azrael_11 1 Posted February 19, 2020 i have this unit found a long time ago. it is a joystick unit using the mmsystem. unit joy; interface uses System.SysUtils, FMX.Types, WinTypes, WinProcs, Messages, Classes, MMSystem; type TGamePort = (One, Two, None); TJoyMoveEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var X, Y: Integer) of object; TButtonNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Pushed: Boolean) of object; type TJoystick = class(TComponent) private { Internal private uses } CenterX: LongInt; CenterY: LongInt; DeltaPosX, DeltaNegX: LongInt; DeltaPosY, DeltaNegY: LongInt; JoyId: Word; JoyCaps: TJoyCaps; JoyInfo: TJoyInfo; { Published Private declarations } FActive: Boolean; { runtime only....enables joystick polling } FGamePort: TGamePort; { which game port to monitor } FEnabled: Boolean; { tells whether event is enabled } FNotifyRange: Integer; { percentage joystick move notify } FPollRate: Integer; { tells how often to check joystick in miliseconds } FRepeatPosition: Boolean; { call joymove event if same as before } FRepeatButton1: Boolean; FRepeatButton2: Boolean; FRepeatButton3: Boolean; FRepeatButton4: Boolean; FOnButton1: TButtonNotifyEvent; FOnButton2: TButtonNotifyEvent; FOnButton3: TButtonNotifyEvent; FOnButton4: TButtonNotifyEvent; FOnJoyMove: TJoyMoveEvent; LastJoyX, LastJoyY: LongInt; { remembers last joystick position } LastButton1, LastButton2: Boolean; { remebers last button positions } LastButton3, LastButton4: Boolean; FTimer: TTimer; procedure SetNotifyRange(value: Integer); procedure SetGamePort(value: TGamePort); procedure SetPollRate(value: Integer); procedure SetDefaults; { sets the default values for variables } procedure MakeTimer; { initialization of TTimer } procedure Translate(Sender: TObject); { THE routine...for joystick } procedure DoButton1; procedure DoButton2; procedure DoButton3; procedure DoButton4; procedure DoJoystick; protected { Protected declarations } public { Public declarations } constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Activate; { during runtime...enables interrupt } procedure DeActivate; { during runtime...disables interrupt } procedure Devices(var value: Word); { returns # of devices } procedure Buttons(Port: Integer; var value: Word); procedure CalibrateCenter; { current joystick position as center } procedure CalibrateUpLeft; procedure CalibrateDownRight; published { Published declarations } property Active: Boolean read FActive; property Enabled: Boolean read FEnabled write FEnabled; property GamePort: TGamePort read FGamePort write SetGamePort; property NotifyRange: Integer read FNotifyRange write SetNotifyRange default 20; property PollRate: Integer read FPollRate write SetPollRate default 50; property RepeatPosition: Boolean read FRepeatPosition write FRepeatPosition; property RepeatButton1: Boolean read FRepeatButton1 write FRepeatButton1; property RepeatButton2: Boolean read FRepeatButton2 write FRepeatButton2; property RepeatButton3: Boolean read FRepeatButton3 write FRepeatButton3; property RepeatButton4: Boolean read FRepeatButton4 write FRepeatButton4; property OnButton1: TButtonNotifyEvent read FOnButton1 write FOnButton1; property OnButton2: TButtonNotifyEvent read FOnButton2 write FOnButton2; property OnButton3: TButtonNotifyEvent read FOnButton3 write FOnButton3; property OnButton4: TButtonNotifyEvent read FOnButton4 write FOnButton4; property OnJoyMove: TJoyMoveEvent read FOnJoyMove write FOnJoyMove; end; procedure Register; implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Addons', [TJoystick]); end; constructor TJoystick.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); SetDefaults; MakeTimer; end; destructor TJoystick.Destroy; begin DeActivate; FTimer.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJoystick.SetDefaults; begin FActive := False; Enabled := True; PollRate := 50; NotifyRange := 20; GamePort := One; RepeatPosition := True; RepeatButton1 := False; RepeatButton2 := False; RepeatButton3 := False; RepeatButton4 := False; CenterX := 32768; CenterY := 32768; DeltaNegX := 8192; DeltaPosX := 8192; DeltaNegY := 8192; DeltaPosY := 8192; end; procedure TJoystick.MakeTimer; begin FTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); FTimer.Enabled := False; FTimer.Interval := 50; FTimer.OnTimer := Translate; end; procedure TJoystick.SetNotifyRange(value: Integer); begin if FActive = False then FNotifyRange := value; end; procedure TJoystick.SetGamePort(value: TGamePort); begin if FActive = False then begin FGamePort := value; case value of One: JoyId := JOYSTICKID1; Two: JoyId := JOYSTICKID2; else JoyId := 0; end; end; end; procedure TJoystick.SetPollRate(value: Integer); begin if FActive = False then FPollRate := value; end; procedure TJoystick.Devices(var value: Word); begin value := joyGetNumDevs; if value > 2 then value := 2; end; procedure TJoystick.Buttons(Port: Integer; var value: Word); var JID: Word; JCaps: TJoyCaps; rvalue: Word; begin case Port of 1: JID := JOYSTICKID1; 2: JID := JOYSTICKID2; else JID := 0; end; rvalue := joyGetDevCaps(JID, @JCaps, SizeOf(JCaps)); if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then value := JCaps.wNumButtons else value := 0; end; procedure TJoystick.CalibrateCenter; var rvalue: Word; JoyInfo: TJoyInfo; begin rvalue := joyGetPos(JoyId, @JoyInfo); if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin CenterX := JoyInfo.wXpos; CenterY := JoyInfo.wYpos; end else begin CenterX := (JoyCaps.wXmax - JoyCaps.wXmin) div 2; CenterY := (JoyCaps.wYmax - JoyCaps.wYmin) div 2; end; end; procedure TJoystick.CalibrateUpLeft; var rvalue: Word; JoyInfo: TJoyInfo; begin rvalue := joyGetPos(JoyId, @JoyInfo); if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin DeltaNegX := (CenterX - JoyInfo.wXpos) div FNotifyRange; DeltaNegY := (CenterY - JoyInfo.wYpos) div FNotifyRange; end else begin DeltaNegX := CenterX div FNotifyRange; DeltaNegY := CenterY div FNotifyRange; end; end; procedure TJoystick.CalibrateDownRight; var rvalue: Word; JoyInfo: TJoyInfo; begin rvalue := joyGetPos(JoyId, @JoyInfo); if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin DeltaPosX := (JoyInfo.wXpos - CenterX) div FNotifyRange; DeltaPosY := (JoyInfo.wYpos - CenterY) div FNotifyRange; end else begin DeltaPosX := CenterX div FNotifyRange; DeltaPosY := CenterY div FNotifyRange; end; end; procedure TJoystick.Activate; var rvalue: Word; begin DeActivate; rvalue := joyGetDevCaps(JoyId, @JoyCaps, SizeOf(JoyCaps)); if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin rvalue := joyGetPos(JoyId, @JoyInfo); { only activate if no errors returned } if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin FTimer.Interval := PollRate; FTimer.Enabled := True; FActive := True; end; end; { if there is no device, it will remain InActive } end; procedure TJoystick.DeActivate; begin if FActive = True then FTimer.Enabled := False; FActive := False; end; procedure TJoystick.Translate(Sender: TObject); var rvalue: Word; begin { only check joystick if the component is enabled and active } if (FEnabled = True) and (FActive = True) then begin rvalue := joyGetPos(JoyId, @JoyInfo); { only evaluate if no errors returned } if rvalue = JOYERR_NOERROR then begin DoButton1; DoButton2; DoButton3; DoButton4; DoJoystick; end; end; end; procedure TJoystick.DoButton1; var Pushed: Boolean; begin if (JoyInfo.wButtons and JOY_BUTTON1) = JOY_BUTTON1 then Pushed := True else Pushed := False; if FRepeatButton1 = True then begin if (Assigned(FOnButton1)) then FOnButton1(Self, Pushed) end else { logic to NOT call button if same as last } if (Assigned(FOnButton1)) and not(Pushed = LastButton1) then FOnButton1(Self, Pushed); LastButton1 := Pushed; end; procedure TJoystick.DoButton2; var Pushed: Boolean; begin if (JoyInfo.wButtons and JOY_BUTTON2) = JOY_BUTTON2 then Pushed := True else Pushed := False; if FRepeatButton2 = True then begin if (Assigned(FOnButton2)) then FOnButton2(Self, Pushed) end else { logic to NOT call button if same as last } if (Assigned(FOnButton2)) and not(Pushed = LastButton2) then FOnButton2(Self, Pushed); LastButton2 := Pushed; end; procedure TJoystick.DoButton3; var Pushed: Boolean; begin if (JoyInfo.wButtons and JOY_BUTTON3) = JOY_BUTTON3 then Pushed := True else Pushed := False; if FRepeatButton3 = True then begin if (Assigned(FOnButton3)) then FOnButton3(Self, Pushed) end else { logic to NOT call button if same as last } if (Assigned(FOnButton3)) and not(Pushed = LastButton3) then FOnButton3(Self, Pushed); LastButton3 := Pushed; end; procedure TJoystick.DoButton4; var Pushed: Boolean; begin if (JoyInfo.wButtons and JOY_BUTTON4) = JOY_BUTTON4 then Pushed := True else Pushed := False; if FRepeatButton4 = True then begin if (Assigned(FOnButton4)) then FOnButton4(Self, Pushed) end else { logic to NOT call button if same as last } if (Assigned(FOnButton4)) and not(Pushed = LastButton4) then FOnButton4(Self, Pushed); LastButton4 := Pushed; end; procedure TJoystick.DoJoystick; var LocX, LocY: Integer; begin LocX := 0; LocY := 0; if (JoyInfo.wXpos < CenterX) then LocX := (JoyInfo.wXpos - CenterX) div DeltaNegX else LocX := (JoyInfo.wXpos - CenterX) div DeltaPosX; if (JoyInfo.wYpos < CenterY) then LocY := (CenterY - JoyInfo.wYpos) div DeltaNegY else LocY := (CenterY - JoyInfo.wYpos) div DeltaPosY; if FRepeatPosition = True then begin if (Assigned(FOnJoyMove)) then FOnJoyMove(Self, LocX, LocY) end else if (Assigned(FOnJoyMove)) and ((LocX <> LastJoyX) or (LocY <> LastJoyY)) then OnJoyMove(Self, LocX, LocY); LastJoyX := LocX; LastJoyY := LocY; end; end. i know how to activate it and how to setup in the right port That i cant handle is how to get the move option the unit have so i create a var myJoy : Tjoystick; begin myJoy := Tjoystick.Create(form1); myJoy.OnJoyMove <---- that how can i handle? end; thank you Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 634 Posted February 19, 2020 procedure TForm1.MyOnMoveHandler(Sender: TObject; var X, Y: Integer); begin DoSomething(x, y); end; procedure TForm1.X; begin myJoy := Tjoystick.Create(Form1); myJoy.OnJoyMove := MyOnMoveHandler; end; Share this post Link to post
azrael_11 1 Posted February 19, 2020 1 hour ago, Attila Kovacs said: procedure TForm1.MyOnMoveHandler(Sender: TObject; var X, Y: Integer); begin DoSomething(x, y); end; procedure TForm1.X; begin myJoy := Tjoystick.Create(Form1); myJoy.OnJoyMove := MyOnMoveHandler; end; Thank you very much now i have the x and y for one time Now how can i handle x and y every time the program is on. Is it a good practice to put a timer and every x seconds runs the MyOnMoveHandler ? Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 634 Posted February 19, 2020 (edited) No. The event OnJoyMove should be triggered every time you move the joystick, not just one time. There must be something else. Edited February 19, 2020 by Attila Kovacs Share this post Link to post
azrael_11 1 Posted February 19, 2020 (edited) 3 minutes ago, Attila Kovacs said: No. The event OnJoyMove should triggered every time you move the joystick, not just one time. There must be something else. Yes it triggered only one time hmmm Is there a change to have problem that i use FMX platform. Edited February 19, 2020 by azrael_11 Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1467 Posted February 19, 2020 (edited) 39 minutes ago, azrael_11 said: Yes it triggered only one time hmmm Then you are just going to have to debug the code at runtime to find out what is really happening. The OnJoyMove event is fired by an internal TTimer that calls joyGetPos() at regular intervals and then compares the latest coordinates and button states for any changes from the previous call. The fact that you get the OnJoyMove event fired at least once means the timer is running and polling correctly. So either you are doing something to block that timer from firing again, or maybe you are deactivating the TJoystick without realizing it, or maybe joyGetPos() itself is failing. We can't debug for you, because we can't see your real code. FWIW, manually polling the hardware at regular intervals is not the best way to go. Makes me wonder why TJoystick was not written from the beginning to use joySetCapture() instead to allow the OS to send its own event notifications to the app. Quote Is there a change to have problem that i use FMX platform. No, this is likely not related to FMX at all - unless FMX's TTimer is broken. Although, do note that TJoystick is using Windows-specific APIs, so it won't work on any non-Windows platforms that FMX supports. Edited February 19, 2020 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
azrael_11 1 Posted February 19, 2020 9 minutes ago, Remy Lebeau said: Then you are just going to have to debug the code at runtime to find out what is really happening. The OnJoyMove event is fired by an internal TTimer that calls joyGetPos() at regular intervals and then compares the latest coordinates and button states for any changes from the previous call. The fact that you get the OnJoyMove event fired at least once means the timer is running and polling correctly. So either you are doing something to block that timer from firing again, or maybe you are deactivating the TJoystick without realizing it, or maybe joyGetPos() itself is failing. We can't debug for you, because we can't see your real code. FWIW, manually polling the hardware at regular intervals is not the best way to go. Makes me wonder why TJoystick was not written from the beginning to use joySetCapture() instead to allow the OS to send its own event notifications to the app. No, this is likely not related to FMX at all - unless FMX TTimer is broken. Thank you remy i'll check it out. Btw do you know any good components or header for joystick either mmsystem or DInput or Xinput... Thank you again Share this post Link to post
Bill Meyer 338 Posted February 19, 2020 19 minutes ago, azrael_11 said: Thank you remy i'll check it out. Btw do you know any good components or header for joystick either mmsystem or DInput or Xinput... Thank you again This may be worth exploring: Share this post Link to post
azrael_11 1 Posted February 20, 2020 7 hours ago, Bill Meyer said: This may be worth exploring: I see that the best option is from winsoft components but i don't want to pay for a free program. I think the best way is to write a new one from the scratch. Share this post Link to post