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Attila Kovacs

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Everything posted by Attila Kovacs

  1. Attila Kovacs

    Commercial feed

    Last question for today (I hope) We had over there commercial ad's, announcements (if something new was available), etc... Some of them was in moderate intervals, some of them more frequent but in the last time, it was quite ok. I'm not sure, but I think I've seen somewhere that commercial ad's are not welcome here. Is it true? Can we make them a corner here? Limited post frequency into a separate sub? In the end, do we like or not, we live in symbiosis with them.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Inline Variables Coming in 10.3

    @Marco Cantu Do you have any info on how inline variables affect code optimization? In larger methods registers are going out quickly. Does it help if some variables are declared deeper in those methods, or it's pre-parsed and codegen is the same as before?
  3. Attila Kovacs

    Solved: Dark Theme for DP

  4. Attila Kovacs

    Delphi SOAP response is always nil

    Without hacking me into the sources or reading through the thread, did you format the imported wsdl unit in the IDE? Ctrl-D, or 3rd party? Because this wrapper unit is case sensitive and formatting can corrupt it.
  5. Attila Kovacs

    Forum layout / engine

    Hi, The caption of the browser tab changes every time I navigate through the forum. It has a format <where I am> - Delphi-PAXiS [en]. I don't know what you guys think about it, I'm always searching the tab, sometimes I'm closing it unconsciously. Reverse order would be better? Or compacter? DP-xyz. What do you think? I see that you work hard on the layout and I've also seen that there are dozens of layouts/themes available for this engine. They are not (all?) free if I'm correct. Is it possible to make a donation pool and get some of them? Or are they only global themes, or per user settings? There must be some addons out there too. I've also seen that the author offers a REST API. Is it included on this edition? Are you planning to make it available? greets
  6. Attila Kovacs

    Forum layout / engine

    Let's take this theme as an example https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9054-chocolate/ Would it be the one and only default layout or one could choose the theme to display?
  7. Attila Kovacs

    Forum layout / engine

    @Markus Kinzler I see. Everything precompiled in the engine? Db access?
  8. Attila Kovacs

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    :DDDD okay
  9. Attila Kovacs

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?

    I'm sorry Juan, I'm always trying to help you but you always chose the hard way.
  10. Attila Kovacs

    Which type will hold better a TBCDField value?
