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SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.

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SynEdit now has annotated Scrollbars.




In this screenshot you can see in the scrollbar:

  • the position of the multiple carets (full blueish line)
  • lines with errors (full red line)
  • the position of the bookmarks (mini bluish marks on the left)
  • line modification info (on the right side)
  • alpha-blended slider


This feature is on the multicaret branch.

Zoom In/Out/Reset functionality has also been implemented.


You can still vote on this poll to influence future development.

See the technical details.

See also SynEdit now supports mulit-caret, multi-selection editing - I made this - Delphi-PRAXiS [en].

Edited by pyscripter
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> Highlighters need to override this method to support this feature. Currently the Pascal, DWS and python highlighters do that.


Hi, tried Flow control symbols. It seem to work with Pascal as Highlighter but not with DWS. Delphi 12.2 Patch 1. 

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7 minutes ago, pcoenen said:

but not with DWS. Delphi 12.2 Patch 1

Works here with the same version.  Are you using the latest sources now from the master branch.

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Yes, double checked, guess I'm doing something wrong. I switched to the Pascal Highlighter. Thank you for the new features, very nice.

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Fantastic work! Thank you for your contributions.

If I may, while this component is very powerful, I find that a serious limitation is the number of languages that it supports and the difficulty to add new languages. Many common languages are missing (such as Powershell, Rust, TypeScript, Go...) and creating highlighters is complicated.

@pyscripter as you know the internals better than anyone, would it be possible to imagine a way to import highlighters from other projects such as highlight.js: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/main/src/languages/powershell.js ?

Or would it be better to imagine a simpler way to define highlighters ?

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2 hours ago, John R. said:

Fantastic work! Thank you for your contributions.

If I may, while this component is very powerful, I find that a serious limitation is the number of languages that it supports and the difficulty to add new languages. Many common languages are missing (such as Powershell, Rust, TypeScript, Go...) and creating highlighters is complicated.

@pyscripter as you know the internals better than anyone, would it be possible to imagine a way to import highlighters from other projects such as highlight.js: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/main/src/languages/powershell.js ?

Or would it be better to imagine a simpler way to define highlighters ?

There are about 75 highlighters and It is not too difficult to add new ones.

  • You can start with a highlighter for a language that is quite similar and adapt it, e.g. change the keywords.
  • There is also SynGen that helps you create a highlighter from scratch.
  • You can request a highlighter and someone may have or contribute  a new one.


Regarding Powershell have a look at this discussion.  It contains an extended General highlighter that can be adapted to practically any language.   PSPad uses that unit to support syntax highlighting for 180 programming languages. 


Edited by pyscripter
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A new powerful highlighter called Omni (for omnipotent) has been added to SynEdit.  Importantly, this highlighter allows the saving/loading of highlighter settings to/from ini files.   The project now includes 189 new ini-based highlighters in addition to the 75 ones that were already included.


Sample using the PowerShell ini-based highlighter. Notice that code-folding is automatically supported.  



Structure highlighting is also supported:



A component editor has also been added that can be used at both design and run-time.  See this discussion for details.


This is based on a significant code contribution by Jan Fiala, the author of PSPad.  Kudos to Jan! 

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