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Uwe Raabe

MMX 15 (Beta) Available

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There is a new beta available. Changing the version number to 15 resembles not only the completely different new look due to theme support and new icons, but also the internal changes necessary to make all this work. Hopefully I didn’t break too much.

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Thanks! There will be some more small tweaks, though. Some things are only visible in context.


For all who missed it: The MoneyPool is still open to donations for the icon work. Thanks a lot to all who already spent some money and helped to get where we are now. 

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Thanks. It looks much better now with theme support.


I noticed a few issues though.


1. Can only open one window of code explorer. So I can't open code explorer in debug mode if it's already opened in standard edit mode.


2. Edit entity doesn't work for events, e.g. form events like FormCreate()... Not a big issue since you probably shouldn't change it anyway, but it used to work - right?


3. You can customize toolbars but it's not saved. Or rather - some toolbar buttons appears where they should after restart and some buttons do not... And it seems some toolbar buttons are just added at the end of the toolbar, no matter what I do.


4. Some theme glitches here and there.

MMX options: Left side tree. The background color for each tree item is sometimes white (dark theme). And sometimes it looks fine.

Search Members: Tree node line highlighting.

Edited by Rickard Johansson

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24 minutes ago, Rickard Johansson said:

Edit entity doesn't work for events, e.g. form events like FormCreate()... Not a big issue since you probably shouldn't change it anyway, but it used to work - right?

Not that I am aware of. I tested with an old version 13.1.1 and it doesn't work there either.


26 minutes ago, Rickard Johansson said:

You can customize toolbars but it's not saved.

Yes, I noticed that, too. It will be fixed in the next beta drop.


27 minutes ago, Rickard Johansson said:

MMX options: Left side tree. The background color for each tree item is sometimes white (dark theme). And sometimes it looks fine.

I have checked in a fix for that this morning.


28 minutes ago, Rickard Johansson said:

Search Members: Tree node line highlighting.

Not sure what you mean. Can you add a screenshot?

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Thanks! We are lucky here - that one is also handled by the fix I checked in this morning :classic_cool:

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Did you by any chance fix this as well? :classic_cool:

* I can only open one window of code explorer. So, I can't open code explorer in debug layout if it's already opened in default layout.

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20 minutes ago, Rickard Johansson said:

Did you by any chance fix this as well? :classic_cool:

* I can only open one window of code explorer. So, I can't open code explorer in debug layout if it's already opened in default layout.


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Thank you so much for all your efforts; they are appreciated. 

I wanted to report a bug that I found; the Use Units dialog theming is not working correctly.  


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Hello Uwe,

Has problem on "Entity Insight bar" You can see on screebshot. When first run on Beta 15, that bar showed on tab of editor. I can not move it to right side. it was on rigth side of editor (ver 14) so I emoved and re try to open it, But I can not find it where is it.

Seconf error is get access voilation error when try "customise..." via popup menu.. Follow error detail in second screenshot.

Best regards

Ekran Resmi 2019-07-22 11.26.41.png

Ekran Resmi 2019-07-22 11.27.32.png

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To allow proper theme support V15 removed the dependency on Toolbar 2000 and TBX in favor of standard VCL Toolbars. This makes it a bit hard to achieve the same functionalities that were previously available.


Currently the editor toolbars are only supported on the top and cannot be moved. I am still investigating how to make toolbar docking work (probably with TCoolbar controls) with proper theme support. Unfortunately we will have to live with this restriction for the time being.


The access violation does not happen here in the development branch, so it might already be fixed in the next beta drop. Otherwise we will have to find the necessary steps to reproduce.

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Just found two problems:


1) Missing icons on Code Explorer toolbar:




2) Strange wrapping of line:




Here I just reduced the total width slightly and the lower part wraps and gets partly out of sight.

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Another thing I found:

Is it intended, that one can hide only Fields, private and protected elements from Code Explorer?




On MMX 13 I was able to disable any type of element on this view. On current MMX 15, I can only hide Fields, Private and Protected:




Additionally: the buttons to show/hide the elements do not reflect the current state: activate all of them, then close the project and reopen it (or close IDE) : Then all buttons are on 'Off' state:



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Rewriting the toolbars rendered all settings invalid, so what you see is the default setting. Customizing the toolbar (when it actually works - hopefully in the next beta) allows for more options.


I will investigate the state problem.

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Ah ok. Thanks for looking on this.


Here a strange problem:

after each restart of IDE, adding a new field by code explorers 'F+' button lasts about 15 seconds to open the dialog. After that time I repeat this, it is fast. Then close the IDE, start it again and again hit 'F+': another 15 seconds.

I have also seen this two times for 'New Event' and one time for 'Add new local variable' but cannot reproduce now.



Another very small thing, when on white color scheme: (but this might be because I'm on 10.2.3 Tokyo; IDE designs are active)




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A few toolbar issues:


1. The entity insight bar seems to occupy the top toolbar row. It doesn't matter if it's visible or not. See screenshots below.





2. The entity insight bar doesn't have a context menu and can't be customized.

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Another minor glitch: Tip of the day (TOD)  can't be disabled permanently.


- start IDE and load a desktop with Code Explorer docked

- TOD is visible

- close it by 'down' arrow

- close and restart IDE

--> TOD is again visible.


I also checked the settings: TOD should never come up





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14 hours ago, ULIK said:

I also checked the settings: TOD should never come up

That's the point!


It doesn't matter in which state the IDE is closed. The setting alone controls the visibility of the TOD on startup.


On 7/22/2019 at 4:27 PM, ULIK said:

Another very small thing, when on white color scheme: (but this might be because I'm on 10.2.3 Tokyo; IDE designs are active)

Not sure about that one. This is a screenshot of MMX 13.1.1 on XE2:


The Light theme on Tokyo is the standard Windows theme, so it uses the OS colors.


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A new Beta V15.0.0.2343 is available.



Make sure to remove a previous V15 beta before installing build 2343 or higher. The new installer is most likely incompatible with the old one

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just installed the new beta. So far almost all of the reported  problems are solved. Thank you!


The Light theme on Tokyo is the standard Windows theme, so it uses the OS colors. 

That might be the reason: I'm still on Windows 7 here and this would explain this layout. So just forget this.

Were you able to reproduce this delay on opening the New Fields dialog the first time? I can still reproduce it here (independent of loaded project: happens for small size as well as large size projects)


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19 minutes ago, ULIK said:

Were you able to reproduce this delay on opening the New Fields dialog the first time?

I can see this here, too. As it is only a performance problem I moved it behind the functional problems in the priority list. When its running stable I can make it faster.

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