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Windows 10 vs Windows 7 SMTP/Winsock issue

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I developed an app under Windows 10. If I try to run it under windows 7 when I try to send an email I get this error on connect:

RequestDone Rq=0 Error: Winsock - Interrupted system call

Is there something to change on the old windows 7 box?


Any help would be appreciated.

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I have used direct Winsock calls on all Windows versions since Win9x and have never had this problem.  So it has to be an issue with the way your code is using Winsock.  Can you please show the actual code that is failing?  "Interrupted system call" is the text message for WSAEINTR (10004), which is very unusual for connect() to report, unless your code is calling WSACancelBlockingCall(), which it should not be doing since that is a legacy Winsock 1.1 function that was deprecated in Winsock 2.0 and removed in 2.2.

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It is likely an issue of a security product. Maybe a firewall or an "internet security" product which monitor outgoing connections. You must enable connections done by your application into those products.

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Try building and running the sample OverbyteIcsMailQuTst.dpr in .\Samples\delphi\sslinternet\ and see if you get an error sending emails.  This is now the recommended way for sending SMTP emails, it tries multiple SMTP servers with attempts over several days to ensure email is sent.  




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