Anders Melander 1951 Posted March 23, 2023 2 hours ago, KodeZwerg said: Somewhere I've done a mistake, when I remove the "halt" app going into a deadlock. function WindowProc(hWnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; begin case Msg of WM_DESTROY: begin PostQuitMessage(0); Exit(0); end; else Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd, Msg, wParam, lParam); end; end; procedure RunClient; begin UpdateWindow(LHWND); while (integer(GetMessage(LMsg, LHWND, 0, 0)) > 0) do begin if (LMsg.message = WM_QUIT) then begin PostQuitMessage(0); break; end; TranslateMessage(LMsg); DispatchMessage(LMsg); end; UnregisterClass(PChar(GClassName), LInst); end; The main problem was that GetMessage is declared to return a BOOL but it actually returns an integer. Specifically, it returns -1 when the message queue has been destroyed. 1 Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted May 8, 2023 now i have this and it is still nothing to see, but b=True bmpw:tagbitmap; hbmp:=CreateBitmap(100,100,1,24,RGBMem); bc:=CreateCompatibleDC(winddc); boss:=SelectObject(bc,hbmp); ???: getobject(hbmp,sizeof(bmpw),Addr(bmpw)); b:=bitblt(winddc,0,0,620,489,bc,0,0,SRCCOPY); SelectObject(bc,boss); DeleteObject(bc); Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1542 Posted May 8, 2023 (edited) On 3/23/2023 at 7:17 AM, Anders Melander said: The main problem was that GetMessage is declared to return a BOOL but it actually returns an integer. BOOL is an integer. The Windows.BOOL type is defined as a LongBool. Don't confuse BOOL with Delphi's native Boolean type. See: BOOL vs. VARIANT_BOOL vs. BOOLEAN vs. bool Quote Specifically, it returns -1 when the message queue has been destroyed. It returns -1 when it is passed invalid parameters, see: When will GetMessage return -1? Besides, assuming no memory corruption has occurred, it is otherwise physically impossible for a thread's message queue to be destroyed while the thread is still running, and a thread can't retrieve messages for other threads. Edited May 8, 2023 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1542 Posted May 8, 2023 (edited) On 3/22/2023 at 7:00 AM, milurt said: now compile it: is there a procedure missed? why the picture is not to see in the window? There is a LOT of things wrong with the code you have shown. Starting with the fact that you are trying to draw onto your window from outside of a WM_PAINT message handler. You need to move that logic inside your WndProc() function instead. Or, the fact that you are giving invalid data to CreateBitmapIndirect(), or that you are setting up your HDCs incorrectly. Try something more like the following instead: program ForumBitmap2023; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses System.SysInit, Winapi.Messages, Winapi.Windows; var hBmp: HBITMAP; function WndProc(hWnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; stdcall; var PS: TPaintStruct; hOldBmp: HBITMAP; hdcBmp: HDC; begin Result := 0; case uMsg of WM_CREATE: hBmp := LoadImage(0, 'C:\Paints.bmp', IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_LOADFROMFILE); end; WM_DESTROY: begin DeleteObject(hBmp); PostQuitMessage(0); end; WM_PAINT: begin BeginPaint(hWnd, PS); hdcBmp := CreateCompatibleDC(PS.hdc); hOldBmp := SelectObject(hdcBmp, hBmp); BitBlt(PS.hdc, 30, 10, 620, 489, hdcBmp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcBmp, hOldBmp); DeleteDC(hdcBmp); EndPaint(hWnd, PS); end else Result := DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam); end; end; var cls: WNDCLASSEX; hWnd: HWND; msg: TMsg; begin ZeroMemory(@cls, Sizeof(cls)); cls.cbSize := Sizeof(cls); := CS_HREDRAW or CS_VREDRAW; cls.lpfnWndProc := Addr(WndProc); cls.cbclsExtra := 0; cls.cbWndExtra := 0; cls.hInstance := HInstance; cls.hIcon := LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); cls.hCursor := 0; cls.hbrBackground := COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT + 1; cls.lpszMenuName := nil; cls.lpszClassName := 'Window'; cls.hIconSm := LoadIcon(cls.hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION); RegisterClassEx(cls); hWnd := CreateWindow(cls.lpszClassName, 'Program', WS_OVERLAPPED or WS_SIZEBOX, 300, 100, 700, 500, 0, 0, cls.hInstance, nil); ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW); UpdateWindow(hWnd); while GetMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0) do begin TranslateMessage(msg); DispatchMessage(msg); end; ExitCode := msg.wParam; end. Edited May 9, 2023 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
programmerdelphi2k 238 Posted May 8, 2023 18 minutes ago, Remy Lebeau said: hBmp, hOldBmp: HBITMAP; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses Winapi.Messages, // <--- System.SysInit Winapi.Windows; var hBmp: HBITMAP; function WndProc(hWnd: hWnd; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): LRESULT; stdcall; var PS : TPaintStruct; { hBmp, } hOldBmp: HBITMAP; // <--- hiding hBMP global = hBmp always "0" Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1542 Posted May 9, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, programmerdelphi2k said: uses Winapi.Messages, // <--- System.SysInit Winapi.Windows; Using System.SysInit was intentional to get to the global HInstance variable. But you are right, I needed Winapi.Messages, too. I have now added it. 3 hours ago, programmerdelphi2k said: var hBmp: HBITMAP; function WndProc(hWnd: hWnd; uMsg: UINT; wParam: wParam; lParam: lParam): LRESULT; stdcall; var PS : TPaintStruct; { hBmp, } hOldBmp: HBITMAP; // <--- hiding hBMP global = hBmp always "0" Good catch. That was a copy/paste error as I was reorganizing the code. I have now fixed it. Edited May 9, 2023 by Remy Lebeau Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted May 20, 2023 On 5/9/2023 at 12:41 AM, Remy Lebeau said: BOOL is an integer. The Windows.BOOL type is defined as a LongBool. Don't confuse BOOL with Delphi's native Boolean type. See: BOOL vs. VARIANT_BOOL vs. BOOLEAN vs. bool It returns -1 when it is passed invalid parameters, see: When will GetMessage return -1? Besides, assuming no memory corruption has occurred, it is otherwise physically impossible for a thread's message queue to be destroyed while the thread is still running, and a thread can't retrieve messages for other threads. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted May 20, 2023 hdcBmp := CreateCompatibleDC(PS.hdc); hOldBmp := SelectObject(hdcBmp, hBmp); BitBlt(PS.hdc, 30, 10, 620, 489, hdcBmp, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); SelectObject(hdcBmp, hOldBmp); DeleteDC(hdcBmp); Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 27, 2023 now i have this and i can not see the picture: program BitmapToWindow; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses WinProcs,System.SysUtils; var FMem:Pointer; FH:THandle; F:File of Byte; FR:LongInt; BMem:Pointer; PicWidth,PicHeight:Integer; WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight, HWnd1:HWND; WCls1:WndClassEx; WinDC:HDC; PS:TPaintStruct; WinBP:HDC; PB:Boolean; BmpH:HBitmap; CDC:HDC; SelO:HGDIObj; BmpT:tagBitmap; Procedure WinOpen; Var WCN,WT:PChar; WReg:Integer; WH1:HWnd; Begin WCls1.cbSize:=sizeof(WCls1); Or CS_VREDRAW; WCls1.lpfnWndProc:=Addr(DefWindowProc); WCls1.cbclsExtra:=0; WCls1.cbWndExtra:=0; WCls1.hInstance:=GetModuleHandle(nil);; WCls1.hIcon:=winprocs.LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); WCls1.hCursor:=0; WCls1.hbrBackground:=(14 + 1); WCls1.lpszMenuName:=NiL; WCls1.lpszClassName:='My Window'#0; WCls1.hIconSm:=LoadIcon(WCls1.hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION); WReg:=WinProcs.RegisterClassEx(WCls1); WT:='My Program'#0; WCN:='My Window'#0; HWnd1:=WinProcs.CreateWindow(WCN,WT, WS_OVERLAPPED+WS_SIZEBOX+WS_TABSTOP, WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight, 0,0,GetModuleHandle(NiL),NiL); ShowWindow(HWnd1,sw_show); UpdateWindow(HWnd1); End; Procedure PaintOpen; Begin WinDC:=WinProcs.GetDC(HWnd1); PS.hdc:=WinDC; PS.ferase:=false; PS.rcpaint.left:=WinX;; PS.rcpaint.right:=WinWidth; PS.rcpaint.bottom:=WinHeight; WinBP:=WinProcs.BeginPaint(HWnd1,PS); End; Procedure PaintRect(RX,RY,RWidth,RHeight:Integer;R,G,B:Byte); Var R1:TRect;B1:HBrush; Begin R1.left:=RX; R1.right:=RX+RWidth;; R1.bottom:=RY+RHeight; B1:=CreateSolidBrush(((B*256)+G)*256+R); fillrect(WinDC,r1,b1); DeleteObject(B1); End; Begin FMem:=GetMemory(1000000); AsSign(F,'D:\15333842.bmp'); FH:=FileOpen('D:\15333842.bmp',fmOpenReadWrite); FR:=FileRead(FH,FMem^,909594{FileSize(F)}); Longint(BMem):=longint(FMem)+Longint(Pointer(longint(FMem)+10)^); PicWidth:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+18)^); PicHeight:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+22)^); WinWidth:=PicWidth+20;WinHeight:=PicHeight+20; WinX:=(1920-WinWidth) Div 2;WinY:=(1080-WinHeight) Div 2; WinOpen; PaintOpen; PaintRect(0,0,WinWidth,WinHeight,0,200,0); BmpT.bmtype:=0; BmpT.bmwidth:=PicWidth; BmpT.bmheight:=PicHeight; BmpT.bmWidthBytes:=2*BmpT.bmwidth; BmpT.bmplanes:=1; BmpT.bmbitspixel:=24; BmpT.bmBits:=BMem; BmpH:=CreateBitmap(PicWidth,PicHeight,1,24,BMem); CDC:=CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC); SelO:=SelectObject(CDC,BmpH); getobject(BmpH,sizeof(bmpT),Addr(bmpT)); PB:=BitBlT(WinDC,00,00,PicWidth,PicHeight,CDC,00,00,SRCCopy); SelectObject(CDC,SelO); DeleteObject(CDC); Repeat Until GetAsyncKeyState(32)=-32768; end. Share this post Link to post
PeterBelow 250 Posted July 27, 2023 For a GUI program this code is not designed correctly. A GUI program has to have a message loop and has to do any painting of the UI when Windows tells it to paint its window, by handling the WM_PAINT message in the window proc. You cannot leave that to DefWindowProc in this case, since it knows nothing about the bitmap you want to show. Anyway, this is not the way you write GUI programs in Delphi. Just create a VCL program skeleton via the File -> New menu, drop a TImage on the form the IDE creates for you, load the bitmap into its Picture property, set the Align property of the image to alclient, save the project, build and run it. Done. The whole purpose of using an environment offering a rich GUI class library like Delphi's VCL is to shield you from all the messy details of the Windows API. Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted July 27, 2023 6 hours ago, milurt said: Repeat Until GetAsyncKeyState(32)=-32768; Really? You thinking this is how GUI Applications made for Windows are internal working? Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 28, 2023 with the wndproc the program works not better: i can see no window anymore program BmpToWinWP; {$APPTYPE GUI} uses WinProcs,System.SysUtils; var FMem:Pointer; FH:THandle; F:File of Byte; FR:LongInt; BMem:Pointer; PicWidth,PicHeight:Integer; WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight, HWnd1:HWND; WCls1:WndClassEx; WinDC:HDC; PS:TPaintStruct; WinBP:HDC; PB:Boolean; BmpH:HBitmap; CDC:HDC; SelO:HGDIObj; BmpT:tagBitmap; Procedure WinOpen; Var WCN,WT:PChar; WReg:Integer; WH1:HWnd; Begin WCls1.cbSize:=sizeof(WCls1); Or CS_VREDRAW; WCls1.lpfnWndProc:=Addr(DefWindowProc); WCls1.cbclsExtra:=0; WCls1.cbWndExtra:=0; WCls1.hInstance:=GetModuleHandle(nil);; WCls1.hIcon:=winprocs.LoadIcon(0, IDI_APPLICATION); WCls1.hCursor:=0; WCls1.hbrBackground:=(14 + 1); WCls1.lpszMenuName:=NiL; WCls1.lpszClassName:='My Window'#0; WCls1.hIconSm:=LoadIcon(WCls1.hInstance, IDI_APPLICATION); WReg:=WinProcs.RegisterClassEx(WCls1); WT:='My Program'#0; WCN:='My Window'#0; HWnd1:=WinProcs.CreateWindow(WCN,WT, {{} ws_popup+ws_tabstop, {NoFrame,NoTitle,NoMenu,NoMove,NoTabStop,00XY00} {{ WS_OVERLAPPED+WS_SIZEBOX+WS_TABSTOP, {ThickFrame,Title,NoMenu,NoMove,NoTabStop,ThanXY00} WinX,WinY,WinWidth,WinHeight, 0,0,GetModuleHandle(NiL),NiL); ShowWindow(HWnd1,sw_show); UpdateWindow(HWnd1); End; Procedure PaintOpen; Begin WinDC:=WinProcs.GetDC(HWnd1); {device context of window} PS.hdc:=WinDC; PS.ferase:=false; PS.rcpaint.left:=WinX;; PS.rcpaint.right:=WinWidth; PS.rcpaint.bottom:=WinHeight; WinBP:=WinProcs.BeginPaint(HWnd1,PS); End; Procedure PaintRect(RX,RY,RWidth,RHeight:Integer;R,G,B:Byte); Var R1:TRect;B1:HBrush; Begin R1.left:=RX; R1.right:=RX+RWidth;; R1.bottom:=RY+RHeight; B1:=CreateSolidBrush(((B*256)+G)*256+R); fillrect(WinDC,r1,b1); DeleteObject(B1); End; procedure wndproc(hwnd:hwnd;msg,pw:word;pl:longint); begin case msg of wm_paint:begin WinWidth:=PicWidth+20;WinHeight:=PicHeight+20; WinX:=(1920-WinWidth) Div 2;WinY:=(1080-WinHeight) Div 2; WinOpen; PaintOpen; PaintRect(0,0,WinWidth,WinHeight,0,200,0); PaintRect(10,10,PicWidth,PicHeight,200,0,0); BmpT.bmtype:=0; BmpT.bmwidth:=PicWidth; BmpT.bmheight:=PicHeight; BmpT.bmWidthBytes:=2*BmpT.bmwidth; BmpT.bmplanes:=1; BmpT.bmbitspixel:=24; BmpT.bmBits:=BMem; BmpH:=CreateBitmap(PicWidth,PicHeight,1,24,BMem); CDC:=CreateCompatibleDC(WinDC); SelO:=SelectObject(CDC,BmpH); getobject(BmpH,sizeof(bmpT),Addr(bmpT)); PB:=BitBlT(WinDC,00,00,PicWidth,PicHeight,CDC,00,00,SRCCopy); SelectObject(CDC,SelO); DeleteObject(CDC); end; end; end; Begin FMem:=GetMemory(1000000); AsSign(F,'D:\15333842.bmp'); FH:=FileOpen('D:\15333842.bmp',fmOpenReadWrite); FR:=FileRead(FH,FMem^,909594{FileSize(F)}); Longint(BMem):=longint(FMem)+Longint(Pointer(longint(FMem)+10)^); PicWidth:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+18)^); PicHeight:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+22)^); Repeat Until GetAsyncKeyState(32)=-32768; end. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 28, 2023 and with WCls1.lpfnWndProc:=Addr(wndproc); it is not working too Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 28, 2023 and improved the main with this winopen gives a runtime error with opening the cpu-window: Begin FMem:=GetMemory(1000000); AsSign(F,'D:\15333842.bmp'); FH:=FileOpen('D:\15333842.bmp',fmOpenReadWrite); FR:=FileRead(FH,FMem^,909594{FileSize(F)}); Longint(BMem):=longint(FMem)+Longint(Pointer(longint(FMem)+10)^); PicWidth:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+18)^); PicHeight:=LongInt(Pointer(longint(FMem)+22)^); WinWidth:=PicWidth+20;WinHeight:=PicHeight+20; WinX:=(1920-WinWidth) Div 2;WinY:=(1080-WinHeight) Div 2; WinOpen; PaintOpen; Repeat Until GetAsyncKeyState(32)=-32768; end. Share this post Link to post
PeterBelow 250 Posted July 29, 2023 21 hours ago, milurt said: and with WCls1.lpfnWndProc:=Addr(wndproc); it is not working too Why do you expect this to work? Your program still does not have a messager loop! Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 29, 2023 but even than there is this runtime error with the cpu-window in my embarcadero 10.4 for windows 10 64-bit WinOpen; PaintOpen; while GetMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0) do begin TranslateMessage(msg); DispatchMessage(msg); end; Repeat Until GetAsyncKeyState(32)=-32768; End. Share this post Link to post
David Heffernan 2404 Posted July 30, 2023 WinProcs? Why are you working with code from the 1990s? Where did that code come from? Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted July 30, 2023 15 hours ago, David Heffernan said: WinProcs? Why are you working with code from the 1990s? Where did that code come from? I do more wonder why he not uses the example from @Remy Lebeau or the thing that I posted and close this topic/thread as solved. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 31, 2023 last example of remy lebau: my embarcadero could not find System.SysInit but the other both libraries. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted July 31, 2023 and kodezwerg: my question was pointer^:=rgb; Share this post Link to post
Remy Lebeau 1542 Posted July 31, 2023 7 hours ago, milurt said: last example of remy lebau: my embarcadero could not find System.SysInit but the other both libraries. Then try changing it from System.SysInit to just SysInit. Share this post Link to post
milurt 0 Posted August 1, 2023 sysinit: he says it is redeclared and has 6 compiler-errors Share this post Link to post
KodeZwerg 54 Posted August 1, 2023 On 7/31/2023 at 1:51 PM, milurt said: and kodezwerg: my question was pointer^:=rgb; To correct you, your topic is "bitmap not displayed", very informative but anyway I've read, later we found out that you try to code in a non-Vcl style by doing many things wrong. So Remy and I spend our time to write you an example. While you say that you can not compile for whatever reason Remy's code you said nothing to mine. Anders was correcting mine so it will do what your initial problem was, it display a bitmap. (even without fixing it does work...) Why you insist to still use your wrong way of doing? Why you never use the </> button to put your code better readable in? Why am I replying to this topic anymore? Best of luck! 2 Share this post Link to post