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Good Day

I want to find out the Form Name 1 level behind of Active Form


In Form1 -  Form2.Show;

In Form2 -  Form3.ShowModal;

In Form3 I need the name of 1 level behind Form3, ( which is Form2 ) 


Thank You

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There are different approaches:

  • Everytime a form takes focus it inserts itself at the top of Screen.CustomForms
  • ShowModal inserts the previously focused form at the top of Screen.SaveFocusedList

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Thank you so much Uwe
If you have time,  could you please a little bit explain the 2 choices

and if possible could you show some code example

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@Henry Olive A Delphi programmer will be able to come up with the code give the information above. There is documentation and VCL source. If you don't have a Delphi programmer on your team you have bigger problems. 

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Don't set Form2 and Form3 autocreated but create them yourself.

You can use the "Owner" of the forms to get the name.


In Form 1 you do:

uses Unit2;

procedure TForm1.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Form2: TForm2;
  Form2 := TForm2.Create(Self);

In Form2 you do:

uses Unit3;

procedure TForm2.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
  Form3: TForm3;
  Form3 := TForm3.Create(Self);

In form 3 you can do: (try to find a way to do this recursively..)

procedure TForm3.BitBtn1Click(Sender: TObject);
var FormName: string;
  if Assigned(Owner) and (Owner is TForm) then
    FormName := TForm(Owner).Name;
    if Assigned(TForm(Owner).Owner) and (TForm(Owner).Owner is TForm) then
      FormName := TForm(Owner).Owner.Name;
    End else
      FormName := 'No Owner';
  End else
    FormName := 'No Owner';

  ShowMessage('The form is: ' + FormName);


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