Serge_G 90 Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) Hi, I am surely doing something wrong there, but I can't understand where. I wrote a FDSQLiteFunction (well more than one) All of these return me widestrings, I was expecting Currency, Date, Currency. Note, first one came from help procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunction1Calculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); begin // from sample AOutput.AsCurrency := AInputs[0].AsCurrency * AInputs[1].AsInteger; end; procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionAAAAMMJJ2DateCalculate( AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); var vSDate : String; vDate : TDate; begin vsDate:=AInputs[0].AsString; vDate:=EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,1,4)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,5,2)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,7,2))); AOutput.AsDate:=vDate; end; procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionMontantCalculate( AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); var vMontant : Currency; IMontant : String; begin IMontant:=AInputs[0].AsString; Vmontant:=StrToFloat(IMontant); if Ainputs[1].AsString='-' then vMontant:=Vmontant * -1; AOutput.AsCurrency:=vMontant; end; Don't understand why! Ok, it's at design time, but I think that matters. Edited February 19, 2021 by Serge_G Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) 5 hours ago, Serge_G said: TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionAAAAMMJJ2DateCalculate my opinion, using: solve one problem!!! lOupPutDate := StrToDateTimeDEF('datex', <<date valid in case of error>>); ******* 5 hours ago, Serge_G said: TDM.FDSQLiteFunctionMontantCalculate why convert the Float in Str, and Str in Float again? why not: AInputs[0].AsDouble or equivalent directly, in "+" or "-" verification? if ( x < 0) {negative} then {or AInput[1].Contains('-') } AOutPut.AsDouble := := -AInputs[0].AsDouble else AOutPut.AsDouble := := AInputs[0].AsDouble; of course, using "EXCEPT block" (two cases) for any error and one result default for it! no needs any "var" use. NOTE: if the value is negative, then (-(-...))= + .... and so... you see? Edited February 19, 2021 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted February 19, 2021 48 minutes ago, emailx45 said: why convert the Float in Str, and Str in Float again? Well, there was a mistake in the database , column aInput[0] is a string in French format so with " ," as decimal point aInput[1] if a char '+' or '-'. Don't fire at the pianist, that's not my database! In the same way, the format of the date vDate:=EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,1,4)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,5,2)), StrToInt(Copy(vsdate,7,2))); I am in doubt because of base 0,1 string and, yes, I forgot the StrToDateTimeDef but problem remains. I exposed my problem with the first fuction procedure TDM.FDSQLiteFunction1Calculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); begin // from sample AOutput.AsCurrency := AInputs[0].AsCurrency * AInputs[1].AsInteger; end; And this one, see second picture, give me a widestring not a currency field Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 19, 2021 (edited) 54 minutes ago, Serge_G said: but problem remains. maybe my solution help you now: my SQLite DB CREATE TABLE [myTableSQLite] ( [ID] INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, [VALUE1] FLOAT DEFAULT '''0''' NOT NULL, [VALUE2] FLOAT DEFAULT '''0''' NOT NULL, [VALUE_Type_Char] VARCHAR(1) NOT NULL ) my FORM in Text ... (just interessant part...) object FDConnection1: TFDConnection Params.Strings = ( 'Database=D:\RADRIOTests\VCL_SQLite_Functions_Test\mySQLiteDB.s3d' + 'b' 'StringFormat=Unicode' 'DateTimeFormat=DateTime' 'DriverID=SQLite') Connected = False LoginPrompt = False Transaction = FDTransaction1 UpdateTransaction = FDTransaction1 Left = 568 Top = 16 end object FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink1: TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink Left = 704 Top = 16 end object FDGUIxWaitCursor1: TFDGUIxWaitCursor Provider = 'Forms' ScreenCursor = gcrHourGlass Left = 832 Top = 16 end object DataSource1: TDataSource DataSet = FDQuery1 Left = 424 Top = 256 end object FDQuery1: TFDQuery BeforeEdit = FDQuery1BeforeEdit BeforePost = FDQuery1BeforePost AfterPost = FDQuery1AfterPost Connection = FDConnection1 SQL.Strings = ( 'SELECT *, myMultFunc(VALUE1, VALUE2, VALUE_Type_Char)as ResultMu' + 'lt,' 'myStringToDateFunc("19/02/2021") as ResultDate' 'FROM myTableSQLite') Left = 560 Top = 80 object FDQuery1ID: TFDAutoIncField FieldName = 'ID' Origin = 'ID' ProviderFlags = [pfInWhere, pfInKey] ReadOnly = True end object FDQuery1VALUE1: TFloatField FieldName = 'VALUE1' Origin = 'VALUE1' Required = True end object FDQuery1VALUE2: TFloatField FieldName = 'VALUE2' Origin = 'VALUE2' Required = True end object FDQuery1VALUE_Type_Char: TWideStringField FieldName = 'VALUE_Type_Char' Origin = 'VALUE_Type_Char' Required = True Size = 1 end object FDQuery1ResultMult: TWideStringField AutoGenerateValue = arDefault FieldName = 'ResultMult' Origin = 'ResultMult' ProviderFlags = [] ReadOnly = True Size = 32767 end object FDQuery1ResultDate: TWideStringField AutoGenerateValue = arDefault FieldName = 'ResultDate' Origin = 'ResultDate' ProviderFlags = [] ReadOnly = True Size = 32767 end end object FDTransaction1: TFDTransaction Connection = FDConnection1 Left = 464 Top = 16 end object myFDSQLiteMultFunc: TFDSQLiteFunction DriverLink = FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink1 FunctionName = 'myMultFunc' ArgumentsCount = 3 OnCalculate = myFDSQLiteMultFuncCalculate Left = 664 Top = 72 end object myFDSQLiteStrintToDate: TFDSQLiteFunction DriverLink = FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink1 FunctionName = 'myStringToDateFunc' ArgumentsCount = 1 OnCalculate = myFDSQLiteStrintToDateCalculate Left = 808 Top = 80 end type TForm1 = class(TForm) FDConnection1: TFDConnection; FDPhysSQLiteDriverLink1: TFDPhysSQLiteDriverLink; FDGUIxWaitCursor1: TFDGUIxWaitCursor; DataSource1: TDataSource; FDQuery1: TFDQuery; FDTransaction1: TFDTransaction; myFDSQLiteMultFunc: TFDSQLiteFunction; DBGrid1: TDBGrid; Button1: TButton; DBNavigator1: TDBNavigator; myFDSQLiteStrintToDate: TFDSQLiteFunction; FDQuery1ID: TFDAutoIncField; FDQuery1VALUE1: TFloatField; FDQuery1VALUE2: TFloatField; FDQuery1VALUE_Type_Char: TWideStringField; FDQuery1ResultMult: TWideStringField; FDQuery1ResultDate: TWideStringField; procedure myFDSQLiteMultFuncCalculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FDQuery1AfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet); procedure FDQuery1BeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet); procedure FDQuery1BeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet); procedure myFDSQLiteStrintToDateCalculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} uses System.DateUtils; var iFDQryRecno: Integer = 0; bFDQryState: TDataSetState; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if FDConnection1.Connected then begin FDConnection1.Close; myFDSQLiteMultFunc.Active := false; myFDSQLiteStrintToDate.Active := false; end else begin FDConnection1.Open; myFDSQLiteMultFunc.Active := true; myFDSQLiteStrintToDate.Active := true; FDQuery1.Open; end; // end; procedure TForm1.FDQuery1AfterPost(DataSet: TDataSet); begin FDQuery1.Disconnect(false); FDQuery1.Open(); { } // case bFDQryState of TDataSetState.dsInsert: FDQuery1.Last; TDataSetState.dsEdit: FDQuery1.RecNo := iFDQryRecno; end; end; procedure TForm1.FDQuery1BeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet); begin iFDQryRecno := FDQuery1.RecNo; end; procedure TForm1.FDQuery1BeforePost(DataSet: TDataSet); begin bFDQryState := FDQuery1.State; end; procedure TForm1.myFDSQLiteMultFuncCalculate( { } AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; { } AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; { } AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; { } var AUserData: TObject); begin try if (AInputs[2].AsString = '-') then AOutput.AsCurrency := AInputs[0].AsCurrency * -AInputs[1].AsCurrency { or using: ABS( input 1) for avoid "-(-(..))" } else AOutput.AsCurrency := AInputs[0].AsCurrency * AInputs[1].AsCurrency; except AOutput.AsCurrency := 0; end; end; procedure TForm1.myFDSQLiteStrintToDateCalculate( { } AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; { } AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; { } AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; { } var AUserData: TObject); begin try AOutput.AsString := DateToStr(StrToDateDef(AInputs[0].AsString, now)); except AOutput.AsString := DateToStr(now); { some valid value } end; end; NOTE: better dont use "reserverd words" like "Result" as your fieldnames, or, similar! hug Edited February 19, 2021 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted February 20, 2021 Well, I was thinking it was a sort of VCL vs FMX thing but no. If I look at your grid I see that resultmult column is as string (align left) Like me have a widestringfield object FDQuery1MNT: TWideStringField AutoGenerateValue = arDefault FieldName = 'MNT' Origin = 'MNT' ProviderFlags = [] ReadOnly = True Size = 32767 end And this is my problem, if you use Livebindings a real one at design time! A note for this function // Select id,montant,sens, // testmnt(sens,montant) as MNT, -- function1 // asIntvalue(sens) as IntSens, -- function2 // montant*asIntvalue(sens) MNTBIS from ecritures procedure TForm11.FDSQLiteFunction2Calculate(AFunc: TSQLiteFunctionInstance; AInputs: TSQLiteInputs; AOutput: TSQLiteOutput; var AUserData: TObject); begin try if AInputs[0].AsString='+' then AOutput.AsInteger:=1 else AOutput.AsInteger:=-1; except Aoutput.AsInteger:=0; end; end; if you declare fields at design time you have a widestringfield, no fields declared it is a largeint value and MNTBIS a currency value Share this post Link to post
Dmitry Arefiev 109 Posted February 20, 2021 SQLite is really typeless database. When you use AOutput.AsCurrency, then FireDAC maps this to SQLITE_TEXT (to keep precision), and AOutput.AsFloat to SQLITE_FLOAT. To "remap" an expression in SELECT list to a Delphi specific type you should use special construction in SELECT list: <expression> AS "<alias>::<type>" More about that: 1 Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted February 20, 2021 Thanks, Dmitry, I was not aware of this special construction to remap a column. This does the trick 🙇♂️ and brighten my day Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 20, 2021 (edited) 1 hour ago, Serge_G said: I was not aware of this special construction to remap a column. another thing, DONT FORGET OF "RE-MAP" by FireDAC options! there, you can do it too! Include the definition have an "inherit" "VERTICAL", or be, definining on FDManager -> FDConnection -> FDQuery ... and so! Then, you can re-map a Field on FDConnection, and all FDQuerys/FDDatasets will inherit it try this. hug Edited February 20, 2021 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 20, 2021 I Like YOU B U T I D O NO t Hv🤦♂️Te server-code from the client?! Or are you building a server-side plugin?CAPS why?++++ WHY ALL CAPS++ It is not reDABLE. Share this post Link to post
Serge_G 90 Posted February 20, 2021 (edited) 3 hours ago, emailx45 said: another thing, DONT FORGET OF "RE-MAP" by FireDAC options! there, you can do it too! Include the definition have an "inherit" "VERTICAL", or be, definining on FDManager -> FDConnection -> FDQuery ... and so! Then, you can re-map a Field on FDConnection, and all FDQuerys/FDDatasets will inherit it try this. hug I try this before Dmitry response, but does not work at design time for declaring fields (keep in mind : Livebindings) Thanks anyway. Is there anyway to flag discussion as solved on this forum? Edited February 20, 2021 by Serge_G 1 Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 648 Posted February 20, 2021 @Dany Marmur By the way, do you know why SQL Queries are written in capital letters? 😉 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 20, 2021 (edited) 2 hours ago, Serge_G said: I try this before Dmitry response, but does not work at design time for declaring fields (keep in mind : Livebindings) doesnt works because the "FD-FUNCTIONS" ARE RESOLVED IN RUN-TIME LIKE "CALCULATE FIELDS", OF COURSE, MORE FLEXIBLE - if not reADABLE! To make custom functions ACCESSIBLE AT DESIG-TIME, CREATE A CUSTOM-DESIGN-TIME PACKAGE WITH A DATAMODULE, DROP THE COMPONENTS ON THIS MODULE, AND SET UP PROPERLY. Create the module in the module unit initialization section and destroy it in the finalization section. After this, install your package into the Object Pascal IDE. NOTE: in time, this works in LiveBinding tech! same that is not explicitly revelated in your initial post! hug and GOOD READS! Edited February 20, 2021 by Guest Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 21, 2021 @Attila Kovacs, no, i moved over to lower-case some five years ago. More readable, methinks. Share this post Link to post
Attila Kovacs 648 Posted February 21, 2021 @Dany Marmur Because the server works faster if you are shouting 😛 Share this post Link to post
Fr0sT.Brutal 901 Posted February 24, 2021 On 2/21/2021 at 11:27 AM, Attila Kovacs said: @Dany Marmur Because the server works faster if you are shouting 😛 Hmm don't you know that uppercase letters occupy more memory causing overall slowdown?! 😄 Share this post Link to post
Guest Posted February 24, 2021 17 minutes ago, Fr0sT.Brutal said: Hmm don't you know that uppercase letters occupy more memory causing overall slowdown?! it's true! imagine how many pixels is necessary to form it on screen. hug Share this post Link to post