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Set dynamic array of records to nil: frees all content?

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  name_struct= record
   fname: string;
   lname : string;
arec= record
   names : array of name_struct ;
   age: array of integer;

records = array of arec;

for x :=0 to 99 do
  load each records[x]
When I do
  records:=Nil, does it free all "names" (and fname, lname) of all recs as well as the recods array itself?

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The record generally doesn't need to be freed.


The array should not to be freed setting a nil, you must use:   


EDIT1: MY FAULT, like @David Heffernan  said in the next post setting a nil is right.


EDIT: Of course only with dynamic arrays !!!


SetLength(records, 0);

Every single elements of the array must be released if necessary.
In you case you must release ALL arrays inside the record structure:




for var i :=  Low(records) to High(records) do
 	SetLength(records[i].names, 0);
 	SetLength(records[i].age, 0);


Integral type and string doesn't need to be released in Delphi, this include all numerical type and string. All others types should be released before resizing the array.

var A: array of integer;
	B: array of string;
	C: array of TComponent;

SetLength(A, 9);
A[0] := 1;
A[1] := 2;
..... // Do something with A[]
SetLenght(A, 0); //OK, right

SetLength(B, 9);
B[0] := 'Ola';
B[1] := 'Bye';
..... // Do something with B[]
SetLength(B, 0); //OK, right

SetLength(C, 9);
C[0] := TEdit.Create(self);
C[1] := TLabel.Create(self);
..... // Do something with C[]
SetLength(C, 0); // NOOOOO, wrong

SetLength(C, 9);
C[0] := TEdit.Create(self);
C[1] := TLabel.Create(self);
//release every single element
for var compo in C do
    if Assigned(compo) then
SetLength(C, 0); // OK, right


Edited by DelphiUdIT

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37 minutes ago, DelphiUdIT said:

The array should not to be freed setting a nil, you must use

Wrong. Setting a dynamic array to nil is identical to setting length to 0 and identical to passing it to Finalize. 

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56 minutes ago, alogrep said:
When I do
  records:=Nil, does it free all "names" (and fname, lname) of all recs as well as the recods array itself?


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20 hours ago, alogrep said:
When I do
  records:=Nil, does it free all "names" (and fname, lname) of all recs as well as the recods array itself?

In this example, yes. Like strings, dynamic arrays are also reference-counted. When you nil a reference to a dynamic array, its refcount is decremented. When its refcount falls to 0, its contents are finalized as needed (to release their references, etc), and the array is freed from memory.

Edited by Remy Lebeau
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11 hours ago, David Heffernan said:

Wrong. Setting a dynamic array to nil is identical to setting length to 0 and identical to passing it to Finalize. 

Thanks, I really didn't know this.

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