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Posts posted by Sherlock

  1. On 8/7/2023 at 5:01 PM, Mohammed Nasman said:

    Hi Ian, 

      It seems an easy one, PM me and I will help you.


    Yeah, I'm sorry, but that is not how this forum works. If every question would be resolved via PM, anyone looking for an answer to the same questions would get to find nothing here... and have no motivation to share his knowledge in this forum.

    • Like 2

  2. 8 hours ago, alogrep said:

    Funny thing: I put IDE in the serach of this newsgroup and get zero results.

    The forum search requires single words to be at least 4 letters. Sorry, there is not much to do about it. You can try searching less broad by using more than one keyword i.e. "IDE freeze"

  3. This is a highly specialized subject and neither my job nor my personal interests got me all to involved in this area of computer science. So as a layman, if I understand this correctly, he'll have to go back to the drawing board, as soon as he discovers characters are now UTF8, UTF16 or even UTF32, because his finely tuned algorithm is designed for single byte characters. Or is it as easy as switching data types?

  4. 14 hours ago, David Schwartz said:

    One red-flag to me is the CMMI Level 3. This means you're not changing any line of code that isn't tied back to a change request somewhere in Jira. 

    That is actually not as horrible as you might think. In fact the exact opposite, once you work with more than two folks on a project AND need to save time on discussions about who changed what and why. On a side note: ISO 9001 is a joke, try ISO 13485 and IEC 62304 for a less fun time.

  5. To be fair, Microsoft has declared SMBV1 deprecated as early as 2014 And recent installations of Wins 10 and 11 have SMBV1 deactivated by default. Finally killing it now altogether seems logic and overdue. And if you ask Ned Pyle (Microsofts guy in charge of this) you should have gotten rid of it years ago: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/storage-at-microsoft/stop-using-smb1/ba-p/425858


  6. @Rollo62Consider the amount of data processed at CERN according to https://home.web.cern.ch/science/computing they process more than 30PB a year. Another example may come from Astrophysics' EHT with enormous data https://eventhorizontelescope.org/technology  gathered simultaneously all over the world and then correlated in Bonn and at MIT. Off the top of my head just two examples with really high volume data. I learned not to question the why...the who might be interesting though, if the OP may reveal it.

    In the end 300 Billion Bits are a mere 37,5 Gigabytes, BTW.

  7. Just out of curiosity: What kind of software are you developing and what kind of customers do you have, that causes them to check if your software runs on a more or less early beta of iOS? Most customers I know of, don't care about the installed iOS version and aren't even aware of impending new ones.
