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REST Datasnap Server Accepting ECDH Ciphers

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I'm using Delphi 12.2 Patch 2.


I've set up a REST Datasnap server that uses HTTPS. Using Indy (installed during Delphi installation), it works fine for RSA certificates. 


Any guide on how I can set it up to accept ECDH instead of (or in parallel to) RSA ciphers?


Moreover, are there any alternatives to Indy that use TLS1.3? BTW, I updated Indy to the latest version following the update instructions, but it messed up my Datasnap server. I had to uninstall and reinstall Delphi. 😞 


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The sgcWebSockets library, which I'm the developer, has a component to replace the Indy Datasnap Server and add support for other protocols like websocket and use the latest TLS 1.3 version. You can download the trial for Delphi 12 from:




In the trial, there is a demo in the folder "..sgcWebSockets\Demos\40.DataSnap\Server_Indy_HTTP" that shows how works. The Datasnap server is replaced by TsgcWSHTTPWebBrokerBridgeServer and all the methods and functions are the same.

If you prefer, you can download the compiled sample from:




When running the sample check the ssl, select openssl 3.0 and TLS1.3. It uses a self-signed certificate, so when clicking the "Open Datasnap" button, the browser will show a warning that the certificate can not be verified, just accept it.

More info:




Kind Regards,


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