Delphied 0 Posted 5 hours ago Are there any companies that enable the ability to screenshot a specific component on a form? I found, but I don't believe they are in business anymore. Something like this would be most helpful and thanks in advance! Share this post Link to post
FPiette 390 Posted 4 hours ago I have this code: procedure TScreenDumpForm.ScreenDump( const FileName : String); var Stream : TFileStream; c : TCanvas; r1 : TRect; r2 : TRect; b : TBitmap; j : TJPEGImage; begin c := TCanvas.Create; b := TBitmap.Create; j := TJPEGImage.Create; Stream := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmCreate); try c.Handle := GetWindowDC(GetDesktopWindow); try r1 := Screen.MonitorFromWindow(Handle).BoundsRect; r2.Top := 0; r2.Left := 0; r2.Width := r1.Width; r2.Height := r1.Height; b.Width := r1.Width; b.Height := r1.Height; b.PixelFormat := pf24bit; b.Canvas.CopyRect(r2, c, r1); j.CompressionQuality := 60; j.Assign(b); j.SaveToStream(Stream); finally ReleaseDC(0, c.Handle); c.Free; b.Free; j.Free; end; finally Stream.Free; end; end; Share this post Link to post
bravesofts 24 Posted 3 hours ago unit Main.View; interface uses {$REGION ' Defaults Units .. '} Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.Buttons, Vcl.StdCtrls, {$ENDREGION} // System.Types; type TMainView = class(TForm) Lbl1: TLabel; Btn1: TButton; Pnl1: TPanel; Pnl2: TPanel; Btn2: TButton; Lbl2: TLabel; Btn3: TSpeedButton; BtnCapture: TButton; ImgCapturedCtrl: TImage; CmboBox_Ctrls: TComboBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure BtnCaptureClick(Sender: TObject); private function CaptureControl(aControl: TControl): TBitmap; inline; public { Public declarations } end; var MainView: TMainView; implementation {$R *.dfm} function TMainView.CaptureControl(aControl: TControl): TBitmap; var LDC: HDC; LRect: TRect; LCtrlHwnd: THandle; LOffset: TPoint; begin Result := TBitmap.Create; try LRect := aControl.BoundsRect; Result.SetSize(LRect.Width, LRect.Height); Result.Canvas.Brush.Color := clWhite; Result.Canvas.FillRect(Rect(0, 0, LRect.Width, LRect.Height)); Result.Canvas.Lock; try if aControl is TWinControl then begin LCtrlHwnd := TWinControl(aControl).Handle; LOffset := Point(0, 0); // No offset needed for TWinControl end else begin LCtrlHwnd := TWinControl(aControl.Parent).Handle; LOffset := aControl.BoundsRect.TopLeft; // Convert to parent-relative coordinates end; LDC := GetDC(LCtrlHwnd); try BitBlt(Result.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, LRect.Width, LRect.Height, LDC, LOffset.X, LOffset.Y, SRCCOPY); finally ReleaseDC(LCtrlHwnd, LDC); end; finally Result.Canvas.Unlock; end; except Result.Free; raise; end; end; procedure TMainView.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin CmboBox_Ctrls.Items.Clear; for I := 0 to Self.ComponentCount - 1 do if Self.Components[I] is TControl then CmboBox_Ctrls.Items.Add(Self.Components[I].Name); CmboBox_Ctrls.ItemIndex := 0; end; procedure TMainView.BtnCaptureClick(Sender: TObject); var LCtrl: TControl; LBmp: TBitmap; begin if CmboBox_Ctrls.ItemIndex <> -1 then begin LCtrl := FindComponent(CmboBox_Ctrls.Text) as TControl; if Assigned(LCtrl) then begin LBmp := CaptureControl(LCtrl); try ImgCapturedCtrl.Picture.Assign(LBmp); finally LBmp.Free; end; end; end; end; end. Dfm object MainView: TMainView Left = 0 Top = 0 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'MainView' ClientHeight = 297 ClientWidth = 705 Color = clBtnFace Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -18 Font.Name = 'Segoe UI' Font.Style = [] OnCreate = FormCreate PixelsPerInch = 144 TextHeight = 25 object Lbl1: TLabel Left = 417 Top = 33 Width = 33 Height = 25 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Lbl1' end object ImgCapturedCtrl: TImage Left = 18 Top = 117 Width = 304 Height = 176 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 end object Btn1: TButton Left = 558 Top = 18 Width = 125 Height = 47 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Btn1' TabOrder = 0 end object Pnl1: TPanel Left = 402 Top = 202 Width = 281 Height = 68 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Pnl1' TabOrder = 1 end object Pnl2: TPanel Left = 402 Top = 90 Width = 281 Height = 107 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Pnl2' TabOrder = 2 object Lbl2: TLabel Left = 174 Top = 27 Width = 33 Height = 25 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Lbl2' end object Btn3: TSpeedButton Left = 150 Top = 69 Width = 118 Height = 33 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 end object Btn2: TButton Left = 15 Top = 27 Width = 113 Height = 38 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Btn2' TabOrder = 0 end end object BtnCapture: TButton Left = 18 Top = 21 Width = 304 Height = 50 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 Caption = 'Get Control Capture' TabOrder = 3 OnClick = BtnCaptureClick end object CmboBox_Ctrls: TComboBox Left = 18 Top = 81 Width = 304 Height = 33 Margins.Left = 5 Margins.Top = 5 Margins.Right = 5 Margins.Bottom = 5 TabOrder = 4 Text = 'CmboBox_Ctrls' end end good luck.. Share this post Link to post