milurt 0 Posted March 15, 2023 is a procedure missing or the sequence wrong? var B001:tagBitmap; HB:hbitmap; bitmap1-3:hdc; begin hwnd001:=createwindow; wdc:=getdc;hbp:=beginpaint; PB:=getmemory; B001.bmBits:=PB; HB:=CreateBitmapIndirect(B001); bitmapdc1:=getdc(HB); selectobject(bitmapdc2,bitmapdc1); bitmapdc3:=CreateCompatibleDC(bitmapdc2); bitblt(wdc,300,300,200,100,bitmapdc3,0,0,SRCCOPY); end. Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 15, 2023 Is it too much to ask that you make your code readable if you're asking other people to spend their time reading it? There's a whole bunch of stuff missing from the code you posted. So much that there's not much point in trying to figure out what problem you're having (you might also have stated that. we're not mind readers). Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted March 16, 2023 i think it is better, if i do not write the complete registerclass and createwindow. than you have more overview. why is that the problem? and the second part of the program are the bitmap-drawing- procedures, where i asked which procedure can be absent. are the variables:=procedures better readable, if i make some spaces at the beginning of the line? Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 16, 2023 Ok then, imassumingthatthisisaWM_PAINThandler.ifnot,thenyouneedtoreadtheBeginPaintdocumentation.ifitis,thenthere'samissingcalltoEndPaint.youarealsonotusingtheinformationinPAINTSTRUCTfilledoutbyBeginPaint. andfinally,youstillhaven'ttolduswhattheactualproblemis. 1 Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 16, 2023 and Tezeus ran, ran, fleeing the labyrinth and the Minitaurus... however, he found Medusa on his way out, and petrified to death. Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 16, 2023 (edited) some like this...? (from CodeProject in C sources) in Delphi procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var LScreenWidth : Integer; LScreenHeigth : Integer; LHWndDesktop : HWND; LHDCDesktop : HDC; LHDCCapture : HDC; LHBitmapCapture: HBITMAP; begin LHWndDesktop := 0; LHDCDesktop := 0; LHDCCapture := 0; LHBitmapCapture := 0; try // maybe it's better verify if ( HDCxxxx > 0) then ... LScreenWidth := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN); // screen sizes LScreenHeigth := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN); // LHWndDesktop := GetDesktopWindow; LHDCDesktop := GetDC(LHWndDesktop); // LHDCCapture := CreateCompatibleDC(LHDCDesktop); LHBitmapCapture := CreateCompatibleBitmap(LHDCDesktop, LScreenWidth, LScreenHeigth); // SelectObject(LHDCCapture, LHBitmapCapture); BitBlt(LHDCCapture, 0, 0, LScreenWidth, LScreenHeigth, LHDCDesktop, 0, 0, SRCCOPY {or CAPTUREBLT} );// Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Handle := LHBitmapCapture; // just get the handle of this object... // storing in some place (disk, memory,etc...) to load later... // Image1 is TImage just show on form tests... Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SaveToFile('bmptemp.bmp'); Image1.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('bmptemp.bmp'); finally ReleaseDC(LHWndDesktop, LHDCDesktop); DeleteDC(LHDCCapture); DeleteObject(LHBitmapCapture); // this destroy the LHBitmapCapture (reference) above! end; end; Edited March 16, 2023 by programmerdelphi2k Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted March 16, 2023 the paintstruct defines the area to paint, but after my set of bitmap-drawing procedure i see the window and other drawings but not the bitmap, which i want from tagbitmap place on beginpaint. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted March 21, 2023 no tips anymore? why my program does not work. Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 21, 2023 Don't expect people to help you if you don't want to make an effort yourself. You need to make it as easy as possible for us to help you. Generally, when describing a problem there are 4 things you need to state: What are you trying to do (high-level description)? E.g. I'm trying to display a bitmap How are you doing it (the steps)? Clean up your code. Post the whole method/function and use the code tag (the </> button). What is the expected result? E.g. The bitmap is drawn in the window What is the actual/observed result? E.g. Nothing is drawn in the window You don't need to write it as a list but unless we have all this information we will have to guess and that just slows things down. See also: 1 Share this post Link to post
Sherlock 679 Posted March 21, 2023 And to elaborate a bit on Anders great pointers on how to ask a question that will get usable answers: When posting code use the code tags! It makes code just so much more readable by coloring and over all prettying things up. As you seem to have noticed yourself, formatting the code by following general guidelines like this one to render it more human readable is also a plus. The less strain reading your code puts on the potential helpers eyes the more likely you will get great answers. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted March 22, 2023 now compile it: is there a procedure missed? why the picture is not to see in the window? </> program ForumBitmap2023; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses System.SysUtils,windows; Var winc:WNDCLASSEx; wname,wcl:PChar; wnddc:hdc; windbp,hwind:hwnd; PStrc:TPAINTSTRUCT; FH:THandle; FBuf,Bmpf:Pointer; fch:Pchar; F:File of byte; BmpH:HBitmap; Bmp:tagBitmap; BmpDC1:Hdc; bmpdc2:hdc; bmpdc3:hdc; Function wndproc(hwndow:HWND;msga,msgword:word;msglong:longint):LResult;stdcall; Begin wndproc:=DefWindowProc(hwndow,msga,msgword,msglong); End; Begin winc.cbSize:=sizeof(winc); Or CS_VREDRAW; winc.lpfnWndProc:=Addr(wndproc); winc.cbclsExtra:=0; winc.cbWndExtra:=0; winc.hInstance:=0;; winc.hIcon:=LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); winc.hCursor:=0; winc.hbrBackground:=(14 + 1); winc.lpszMenuName:=NiL; winc.lpszClassName:='Window'#0; winc.hIconSm:=LoadIcon(winc.hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION); RegisterClassEx(winc); wcl:='Program'#0; wname:='Window'#0; hwind:=CreateWindow(wname,wcl,WS_OVERLAPPED+WS_SIZEBOX,300,100,700, 500,0,0,0,NiL); ShowWindow(hwind,sw_show); UpdateWindow(hwind); wndDC:=GetDC(hwind); PStrc.hdc:=wndDC; PStrc.ferase:=false; PStrc.rcpaint.left:=0;; PStrc.rcpaint.right:=690; PStrc.rcpaint.bottom:=495; windBP:=BeginPaint(hwind,PStrc); Bmpf:=GetMemory(1000000*2); fch:=bmpf; fch:=fch+10; FBuf:=fch; AsSign(F,'C:\Paints.bmp'); FH:=FileOpen('C:\Paints.bmp',fmOpenReadWrite); FileRead(FH,FBuf^,735829); bmp.bmtype:=0; bmp.bmwidth:=630; bmp.bmheight:=492; bmp.bmWidthBytes:=2*3*bmp.bmwidth; bmp.bmplanes:=1; bmp.bmbitspixel:=24; bmp.bmBits:=FBuf; BmpH:=CreateBitmapIndirect(bmp); bmpdc1:=getdc(bmph); selectobject(bmpdc2,Bmpdc1); BmpDC3:=CreateCompatibleDC(Bmpdc2); BitBlT(wnddc,30,10,620,489,BmpDC3,0,0,SRCCOPY); end. </> Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 22, 2023 try put a "wait me please" in last line... Quote BitBlT(wnddc, 30, 10, 620, 489, bmpdc3, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // readln; // waiting... Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 22, 2023 1 hour ago, milurt said: now compile it: is there a procedure missed? Uh. This looks like a "classic" Windows application. While it definitely is possible to create a Windows GUI application that doesn't use the RTL or VCL it isn't really something that is done anymore. If really you want to write a Windows application that way there are a few things missing from your code. I suggest you start by reading the following: If all you want is an application that displays a form with a bitmap on it, here's one that does that: program NoVCL; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses Forms, ExtCtrls; var Form: TForm; Image: TImage; begin Form := TForm.CreateNew(nil); try Image := TImage.Create(Form); Image.Parent := Form; Image.AutoSize := True; Image.Picture.Bitmap.LoadFromFile('bitmap.bmp'); Form.ShowModal; finally Form.Free; end; end. Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted March 22, 2023 3 hours ago, milurt said: is there a procedure missed? Not just a procedure, many things are wrong or looking strange at your code. Exemplary: procedure RunClient; begin UpdateWindow(LHWND); while(GetMessage(LMsg, LHWND, 0, 0)) do begin TranslateMessage(LMsg); DispatchMessage(LMsg); end; UnregisterClassA(PChar(GClassName), LInst); end; A message loop.... (mostest basic things for non-Vcl code) You really should structure your whole code better, making methods for each thing etc.... Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted March 22, 2023 Here is a full example, excuse any errors, long time not done non-vcl 😛 program BitmapDemo; {$APPTYPE GUI} {.$R *.res} uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages; const GClassName: string = 'KodeZwergs_CLASS'; GWidth: Integer = 800; GHeight: Integer = 600; var LWinClass: TWndClass; LInst: HINST; LHWND, LBitmap: HWND; LMsg: TMsg; LBmp: HBITMAP; function WindowProc(hWnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; var s: string; ws: WideString; begin case Msg of WM_DESTROY: begin UnregisterClass(PChar(GClassName), LInst); PostQuitMessage(0); Halt; end; else Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; procedure CreateClient; begin LInst := GetModuleHandle(nil); with LWinClass do begin style := CS_CLASSDC or CS_PARENTDC or CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW; lpfnWndProc := @WindowProc; cbClsExtra := 0; cbWndExtra := 0; hInstance := LInst; hIcon := LoadIcon(hInstance, PChar('MAINICON')); hCursor := LoadCursor(0, PChar(IDC_ARROW)); hbrBackground := Succ(COLOR_BTNFACE); lpszMenuName := PChar(''); lpszClassname := PChar(GClassName); end; RegisterClass(LWinClass); LHWND := CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE or WS_EX_TOPMOST, PChar(GClassName), PChar('KodeZwergs Bitmap Example'), DS_CENTER OR WS_VISIBLE or WS_CAPTION or WS_POPUP or WS_SYSMENU or WS_BORDER, ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXFULLSCREEN) div 2) - (GWidth div 2)), ((GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN) div 2) - ((GHeight - (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYMIN))) div 2)), GWidth, GHeight + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZE), 0, 0, LInst, NIL); if (LHWND = 0) then begin UnregisterClass(PChar(GClassName), LInst); Exit; end; // create static for bitmap LBitmap := CreateWindow('Static', '', SS_BITMAP or WS_CHILD or WS_VISIBLE or WS_GROUP, 5, 5, (GWidth - 5), (GHeight - 5), LHWND, 0, LInst, NIL); // load bitmap LBmp := LoadImage(LInst, PChar('.\Bitmap.bmp'), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); // display bitmap SendMessage(LBitmap, STM_SETIMAGE, IMAGE_BITMAP, LBmp); end; procedure RunClient; begin UpdateWindow(LHWND); while(GetMessage(LMsg, LHWND, 0, 0)) do begin TranslateMessage(LMsg); DispatchMessage(LMsg); end; UnregisterClass(PChar(GClassName), LInst); end; begin CreateClient; RunClient; end. 1 Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) me too... im getting "runtime error 216" behind form-main in showmessage (old run error...) in first run... later, run ok and show bmp into form Edited March 22, 2023 by programmerdelphi2k Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 22, 2023 25 minutes ago, milurt said: but who can say the error in my program? It isn't a valid Windows GUI application at all so what do you expect us to say? Compare your code to @KodeZwerg's code. Can you spot the difference? Why do you want to do it this way in the first place? Share this post Link to post
Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 22, 2023 2 hours ago, KodeZwerg said: WM_DESTROY: begin UnregisterClass(PChar(GClassName), LInst); PostQuitMessage(0); Halt; end; The Halt should probably be an Exit. Otherwise, there isn't much point in the PostQuitMessage. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted March 22, 2023 mister anders melander, do you want to say, what is missed to be a valid GUI? kodezwerg has only made procedure for the createwindow-theme, that types are not my questions. this means no more procedures are to add to show the bitmap? i have no runtime error. Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) @milurt say more about your project: what MSWindows you are using? what Delphi you are using? why you needs a non-conventional way to create your GUI app (go backing to the caves)? what your real objective with all this? Edited March 22, 2023 by programmerdelphi2k Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted March 22, 2023 46 minutes ago, milurt said: kodezwerg has only made procedure for the createwindow-theme, If that is your only observation than you should re-read and re-compare what I am doing and what you are doing. 1 Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted March 22, 2023 9 minutes ago, programmerdelphi2k said: why you needs a non-conventional way to create your GUI app (go backing to the caves)? Coding non-Vcl is a good way to learn how things are working under the Vcl. (beside the benefit that the compiled file is just around 50kb vs 3mb by using Vcl) Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted March 22, 2023 (edited) 4 minutes ago, KodeZwerg said: Coding non-Vcl is a good way to learn how things are working under the Vcl. not only in VCL, but in any other environment... unfortunatelly I lost the beggin in programming ... I would like have learned more about the "root" I would like to be a "cave-man" too! 😪 Edited March 22, 2023 by programmerdelphi2k 1 Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted March 23, 2023 13 hours ago, Anders Melander said: The Halt should probably be an Exit. Otherwise, there isn't much point in the PostQuitMessage. Somewhere I've done a mistake, when I remove the "halt" app going into a deadlock. Share this post Link to post