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Posts posted by corneliusdavid

  1. You're on the right screen: it's Code parameters. The Delay affects how quickly the tooltip will appear (or at least that's the idea--it doesn't display at all for me automatically if the delay is anything but "None").


    You can always manually activate it by hitting Ctrl+Shift+Space.

    • Like 1

  2. Re-reading the StackOverflow question and looking more closely at my HTML, I realized I was missing the name attribute in the input element. Now my Files property is being filled and I can save the uploaded file. 🙂

    <form action="UploadFile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <label for="MyFile">Select file to upload:</label><br />
      <input type="file" id="MyFile" name="MyFile">
      <button type="submit">Upload</button>


  3. I've got a small WebBroker application that requests the user to choose a file which is then posted to another page of the WebBroker application. The web form's HTML is like this:

     <form action="UploadFile" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      <label for="MyFile">Select file to upload:</label><br />
      <input type="file" id="MyFile">
      <button type="submit">Upload</button>

    The TWebApplicationItem that handles the "/UploadFile" path is trying to get the file to upload so it can save it on the server but I can't find documentation or an example of how to do this.


    I've tried looking at both TRequest.ContentFields and TRequest.Files properties but they're always empty. I found an old StackOverflow question relating to this that mentioned including the ReqMulti unit so that it parses the multi-part form but that didn't fill the Files property for me. Finally, I called Request.ExtractContentFields but it just gave me the same raw string, ('------WebKitFormBoundaryBRM3RcInbYBqzsVj--') that I saw in the TRequest.Content property. From what I've been reading, I should be able to create a TFileStream and somehow use the Content property to read the file from the headers but I'm not sure how to get the file information.


    Can someone point me in the right direction?

  4. 58 minutes ago, Randall Carpenter said:

    We have apparently registered one of the Serial numbers too many times.  If I load the IDE, the message appears that I have too many copies running. 

    Registering a serial number too many times is one problem--and easily solved by requesting a registration number bump. However, your second sentence indicates a different problem: You have too many copies of Delphi running with the same serial number.  I believe the max is 2.


    I run into this once in a while if I leave Delphi up in a virtual machine and switch to a different VM to check a different project. If I forget to close one of them down and then leave the office with my laptop and try to use Delphi on that, I get the warning and have to remote into one of the VMs and close one down.


    So, using your second serial number to register a second copy of Delphi should solve your problem.  And to answer your question, no, registering Delphi does not affect third party packages.

  5. Sometimes this happens to me as well but then I realize I had a file open from a different project or the line of code was excluded because of conditional compilation of some sort. Other times, the background compiler that does syntax checking just hasn't realized the line of code is able to be debugged; in that case, I just do a project Build All and it often solves the problem.

  6. There are several different licenses for different installation types of InterBase, but I'm assuming you're not using the Developer, Desktop, ToGo, or IBLite licenses.


    I'm pretty sure that it is not tied to a specific CPU or computer however, if one instance of a licensed InterBase is running and a second instance with the same license starts up, I think you'll get a license error. Whether or not Embarcadero tracks where the license is coming from, I'm not sure.

  7. procedure TForm1.MenuItem1Click(Sender: TObject);
      I: integer;
      list: TStringList;
      AItem1: TListViewItem;
      list := TStringList.Create;
      for I := 0 to ListView1.Items.Count - 1 do
         AItem1 := ListView1.Items[I];
         name := AItem1.Data['Text1'].AsString;
         phone := AItem1.Data['Text2'].AsString;
         index := AItem1.Data['Text3'].AsString;
         list.Add(name + sLineBreak + phone + sLineBreak + index + sLineBreak);

    You don't need ListView1ItemClick at all for this.

    • Like 2

  8. The WebBroker project is a cross-platform project, compiling to Windows or Linux depending on the platform selected.  Therefore, all the code, data modules, settings, etc. are exactly the same between the two. This all runs on my Windows 10 machine where I have 1) IIS, 2) Apache for Windows, 3) Apache for Linux in a Linux subsystem, all running simultaneously but listening on different ports. The database is an InterBase database on a different machine. All data from all apps on all platforms are pulling from the same table from the same database.


    Yes, I'm sure there's data--I can see it by simply switching the port on the browser's address line to access a different web server to test it out. And, like I mentioned previously, a different web action item in the same WebBroker project that queries for a specific record (without using the DataSetTableProducer) works just fine on all platforms, even Apache for Linux. This alone verifies the Apache for Linux version of the project is connecting successfully to the database and can return data--and that there is actually data.


    For an example of what this looks like, you can visit MyParks.net which is running a separate copy of this project I built for IIS before doing the Apache version.  All the code and data modules are the same (except for some minor differences in setting up logging) and it points to the same database from which I'm testing the Apache versions.

  9. The code I showed above is pretty minimal. The logging is from LoggerPro and simply writes a line to a file. The dmParksDB.OpenParks simply opened the FireDAC query, which as I looked at the source for the DataSetTableProducer, realized is completely unnecessary. So basically, the code above could be reduced to:

      Result := dstpMyParks.Content;
      on e:Exception do
        Log.Error(e.Message, LOG_TAG);

    which does not call any of my library routines until logging the error message in the exception handler, and there are no errors in the log (but plenty of log messages before and after this).


    And for the record, I modified my code to look like the above with no change.


    I should also note I have been using a regular PageProducer to show nice headers and footers with an HTMLTag in the PageProducer's HTML that gets replaced in OnHTMLTag with the DataSetTableProducer.Content in the code above. I replaced that PageProducer and hooked it up directly to the DataSetTableProducer which still works for Apache for Windows (not quite as pretty because it doesn't have the surrounding header/footer HTML) and still does not work for Apache for Linux.


    So yes, I've cut out as much of my own code as possible to eliminate the possibility it's something I'm doing.


    There are two possibilities left: 1) there's some setting in FireDAC or WebBroker I have missed that needs to be configured differently when running under Apache for Linux, or 2) I've uncovered a bug somewhere in FireDAC or WebBroker.

  10. Interesting. So, what would that imply? FireDAC's TDataSet requires a TTimer or multi-threading of some sort?

    My debugging shows the query is returning records. In fact, I set up a memory table and copied the records there, switched the table producer to point to the memory table but it still shows an empty page. I guess that's not surprising as the problem is higher up, either with the TDataSet or the TDataSetTableProducer.


    As another test, I created a console-based Windows web sever using the same data modules, thinking for sure the console wait-cursor would work--nope.


    Oh well, this is not a critical issue, more of a curiosity; although I'm now leery of writing Linux web modules...

  11. OK, I explicitly, without any conditional compilation, used first just FireDAC.ConsoleUI.Wait then added FireDAC.Comp.UI in separate tests for both Apache for Windows and Apache for Linux.


    No errors, no data--from either one.  I change only the first unit (ConsoleUI) to either FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait or FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait and I get a dataset in Apache for Windows but not Apache for Linux.


    Here's the section of code from my web action item that tries to get the data set (the database is a list of park names and coordinates):

          Log.Debug('getting park list', LOG_TAG);
          Log.Debug('parks table is open', LOG_TAG);
          Result := dstpMyParks.Content;
          Log.Debug('returning park content', LOG_TAG);
          on e:Exception do
            Log.Error(e.Message, LOG_TAG);
      Log.Debug('parks are closed', LOG_TAG);

    Here are the log entries:

    2021-06-22 01:11:10:777  [TID 139867211564800][DEBUG   ] getting park list [web]
    2021-06-22 01:11:10:791  [TID 139867211564800][DEBUG   ] parks table is open [web]
    2021-06-22 01:11:10:791  [TID 139867211564800][DEBUG   ] returning park content [web]
    2021-06-22 01:11:10:794  [TID 139867211564800][DEBUG   ] parks are closed [web]

    "dstpMyParks" is a TDataSetTableProducer whose DataSet property is hooked to a query in a data module.


    I'm using a different web action item to make a simple database query of the same "parks" database and table and it works fine on all platforms.


    If you want to see the code, it's on GitHub (still has the conditional compilation).


    I am wondering if there is a library file I'm missing. Before I copied libgds.so to the Linux system, the park lookup function did not work--no error, just no data.


    Thanks for your suggestions.

  12. Should.  And I wish but it doesn't in Apache web modules.


    Without any conditional compilation, if I use FireDAC.ConsoleUI.Wait, no Apache web modules of either platform will show a dataset result. If I change that unit to either FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait or FireDAC.VCLUI.Wait, then I do get a dataset result but only for the Windows version of the Apache module.


    Another interesting note, I expanded the testing with platform conditional directives:

      APP_NAME = 'My App Console';
      {$IFDEF LINUX}
      APP_NAME = 'My App Linux';
        {$IFDEF WINDOWS}
        APP_NAME = 'My App Windows';
        APP_NAME = 'My App [unknown];

    and found something interesting:

    • Apache for Linux showed: My App Linux
    • Apache for Windows showed: My App [unknown]

    So, Apache for Windows modules evidently don't know what platform they're compiling for!

  13. Then neither the Linux nor the Windows versions shows the dataset.  At least the way I have it now, the Windows one works.


    Here's my uses clause:  

      {$IFDEF LINUX}
      FireDAC.FMXUI.Wait, FireDAC.Comp.UI,

    Here's a constant defined which shows on the generated web page that indicates which platform it's running under:

      APP_NAME = 'My App Console';
      {$IFDEF LINUX}
      APP_NAME = 'My App Linux';
      APP_NAME = 'My App Windows';

    The Windows one shows up for Apache for Windows, the Linux one shows up for Apache for Linux.  The Console one, as you might guess by now, never shows up.


    So yes, I'm sure the conditional compilation is working as expected.
