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Tommi Prami

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Everything posted by Tommi Prami

  1. Interesting. I got out of memory at 2GB and never seen higher memory usage than 2GB, Then it must be some plugin I use, Like GExperts...
  2. Tommi Prami

    Use case or if else ?

    Register methods to Dictionary, maybe? Tehn just bet the method to call from Dictionary by type? -Tee-
  3. Tommi Prami

    Optimization On or Off ?

    1. Have not used JCL for that, but I would guess Map file is needed, make sure that mapfile if from correct build and/or updated. 2. Do you see measurable speed increase with Optimizations on? -Tee-
  4. https://probablydance.com/2023/04/27/beautiful-branchless-binary-search/
  5. Tommi Prami

    New Command Line Parser in mORMot 2

    I do not quite folllow. Why that would be non standard. LEt me make complete example myapp.exe /path="C:\Program Files\mORMotHyperServer\" Why then the command line switch would/could not contain string: C:\Program Files\mORMotHyperServer\ (without quotes) Forcing to wrap whole thing would be counter intuitive for me. (I think that syntax is supported by some apps).
  6. Tommi Prami

    New Command Line Parser in mORMot 2

    Tried to state that it is nice that both syntaxes are supported.
  7. Tommi Prami

    New Command Line Parser in mORMot 2

    Yellow, Seems very nice that it'll also support sane syntax (for me) 🙂 "raw /servers=2 /threads=8 /nopin" Instead of just "/servers 2" If also is OK? /path="C:\Program Files\mORMotHyperServer\" I really don't like kind of detached command line params. like "/password badpw ..." way easier for me to read /password="badpw" etc. -Tee-
  8. Tommi Prami

    VCL-Bitmap rescaler

    Nice work. Couple of points that are not that big of a deal, just think about them. Split the unit into maybe three units. For low level utils and types For TTask versions "Thread pool" unit, so if not used, threads are not initialized to consume memory (as pointed out in comments CPU and human time is small, but some might like to save the memory) Change repository name to something more describing. Like ThreadedResampler or something like that. Not to critisize, but was just thinking would those changes make sense to you, not 100% sure are they good idea or not.
  9. We are thinking on moving from Jenkins server hosted locally to Azure DevOps and so. This sounds quite a big task, because personally don't know much of those environments. So if anyone has done this. All info would help. And if someone could give overview how to build something like that, and possibly where to start, that would be nice also, All youtube videos I've watched so far give way too simplistic picture of the whole thing, it just can't be that simple 🙂 Please link Any material worth reading or watching. -Tee-
  10. Tommi Prami

    Compiling Delphi Apps on Azure DevOps Pileline

    Seems like good start, found some stuff from him, but not this article. Thanks.
  11. Yellow all, https://github.com/TommiPrami/Delphi.GetProcessReservingFile Made quick and dirty port of code found from here: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20120217-00/?p=8283 If find anything to fix or make code better, feel free to send pull request or so... -Tee-
  12. Tommi Prami

    Lib for Getting process name that has the file open

    Quite limited but interesting still. -Tee-
  13. Tommi Prami

    Lib for Getting process name that has the file open

    This might be slow and resource intensive, depending on situation. My idea of pseudocode pattern would be something like. try FileOperations(LFileName); except on E: Exception do begin ... if GetProcessReservingFile(LFileName, LProcessFileName) then LErrorMessage := LErrorMessage + ' File is being used by ' + LProcessFileName; ... end; end; But everything depends on the situation. Anyhow, user most likely would like to know what app has the file is opened. -Tee-
  14. Stumbled upon few articles. Color quantization and related to that project http://blog.pkh.me/p/39-improving-color-quantization-heuristics.html http://blog.pkh.me/p/38-porting-oklab-colorspace-to-integer-arithmetic.html http://blog.pkh.me/p/36-figuring-out-round%2C-floor-and-ceil-with-integer-division.html UTF-8 <-> UTF-16 transcoding https://lemire.me/blog/2023/01/05/transcoding-unicode-with-avx-512-amd-zen-4-vs-intel-ice-lake/ Parsing JSON https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.08318 Validating UTF-8 https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03090 -Tee-
  15. Stumbled upon one more; https://www.phoronix.com/news/Intel-AVX-512-Quicksort-Numpy
  16. https://github.com/kehribar/log2 -tee-
  17. Delphi help is little bit vague, and all other pages gives lot of stuff but not easy nuts and bolts. explanation. I have thought that if ASLR is on, windows will randomize the Memory start address of the process each time you run it, but I might be wildly wrong in my assumption., Asking because of this bug report: https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-40130 -Tee-
  18. Hello, Needed to test and possibly use some code to check service status, so found this. Wanted to do some minor tweaking into it, still some plans to do bit more, maybe tomorrow. https://github.com/TommiPrami/DelphiServiceManager -tee-
  19. So far my tests with this has been very good. Solves some issues I need to tackle. Don't have code for Removing service, but not sure how much that is even needed. Sure there is use for removing also, but at least not important for me. -Tee-
  20. Seems to be active on our App:
  21. There are some limitations which Windows versions ASLR supported and which variant. High entropy one needed quite new version (Win10 if I recall)
  22. We use madExcept, but that is not the point. Point is will it effect to the AV-address or not?
  23. Did not get from that will it affect into the the Delphi Image base setting or not: Maybe I did not ask clearly enough. What I am actually asking is: I get (from bugreport above) that if ASLR is on, the address in Access Violation can't be checked from MAP file as is. Because there is not enough info to do that. So that if there is Access violation at Customer, they send the Address/Screenshot, that I could not get the actual error location from map-file, because it could not know the where ASLR has actually located the code, so I would need the ASLR offset or something like that also? And reading those ASLR articles did not help much, so I could be sure is my impression wrong or not. I googled how ASLR works and there was lot of low level descriptions, but not sure will it affect to AV and/or map-file investigation. -Tee-