Markus Kinzler 174 Posted November 6, 2018 Quote If you use FireDAC, you can also use the FireDAC Monitor to capture everything that goes on, databasewise. Also possible when using other libraries like UniDAC. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 26, 2018 And seems to do the same. Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted November 26, 2018 (edited) @David Schwartz, @Bill Meyer and others interested! I have replaced the *wonderful* RTC JSON classes with the *insert adjective* JSON reader that comes with Delphi. To compile the project, you need to download Mason Wheelers "DFMJSON" and Eric Granges DWScript. You should only have to point the compiler to the source dirs of these two libraries ... see above. I used Delphi Tokyo (it is not tested with anything else). The project still uses the DevExpress grid and LayoutControl. Forms.MainForm will not compile w/o DevExpress. However, anyone* should be able to replace the whole "Forms.MainForm" unit with a form using the controls of choice. In the "Data.ObjectCollector" there is an array with class names for collecting. Then you probably have to change the if ... else clauses below (in the reader loop) as the properties will be differently named. HTH, /Dany * Who can create a MainForm and fill a non-DB aware grid (or view or whatnot) with strings. Edited November 26, 2018 by Guest Current Delphi version added. Share this post Link to post
David Schwartz 434 Posted November 27, 2018 (edited) Thanks. I actually got something working that uses the old TRegExpr component and a few simple re's to extract the Object and SQL.String data from my DFMs. Then I wrote a simple parser routine to take the DFM's representation of the SQL.String and restore it as a "clean" SQL expression. function postincr( var i : integer ) : integer; begin Result := i; i := i+1; end; . . . procedure GetDatasetInfo( aMatchNum : integer ); var p : integer; s0, s1, s2 : string; dataset_nm, dataset_type : string; re2 : TRegExpr; naked_query : string; begin s0 := WholeObject_re.Match[0]; // this is the whole object definition if (Pos('SQL.Strings',s0) < 1) then // If there's no SQL.Strings property, we aren't interested Exit(); s1 := WholeObject_re.Match[1]; // just [name: type] p := Pos( ':', s1 ); dataset_nm := Copy( s1, 1, p-1 ); dataset_type := Trim(Copy( s1, p+1, 99 )); if (s0 <> '') and (s1 <> '') then begin re2 := TRegExpr.Create( 'SQL.Strings = \(.*\)$', 'ims-xg' ); try s2 := ''; if re2.Exec(s0) then s2 := re2.Match[0]; // matches the whole SQL.Strings expression naked_query := ExtractSQL( s2 ); query_sl.Text := naked_query; . . . // do something with the above data . . . finally re2.Free(); end; end; end; //*********************************************************************** // this RE finds object definitions in the DFM that contain 'dataset' in the type name. // subexpression #1 is the object's definition; eg: "qry: TAstaClientDataset" WholeObject_re := TRegExpr.Create( 'object *(\S*: *\S*dataset)\s*$.*?end\s*$', 'ims-xgr' ); if WholeObject_re.Exec(ss.DataString) then begin // NOTE: there's only ONE SQL.Strings property per dataset / WholeObject GetDatasetInfo(postincr(n)); while WholeObject_re.ExecNext() do GetDatasetInfo(postincr(n)); end; Here's the one for extracting SQL.Strings from a string consisting of just an Object: with TRegExpr.Create( 'SQL.Strings = \(.*\)$', 'ims-xg' ) do begin if Exec(dm1.Datasets_tblWholeObject.AsString) then aMemo.Lines.Text := Match[0]; Free(); end; And here's the ExtractSQL parser: // This function extracts raw SQL from a SQL.Strings property function Tdm1.ExtractSQL( aSQL_String : string ) : string; //----------------------------------------- function incr( var n : integer ) : integer; begin n := n+1; Result := n; end; //----------------------------------------- var ln, n : integer; trimln, t2 : string; add_next_line : Boolean; rslt : TStringList; SQL_String : TStringList; begin rslt := TStringList.Create(); SQL_String := TStringList.Create(); try SQL_String.Text := aSQL_String; add_next_line := False; t2 := ''; ln := 0; repeat trimln := Trim(SQL_String[ln]); if (ln = 0) and (CompareText( trimln, 'SQL.Strings = (' ) = 0) then Continue; if (trimln = '''''') then // it's just a blank line begin rslt.Add(''); Continue; end; if (trimln = '') then Continue; if (trimln[1] = '''') then // a single leading quote begin Delete( trimln, 1, 1 ); //trimln := Trim(trimln); end; n := Length(trimln); repeat if (trimln = '') then Break; case trimln[n] of '''': begin // ' Where bill_order in (1,2,3)' // ' and pti.pi_id = rfl.pi_id(+) ' if (trimln[n-1] = ')') then // ....)' begin Delete( trimln, n, 1 ); Break; end; Delete( trimln, n, 1 ); trimln := TrimRight(trimln); n := Length(trimln); end; ')': begin // ' and en_id = :pENID') if (trimln[n-1] = '''') then // ....') begin Delete( trimln, n-1, 2 ); // remove ') Break; end; // ' and pti.pi_id = rfl.pi_id(+) ' with [_'] at end removed if ((trimln[n-2] = '(') and (trimln[n-1] = '+')) then Break; // nothing needs to be done here Delete( trimln, n, 1 ); trimln := TrimRight(trimln); n := Length(trimln); end; '+': begin // this is the most common pattern that's used for line-splitting: // the ' is typically in col 74 and + in col 76 // ...' + if (trimln[n-2] = '''') and (trimln[n-1] = ' ') then begin Delete( trimln, n-2, 3 ); add_next_line := True; end // ' Where = '#39'T'#39 // ' AND udf.ud_type = '#39'E'#39) else if (Copy(trimln, n-4, 3) = '#39') then begin Delete( trimln, n-1, 2 ); // we don't want to delete the #39 add_next_line := True; end end; else break; end; until (1 = 2); if add_next_line then begin t2 := t2 + trimln; add_next_line := False; end else begin if (t2 <> '') then trimln := t2+trimln; rslt.Add( trimln ); t2 := ''; end; until (incr(ln) >= SQL_String.Count); finally Result := rslt.Text; rslt.Free(); SQL_String.Free(); end; end; If the program ever hangs while parsing this stuff, it's probably because I missed something in the handling of a trailing single-quote or '+' that deals with undoing the word-wrapping. (This code could probably be simplified. There may even be better code hiding somewhere in the VCL source.) Edited November 27, 2018 by David Schwartz Share this post Link to post