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Everything posted by FredS

  1. FredS

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    Same as before.. I see a bunch of bugs that occur on every first release of a new version, so no way is any of that run through any kind of testing. Throughout the year bugs reported outstrip bugs solved by anywhere from 5-8:1 As was explained by another poster, we don't know the actual bugs on the internal system. Yet have become Alpha testers for new releases. Obediently posting bugs that where posted before because of internal testing failure. With the CE edition new releases are quickly evaluated and bugs are reported, my bet is that by the 30 day mark we will be close to equal on this chart: 30 Day Summary The thing is, there are some brilliant Delphi users, and when your read some of those Quality Central reports they come with ways to reproduce and in some cases needed code changes.. yet aren't implemented, sometimes for years.. Draw your own conclusion, your mileage may vary..
  2. Nothing like a little 'Lipstick' 🙂
  3. Sure, but your clients will understand that the most important part of developing is the new skins 🙂
  4. FredS

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    That whole scenario becomes unusable if you RDP into a VM.. essentially they broke something that was working instead of fixing stuff that's been broken for years..
  5. Never, I use Beyond Compare, hook up to both registry trees and copy/merge at will. BC even allows me to alter the paths after I copy. Been using that since Seattle.
  6. FredS

    GetIt pkg mgr problems

    Removing the package via 'Component>Install Packages' then adding it back worked for me.
  7. FredS

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    Fair enough, of course Berlin works fine, at least after implementing a 'Clean' strategy I stumbled upon.
  8. FredS

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    Normally I just leave things as they are because pushing a string gets really boring. But in this case I'd like to clear a couple of things up, perhaps I'm not grasping the 'whole'.. Other than a few milliseconds lost by the compiler, is there any penalty in the final code? Because I can't time it, I have spent a bit of effort on that and I see no issues. If that is the case then this whole cyclical issue falls right along with using 'with' doesn't it ? I mean try and get a DX based project out the door without using 'with'.. We can't really have interface cyclical units because the compiler barks, yet we can't have implementation cyclical units because of CodeInsight? What came first cyclical re-engineering cult or CodeInsight not working?
  9. FredS

    My first Delphi 10.3 impressions

    Right, so a real project does that because it was put together RAD style where code reuse is king. Wasn't the motto on the Delphi 2 box/sleeve: Encapsulate and Reuse.. Reminds me of my favorite solutions: Reinstall Windows Recreate the dproj file Recreate the Whole Project Rewrite using loose coupling so CodeInsight even comes up ErrorInsight, 'Don't use that'.. Reinstall the IDE How come Andy could fix a good chunk of that without source and for free with IDE Fix Pack?
  10. FredS

    GetIt pkg mgr problems

    Yeah, because EMBT doesn't have access to redundant servers? Or perhaps not ones that have an up to date certificate..
  11. FredS

    GetIt pkg mgr problems

    Right, so the easiest thing for me was to find their Github sources and use those instead of GetIt will do the same because time is money. But you can't do that for CodeSite and that didn't show up in Rio GetIt at all yesterday..
  12. FredS

    For..to..step in Delphi

    From Marco: Stepping through Values in a Delphi for Loop There has been a recent request to add to for loop in the Object Pascal language the ability to add a step, that is an increment different from one. Here is an alternative implementation using a for..in loop and a custom enumerator.
  13. FredS

    GetIt pkg mgr problems

    No idea, I've moved back to Berlin when it became clear using Tokyo was a waste of time.
  14. FredS

    GetIt pkg mgr problems

    Had to use this to install Raize in Tokyo myself.. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32740940/how-to-reset-the-download-when-the-getit-package-manager-fails
  15. FredS

    New in 10.3: Improvements to the Options dialogs

    I don't see the 'Information for <project>' dialog in that list. Surely this dialog is important, it supplies a list of all packages required without going through the parsing spiel documented in the help file but is missing the 'Copy' feature..
  16. FredS

    Managing Version Information Across Builds

    There is " Set Project Versioninfo " from DDevExtensions 2.84
  17. FredS

    Detailed logging (for debugging)

    I just tried that and it failed in a complex unit. When I move that out into a simple demo it works with INLINE but otherwise fails. So now I have a MAP file showing me that all these methods are in the EXE even though they have been turned INLINE, while the simplistic demo works. I have used the INC file which is used in the complex unit in the simple one and still all works. So at best we can say this works only sometimes.. surely a reason for bloated EXEs..
  18. You can override the form's Loaded method. At that point the values of the control will be those stored in the DFM.