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Everything posted by Stano

  1. Stano

    Delphi or Lazarus/Free Pascal

    Every time I see your name, I look forward to a long post. I honestly mean it as a compliment.
  2. Stano

    FB-3 Create a New Table

    I already gave him a link to the Fb forum here. But he is unteachable
  3. Stano

    The Delphi 11.2 release thread

    So I turned off Auto invoke and am using CnPack. I rarely need to run an LSP. It is OK for me. My experience is that LSP does not remember history.
  4. Stano

    Delphi Registration

    I have on my tongue in such situations: What do you want from stupid Americans. They are only interested in money. Nothing more. Managers must have studied at Oxford. They have high self-esteem and are completely detached from reality. They also only have eyes on dollars/euros. They are deaf and blind. Please don't take it personally. I am quite disgusted by it. I have already commented on it. I will not repeat myself and throw peas on the wall. I can hear the death knell ringing
  5. Stano

    Delphi Registration

    If you are asked to register, select the option that you own the license file. Then you give it to him. In the worst case, nothing happens. I just managed to register. It's a good idea to delete all registrations beforehand. But you wrote that he wouldn't let you in there Another option is to contact the supplier for help.
  6. Stano

    Delphi Registration

    Um, can't use the license regXX.txt file for that?
  7. Stano


    It is nicely explained here https://groups.google.com/g/firebird-support/c/gi06-4Uk3Yw
  8. Stano

    Remove empty event handler

    It happens to me with some. Typically FormCreate...
  9. OT if (dm.tb_design_master.state=dsEdit) or (dm.tb_design_master.state=dsInsert) then I prefer to use if (dm.tb_design_master.state in [dsEdit, dsInsert) then In such cases if Length(DBEdit19.Field.AsString) > 0 then I use if Length(Trim(DBEdit19.Field.AsString)) > 0 then
  10. Stano

    create a popupmenu from a SQL

    Use the function Copy()
  11. Stano

    Disable fade effects

    Perhaps this is due to the OS settings themselves. All visual effects are one of the first things I turn off with a new OS.
  12. Stano

    MMX blocks IDE

    Several times it happened to me that MMX blocked my IDE. ComboBox (Return) Type flashes. CPU goes to ~12%. Sometimes it stops. Now I got to this state as follows: I made changes to the forms I closed the form without saving the changes
  13. Stano

    MMX blocks IDE

    I think the same. But I have no idea what it could be. It happens sporadically. Fortunately, with a large time gap. I use CnPack and Project Magician I would like to know what the selected ComboBox reacts to. Maybe that will help me figure something out.
  14. I'm not an expert, but in my opinion Action := caFree; frees things in the form, but not the form itself. I am happy to learn. Personally, I would just show and hide the form. It did not destroy and set to null. I don't know if such behavior is suitable for the given situation. I won't get involved in your business anymore. I can't do it
  15. In any case, I miss FDetailForm.Free; I don't know if it will help.
  16. Stano

    Using my custom controls in Design Time

    An option I know of is to create your own component based/derived from e.g. Edit. Then follows the creation and installation of the package.
  17. I would not receive an answer from the supplier until Monday. So I turn to this community. I found the following: I have Win 11. Delphi reports Win 10 and version D11.0. See attachments. I installed both patches. However, uninstalling and reinstalling Delphi didn't happen even once! The fact that something is wrong is reflected in the user environment. It doesn't work as it should. The initial installation was using a file on the disk: RADStudio_11_esd_1006491.exe 153.79 MB. As far as I know, I should be using the Web Install. She probably was, but probably weird. I don't know how to get to it from a clean PC, without using a file on disk. Do I have to install D11.00 + Patch1 + Patch2 sequentially? Or is directly Patch2 enough? Considering the short installation times, this is not so important. Thanks in advance and I hope for an early reply. I want to reinstall the whole thing so that I have it 100% correct. Installing third-party software is not a problem.
  18. Stano

    Strangely installed Delphi

    I was able to download the file for 11.1. It looks good. It prints W11
  19. Stano

    IfThen Oddity...

    I've never seen it either. Note, there is also System.Math.IfThen
  20. No issues were found to match your search Try modifying your search criteria I have a saying: my laziness, don't leave me!
  21. Better put a link here. Let us not look for it. I won't vote for you this way
  22. Stano

    FB-3 Delete

    So in the WHERE section use EXISTS and there the appropriate SELECT. I "admire" people like you. You won't read the help, you won't give us the information we need and you'll insist on your own! If you were close at hand, you would have already gotten an earful
  23. Stano

    FB-3 Delete

    What is this: JOIN ORDERS O ON O.ID = OD.ID You did not show us the definitions of the tables. If you don't have a foreign key in the Detail tab, you have a bad DB design. Redo it. No, you have to delete the Master record, and DB will take care of deleting all linked records in Detail.
  24. Stano

    FB-3 Delete

    You are just like me. You are giving insufficient data, information. First, a supplementary question: do you want to first delete the records in the Detail table and then in the Master? Because if so, then I think you don't understand relational databases. I am convinced that you should deal with it in the definition of the table. You have a foreign key there. There should be DELETE CASCADE.
  25. Look at the properties of the file, the details. There you have the version... Give it here