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David Heffernan

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Posts posted by David Heffernan

  1. 1 hour ago, Mahdi Safsafi said:

    There is another way without specifying explicitly the generic type param and it generates the same output. Internally slice requires dst(open array type), src(pointer type) and of course a count(integer type). It uses src to get the pointer and dst info to compute the offset meaning you can provide a fake declaration for the source:

     type TOpenArray = array[0 .. 0] of Byte;
     POpenArray  = ^TOpenArray ;
     MergeSort(Slice(POpenArray(@values[mid])^, len - mid));


    What does this offer over what Stefan posted in his article? 

  2. If you are not working in A, B and C then you simply should never see any conflicts. My guess is that someone in your organisation is using git incorrectly. No reason at all that you should have any troubles with all this in a single repo. 

    • Like 2

  3. FWIW, I have always installed Delphi, even as far back as D6 under program files. Once Vista and UAC arrived, I recall having to add a couple of permissive ACLs onto a couple of files, but it was pretty trivial. And had the benefit of keeping my machine nice and tidy.


    I understand that people have different preferences, but I just wanted to point out that installing under program files is not as terrifying as it can be made out.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mike Torrettinni said:

    This seems to be the winner, so far.

    It doesn't need any extra setting up (Funcs arrays, temp variables, ...). I can add as many as I need, and I don't need to change any other expressions (Result := A or B ...).

    The simpler Result := Eval(...) or Result = A or B... looked really good in simple examples, but as soon as you have any comments needed or additional conditions, the winner becomes a better choice.


    Thank you, I really appreciate all suggestions!

    You still need comments for future readers. 

    • Like 2

  5. Why don't you use the native Win32 TEdit but just enable CTRL+BACKSPACE?






    in an overridden CreateWnd. Use an interposer, or some other mechanism to get this code to run.

    • Like 1

  6. 16 hours ago, at3s said:

    I'm interesting, if it's possible to call a Fortran function within the Delphi code like libopenblas.dll does?

    When you said that I thought you meant that you were not able to call libopenblas from Delphi.  But then you later said that you were doing that.  So I still don't understand that statement.


    Notwithstanding, I am sure you will be able to work out which library is best suited to your needs.

