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Lars Fosdal

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Everything posted by Lars Fosdal

  1. Lars Fosdal

    Welcome, users of C++Builder

    @Der schöne Günther I moved the first and the last, but the middle one appears to be GExperts specific.
  2. [dcc32 Fatal Error] One.OfMyUnits.pas(1686): E2158 System unit out of date or corrupted: missing '@Clr' Clean / Build does not fix it. And - it happens on our build server too! Have any of you seen this one before?
  3. Lars Fosdal

    LibPhonenumber Delphi-wrapper

    Using a DLL off github without source code? Unthinkable.
  4. Lars Fosdal

    do any git tools work like this?

    Is people happy with the situation? If not - refactor. Make it right. If people don't want to, they lose the right to complain.
  5. Lars Fosdal

    My Rx10.4.1 Compiler and LSP Patches diary

    The "hidden window" is the UAC asking for confirmation. Since Windows 10, it is a FERKING ANNOYING THING! It was easier to notice when it always popped up full screen immediately, but they made it like this to avoid people pressing enter for an OK or Cancel.by accident. IMO, MS should change it to a dialog where you must enter something by clicking multiple buttons in a specific order or draw a shape to continue.
  6. Lars Fosdal

    DelphiCon 2020

    https://delphicon.embarcadero.com/ I guess everybody has received the spam informational emails?
  7. Lars Fosdal

    Feature Request for String Paste As

    No worries.
  8. Lars Fosdal

    Feature Request for String Paste As

    I just need better reading comprehension, @Attila Kovacs. My bad.
  9. Lars Fosdal

    Feature Request for String Paste As

    It is pseudocode - the way we'd want it to work - and as I said, there has been QP or QC's created for this before.
  10. Lars Fosdal

    Feature Request for String Paste As

    I totally agree, and it has been suggested for years. No joy so far. Unneeded whitespace and linebreaks should be eliminated. LSQL := "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE myCol=1 ORDER BY id DESC";
  11. Requeuing Stages is most welcome! We have stages that sometimes fail due to transient external circumstances. Is it possible to "manipulate" an exported file (change strings) and reimport it, or is the file integrity checked somehow?
  12. Cristian was the first to spot the blog article: https://blogs.embarcadero.com/delphi-compiler-and-lsp-patch-for-rad-studio-10-4-1/
  13. Lars Fosdal

    Outdated Delphi Roadmap

    The lack of a progress indicator in the GetItCmd process is annoying.
  14. I have an affection for Shell's sort - but it has a weakness as it does not preserve order for equal rows, which is easily worked around - but then again, it is not recursive and does not degrade on already sorted or partially sorted lists.
  15. Ordered the epub+print version.
  16. Lars Fosdal

    Having fun with Delphi

    That would be poor design of a class lib, IMO. 😞 Unfortunately not a rare thing in newer Delphi releases.
  17. Lars Fosdal

    Having fun with Delphi

    @Attila Kovacs What about System.IOUtils.TPath.Combine?
  18. I pay an arm and a leg for WordPress' own hosted version for https://larsfosdal.blog so I that wouldn't have to think about these things. I wonder if that also leaks these things?
  19. Lars Fosdal

    Common callback functions, or not?

    @Dany Marmur Unless they added new warnings in 10.4, they do not? It is perfectly legal to capture a variable or property whose content may change during execution, while you wanted to capture a specific value of that variable or property. It is easy to miss. The workaround is to always assign that variable to a local variable that you reference in the anon method.
  20. Lars Fosdal

    Common callback functions, or not?

    I like anon procs too - but unfortunate variable captures can be easy to miss.
  21. https://www.crystalnet-tech.com/RuntimeLibrary/RuntimeLibrary4Delphi Have any of you tried this lib?
  22. Lars Fosdal

    LiveBindings question

    I don't use LiveBindings, but intuitively that doesn't strike me as something that I would do in a data change driven event? But - then again, I don't use LiveBindings.
  23. Lars Fosdal

    CrystalNet - .Net Runtime Library for Delphi

    Yeah, I wondered about that one too. Maybe it is just smoke and mirrors...
  24. I think I have seen at least four posts about this issue, so here is a sticky.