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David Hoyle

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Posts posted by David Hoyle

  1. I've just installed FixInsight and it crashes the IDE on close down. Stack trace below (from another instance of the IDE).

    :1d8872cd ; D:\Documents\RAD Studio\Binaries\FixInsight\FixInsight.Parser.dll
    :1d8875af ; D:\Documents\RAD Studio\Binaries\FixInsight\FixInsight.Parser.dll
    :1d8afb07 ; D:\Documents\RAD Studio\Binaries\FixInsight\FixInsight.Parser.dll
    :1e6c524f ; D:\Documents\RAD Studio\Binaries\FixInsight\FixInsight_10_4.bpl
    :500683eb @IntfClear + $13

    I'll report this later on tonight - need food first.

  2. Its a little difficult to answer, not knowing what you are trying to achieve but editor key bindings do have limitations.

    There is nothing obvious in the OTA that suggests why it doesn't work for DFM (code) however an alternative would be to install an action in the IDE and handle it from there.

    You could also use the INTAEditServicesNotifier.WindowComand() to see if the keyboard binding is received by the DFM code editor.


    Just think while rereading your message, are you referring to the form designer? If so, it's not a code editor and so will not react to key bindings so you would need to use actions.

  3. Uwe,

    I have the same issue with one of my application. The app allows the user to adjust the main font by a few points (so old people like me can read the text) but the down side is as you describe: either loose style and colour changes or do extra work. So I would vote yes for some change to the style elements similar to below

    TStyleElements = set of (seFont, seFontName, seFontSize, seFontStyle, seFontColour, seClient, seBorder)


  4. Re: Circular reference, I don't think so. You are specifying a PATH variable for your account (user account), rather than the machine, so you are inheriting the path picked up by the IDE (from the shell) and then appending to it.

    Its just the same as starting a comment prompt and doing

    SET PATH=%PATH%;D:\Path\

    to add a new temporary directory to the path.

  5. I generally put these kind of functions in a record to group them and only put the inline directive in the interface however I do place a {$IFNDEF DEBUG} around the inline directive as I’ve found that I could not step through the methods while debugging. I know you need to keep the GExperts code backwards compatible so the record group is just a nice to have thing.

  6. Thomas,

    After reading this (and installing GExperts yesterday) Norton decided to remove the setup programme from my backups (currently being written) a few minutes ago.

    Its a generic trojan signature from 2014 (see link below).

    Are you using an old installer, say an INNO Setup from a few years ago (not saying there is anything wrong with INNOSetup as I use it myself) as I've had issues with Norton and INNOSetups for my application in recent months and I've had to submit false positives to prevent the removals?



  7. In-line variables work in Delphi except for a few corner cases where you have to define the type as well as the assignment (think creating interfaced objects), its the IDE's Error Insight, Code Completion, etc that don't understand them and can make life difficult.
