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Deep links to open the app

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Hi there,


I would like to open my app (windows, macos, ios, android & linux) clicking on a link (inside an email for example), and pass to the app a parameter which is inside the link.


Is it possible ?



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On Windows, there is the concepts of file type associations, URL handlers, etc.

On Android, you must use intents.

MacOS and iOS also has intents, but I don't know if FMX support them?

Linux - not sure.


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For Windows I know associations, but as I know, it needs to have a file. I've already implemented it and it runs fine with the file. But the need I have is to use a link, something like Zoom...


It's a good news to know that on MacOs it can run. On mobiles, I've been told that it can run too, but on Apple maybee there are restrictions ?


Linux is not in a hurry for me.

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On 9/29/2023 at 7:51 PM, weabow said:



For Windows I know associations, but as I know, it needs to have a file. I've already implemented it and it runs fine with the file. But the need I have is to use a link, something like Zoom...


It's a good news to know that on MacOs it can run. On mobiles, I've been told that it can run too, but on Apple maybee there are restrictions ?


Linux is not in a hurry for me.

I think what you need is register a URL scheme for your app on Windows as follows:

procedure RegisterURLScheme(protocol: string);
  reg: TRegistry;
  reg := TRegistry.Create;
  reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
  reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol, true);
  reg.WriteString('', 'URL:' + protocol);
  reg.WriteString('URL Protocol', '');
  reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\DefaultIcon', true);
  reg.WriteString('', ParamStr(0));
  reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\shell\open\command', true);
  reg.WriteString('', '"' + ParamStr(0) + '" "%1"');
  reg.OpenKey('Software\Classes\' + protocol + '\shell', true);
  reg.WriteString('', 'open');

Above function register a protocol and set its app association  with the current program ( ParamStr(0) ). e.g. if you register with protocol 'myapp', then the URL will be like myapp://the-encoded-data-as-uri. Inside your app, call ParamStr(1) to get the parameters as URL form.
Note: this solution is specific for Windows platform.

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If you want to avoid the Browser Popup..




Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00










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Registration of the url scheme will open your app, when such a link is being clicked (e.g. "myregisteredprotocol://this&is&url&data=whatever").


However, to receive and decode the url part, your application must implement the IURLEventHandler interface and add an event handler.

Send me a PM if you need code for that.

Edited by Alexander Halser

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