with

    1. NO PROBLEM with SQL.

    2. I use SQLite for the database.

    3. I have a large database.

    4. leaving only one large record in the database, NO PROBLEM. Record size 61094574.

    5. USING the whole database reading into string s := FDMemTable1.FieldByName('Description').AsString;

       make out of memory error. BUT

    6. This same instruction works when the table is ONLY this one record. This large record

    7. Now for my solution that does not do much. I thought if I free most of the database the program

         memory will decrease.So I use the memory table to load 1 record


    8.   i := FDQuery4.FieldByName('SectionsId').AsInteger;
      ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := False;
      ProjectsFDTable.Filter := 'FilesIndex=' + IntToStr(i);
      ProjectsFDTable.Filtered := True;
      FDMemTable1.CloneCursor(ProjectsFDTable); <<< I load the memory database with 1!!!! record.
    //  FDMemTable1.RecordCount << made sure memory has something

    >>>>>>>>> I close and free all my tables to be left with 1 record in memory.

     FDConnection1.Close;<< even the connection
      s := FDMemTable1.FieldByName('Description').AsString;<<<< memory error.


    P.S the above software give me 5 filtered record

    Using 4 of them does not make any error only the large one.


    I doubt that anyone can help since it is not a database problem but a Delphi PROGRAM problem.

    Once I use a database the program memory is large and unmanageable.

    Unless someone else thinks differently.


    Luckily I do not make money out of this program so I keep searching for solutions for knowledge only.

    I think I will move to a different DATABASE as it is my only option.

    Or give the user an option to make a new database when it reaches a certain size.


    One thing adding records does not have any problems. 

    I wrote this for the benefit of you the developer to know what is going on with my SQLite database.

  12. FMX

      // RTL
      System.UITypes, System.Classes, System.SysUtils,
      // FMX
      FMX.Memo, FMX.Types, FMX.Graphics, FMX.Controls.Model, FMX.Controls.Presentation;


    am I wrong?

  13. @Lars Fosdal If I used the logic on SQL I had a memory 

    problem I used the table to filter with the OR logic. For example

    I got 3 records out of 750. Using these records I did the SQL with

    SectionsId=FilesIndex' and this did it.

    For the time being.


    It seems that using tables (if you can) is better at least in my case.
