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Everything posted by Sherlock

  1. Sherlock

    ActionList Editor: New Standard Action...

    I'm guessing this is one of the shortcomings of Jira Service Manager vs. Jira. I considered the option to vote for a call a good thing too.
  2. @Rick_Delphi Please don't kill this forums raison d'ĂȘtre. 😉
  3. Funny this has remained unmentioned thus far: Object Pascal Handbook by Marco CantĂč ...especially because it is free.
  4. Sherlock

    Do you need an ARM64 compiler for Windows?

    Well, considering Windows on ARM will be gaining momentum as soon as some of these https://www.windowscentral.com/hardware/laptops/here-are-the-9-pc-makers-supporting-qualcomms-game-changing-snapdragon-x-elite the streets, it might be a smart move to get the compiler running. But that's just my totally unprofessional opinion. On the other hand, MS themselves are increasing the pressure. Just look at the agenda for this years "Build": https://build.microsoft.com/en-US/sessions/9d806202-be61-4b5d-ba0d-59ecfcaf0482?source=sessions
  5. Now where would be the fun in that?
  6. Sometimes I'm thankful for my ignorance. I didn't even know it was possible to concatenate without the +. Otherwise I would be in Anders' position and screaming bloody murder.
  7. Sherlock

    Writing if statement in the Code Editor

    D12.1, 100%, Dark Theme. Broken behavior: And there is enough space above and below for the hint to move.
  8. I think it is not filling the fields themselves, but the words used to fill them. Some "Heuristics" are really just that simple. Take Windows UAC installer detection for example. If an exes name contains Install, setup or even patch it will automatically need to be run with elevated privileges. If however you provide a manifest requesting a non elevated execution level the UAC will not elevate.
  9. Sherlock

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Web installer worked fine for me too. Impressive list of fixes. Worried about the future of bug tracking though.
  10. Sherlock

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    Just spent the last 30 minutes staring at the screen, waiting for progress. Task manager showed high load in MS Defender...so I finally killed that and now the web installer is running. I wonder what was amiss there....
  11. Sherlock

    Delphi 12.1 is available

    This is 12 patch 1 version info. They must have done something....
  12. Sherlock

    Regression - Delphi 12 - IsZero()

    OK here's what I don't get. Seeing this const FuzzFactor = 1000; SingleResolution = 1E-7ï»ż * FuzzFactor; DoubleResolution = 1E-15 * FuzzFactor; I have to ask myself, why not const SingleResolution = 1E-4; DoubleResolution = 1E-12; Sure the calculation happens only once, and FuzzFactor seems to explain a magic number but then we still have those other magic numbers... just an observation.
  13. Sherlock

    Bugs - where to write to fix it?

    The word you are looking for is "incomplete".
  14. D'uh! Should have figured that one out by myself. Sorry about that. Carry on.
  15. I feel you got a typo in your code, @dummzeuch type TNullableDateTime = record private FIsValid: INullableTypesFlagInterface; FValue: TDateTime; public function Dump: string; // other methods and operators end; // ... implementation // ... function TNullableDateTime.Dump: string; begin if IsValid then Result := DateTimeToStr(Value) // <- should be FValue? else Result := '<invalid>'; end; Should the Dump function not refer to FValue?
  16. Sherlock

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    OK, so after a test run and wondering what took so long for a barely more than "Hello World" project... the product seems to have an issue with UNC paths. Filed it as #17
  17. Sherlock

    DelphiLint v1.0.0 released!

    For your assets on the Releases page please, please don't use the Codenames only. I just sat in front of my Delphi with an open project and could not quickly find out if the ubiquitous number 12 represents the elusive city of Alexandria or Athens, unsure of which of your Assets to download. If you must waste space by using Codenames, then please at least waste two spaces more by adding the version you mean to address....or to satisfy my Monkness scrap the Codenames altogether.
  18. Sherlock

    A gem from the past (Goto)

    Nice find @Lars Fosdal
  19. Congrats. I got used to VM, running a Windows VM on a Mac made it easy to develop for three platforms (Win, macOS, iOS)... never tried Android, but should work out.
  20. Rolling back the VM is not an option?
  21. I'm on the edge of my seat to see where this will lead...
  22. I was tasked with finding a way to know if files have been altered. The possible alterations can only be caused by either system failure or a semi malicious person as the computer is not connected to a network and the gain for said person is...minimal at best. In both cases the altered files would have to be recreated instead of reused which would slow down a different process a bit. In short these are cache files. And of course the best way to know if a file has been altered without permission is a hash, since Windows permissions are sketchy at best. One of these files grows by roughly 2600 Bytes every 5 seconds, and therefore it would be necessary to rehash after each such interval. The system would be generating up to 20 of these files "simultaneously" with each of these files being about 6 hours long on average and may peak at 24 hours. So in Bytes we are talking on average 11MB peaking to 44MB. Here's the question: What would be the best way to do this without to much of an impact on performance. I could use Delphis built-in hashing system.Hash.TSHA1. It is pretty straight forward, but before I dive in on the shallow end of this pool and break my neck...perhaps one of you has a better suggestion.
  23. Sherlock

    Work for Embarcadero Sales!

    Done @David Millington https://www.delphipraxis.net/214805-arbeite-fuer-den-embarcadero-vertrieb.html
  24. Sherlock

    How to quickly hash growing files

    OK, but my application might crash and then the file might not have been hashed or even written. But I guess I could express the need to perform a "complete reload" after a crash. But it's not nice...
  25. Sherlock

    Delphi and "Use only memory safe languages"

    There's an argument I can subscribe to: Spare us the syntactic sugar of the last 15 years and concentrate on the bug fixing. Digit separators, generics, inline variable declaration, multiline string literals, string-like operations support for dynamic arrays? Can them all, and burn the heretics who asked for them