Squall_FF8 0 Posted yesterday at 10:18 AM (edited) Hi guys, I want to save/load the main window position, size, state so every time you reopen it, it looks the it was when you close it. So the snippet bellow. It works ,... almost. When I close the app with a maximized window, after relaunch it is maximized, If I click the button to make it Normal, it doesnt go where I left it previously before maximizing. Can you help me? What I'm missing? P.S. If it matters, I use Delphi 12.2, on Win 10. OnCreate: Left := ini.ReadInteger(cSection, 'Left', Left); Top := ini.ReadInteger(cSection, 'Top', Top); Width := ini.ReadInteger(cSection, 'Width', Width); Height := ini.ReadInteger(cSection, 'Height', Height); WindowState := tWindowState(ini.ReadInteger(cSection, 'State', ord(WindowState))); OnDestroy: ini.WriteInteger(cSection, 'State', ord(WindowState)); if WindowState = wsNormal then begin ini.WriteInteger(cSection, 'Left', Left); ini.WriteInteger(cSection, 'Top', Top); ini.WriteInteger(cSection, 'Width', Width); ini.WriteInteger(cSection, 'Height', Height); end; Edited yesterday at 10:20 AM by Squall_FF8 Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1937 Posted yesterday at 10:29 AM This works for me: uses Math; procedure TFormMain.ApplyWindowState(const Bounds: TRect; State: TWindowState); var Monitor: TMonitor; WorkareaRect: TRect; NewTop, NewLeft, NewWidth, NewHeight: integer; begin ASSERT(Position= poDesigned); // Find the monitor containing the top/left corner. // If the point is outside available monitors then the nearest monitor is used. Monitor := Screen.MonitorFromPoint(Bounds.TopLeft); WorkareaRect := Monitor.WorkareaRect; NewHeight := Min(Bounds.Bottom-Bounds.Top, WorkareaRect.Bottom-WorkareaRect.Top); NewWidth := Min(Bounds.Right-Bounds.Left, WorkareaRect.Right-WorkareaRect.Left); if (PtInRect(WorkareaRect, Bounds.TopLeft)) then begin NewTop := Bounds.Top; NewLeft := Bounds.Left; end else begin // Center on monitor if top/left is outside screen (e.g. if a monitor has been // removed) NewTop := WorkareaRect.Top + ((WorkareaRect.Bottom-WorkareaRect.Top) - NewHeight) div 2; NewLeft := WorkareaRect.Left + ((WorkareaRect.Right-WorkareaRect.Left) - NewWidth) div 2; end; SetBounds(NewLeft, NewTop, NewWidth, NewHeight); if (State in [wsNormal, wsMaximized]) then WindowState := State; end; ... procedure TFormMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ApplyWindowState(Rect(100, 100, 400, 400), wsMaximized); end; Share this post Link to post
PeterBelow 249 Posted yesterday at 10:57 AM 25 minutes ago, Squall_FF8 said: Hi guys, I want to save/load the main window position, size, state so every time you reopen it, it looks the it was when you close it. So the snippet bellow. It works ,... almost. When I close the app with a maximized window, after relaunch it is maximized, If I click the button to make it Normal, it doesnt go where I left it previously before maximizing. Can you help me? What I'm missing? P.S. If it matters, I use Delphi 12.2, on Win 10. Set the DefaultMonitor property of the form to dmDesktop, this way the form left and top do not depend on the monitor the form is on and will restore the form to the monitor it was on before (unless the user rearranges his desktop configuration). For the necessary code see the PB.Winset unit in the attached archive. Winset.zip Share this post Link to post
Squall_FF8 0 Posted yesterday at 11:23 AM 13 minutes ago, PeterBelow said: Set the DefaultMonitor property of the form to dmDesktop, this way the form left and top do not depend on the monitor the form is on and will restore the form to the monitor it was on before (unless the user rearranges his desktop configuration). For the necessary code see the PB.Winset unit in the attached archive. Winset.zip Woah, THANK YOU!!! It worked just by changing it! I was afraid its going to be something about DPI awareness (new in Delphi, staring with 12) Share this post Link to post
Squall_FF8 0 Posted yesterday at 11:28 AM Thank you Anders Melander for the code. I like your idea to auto-center. I would like to try that when I scale to multi-monitor awareness ! Share this post Link to post
Die Holländer 78 Posted yesterday at 03:37 PM I always drop a Jedi's JvFormStorage on my form and that's it.. Quote Use a TJvFormStorage component to store and retrieve data from a storage. Use in combination with TJvAppStorage-descendants like TJvAppIniFileStorage (to use ini-files), TJvAppRegistryStorage (-> Registry) or similar. The component can store, retrieve and restore published properties of any component on the form. and the position and state.. Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1937 Posted yesterday at 04:30 PM 43 minutes ago, Die Holländer said: and that's it.. "that's it" meaning "implicitly include the 347 other units it depends on". Share this post Link to post
limelect 51 Posted 4 hours ago RX hase a component just for that FORMSTORAG Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1937 Posted 1 hour ago 2 hours ago, limelect said: RX hase a component just for that FORMSTORAG Wasn't rxLib abandoned in the nineties and merged into JEDI? Share this post Link to post