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Gord P

Is it possible to hide the Object Inspector automatically when the Design tab is showing?

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When I am looking at the code, I would rather have the Structure pane use the entire left side.  I don't need to see the Object Inspector.  But when I click on the Design tab, I would like it to appear again.  Is this possible without doing it manually everytime?


Edited by Gord P

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You could have different desktops for these "modes", but they won't switch automatically either.


Hm, maybe you could assign keyboard shortcuts to these menu entries using GExperts, but I'm not sure this is possible.


Edit: It isn't. The menu entries for the configured desktops are added dynamically and don't show up in the GExperts IDE Menu Shortcuts expert. So you can't assign a keyboard shortcut to them. (At least not this way).

Edited by dummzeuch

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Okay, it sounds like I am not missing an obvious way to do it in the IDE then.  Thanks for the comments.

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