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Gilles Revaz

Delphi 12.2 enterprise : code insight 64 bits version

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After starting the Delphi and my project :

    infinite loop of : Loading project[] 0% : no end !? 😟

This does not happen with the 32-bit version.

Is this new feature of dephi 12.2 buggy ? 

Has anyone noticed the same phenomenon ?





Code insight with 64 bits.png

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I have exactly the same problem. Doesn't work for me at all. If I go back to 32bit everything works fine (well more like as good as in 12.1)

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Tank you very much.

Another question: have you installed third-party software Delphi 12.2 (enterprise) like me?
I installed Devexpress 24.1.5 and Fastreport 2024.2.8: these may be these third-party software that are not compatible with the Delphi 12.2 (enterprise) version.

I also found that the PC's resources are not affected by this "infinite loop". Maybe it's just a matter of display?

Thank you in advance for your answer

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I have MMX + DDevExtensions installed. I have not tried yet to uninstall them and then try the LSP 64bit variant.

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I tried to run the Demo versions of DevExpress and Fastreports, as well as Demos of VCL without third-party software: LSP 64bit variant works fine, with or without third-party software.

I suspect a problem with the configuration of my project. So I prefer to wait and recheck my project before announcing a bug. 

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I think I found the source of the problem, at least on my PC:
by disabling " // ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True;//  
in the source of the executable, 64-bit LSP works just fine.

If this is the case with someone else, please let me know to open a bug ticket at Embarcadero

ReportMemoryLeakOnShutDown is the problem.png

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LSP Code insight 64-bit works perfectly with a small new project and the line 
"ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := True" in the exe source (before Application.Initialize).

For large projects, "ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown:= True" freezes LSP Code insight 64-bit.
The problem can be easily solved by launching the "Reload LSP Server" submenu.
So this is a tiny bug that I can live with.
Hoping that this will help other people.

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22 hours ago, Gilles Revaz said:

So this is a tiny bug that I can live with

Tiny and easy work around maybe - but still worthy of reporting. That way there's a chance it will be fixed in a later release. Small improvements help make the tool set better for seasoned users and new users alike.

Out of interest: 12.2 does include a minor fix that I reported so it is worth doing !

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