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Modify bitmap of FMX Image object

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Hi all.

There is a way to modify Bitmap contents (actually create content) of a DelphiFMX Image.Bitmap to add a text ?

I've tried:

            bitmap = self.DIOImage.Bitmap
            bitmap.Width = int(self.DIOImage.Width)
            bitmap.Height = int(self.DIOImage.Height)
            canvas = bitmap.Canvas
            r = RectF(8 + 15, 10, bitmap.Width - 8, bitmap.Height - 10)
            ??? canvas.FillText(r, 'Hello World', False, 100, 0, 0, 0) ???

But the image remains EMPTY and doesn't show anything...

Edited by shineworld

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OK Bitmap can be modified not, but I was not able to find how to use TCanvas.FillText with Python DelphiFMX.

Any try to pass arguments give me:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\api_client_fmx_demo_desktop_view.py", line 690, in __on_timer_update
    canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 100.0, None, 'Center', 'Center')
TypeError: "FillText" called with invalid arguments.


        # update tab digital inputs/outputs values
        if self.TabControl.ActiveTab == self.TabDIO:
            bitmap = self.DIOImage.Bitmap
            bitmap.Width = int(self.DIOImage.Width)
            bitmap.Height = int(self.DIOImage.Height)
            canvas = bitmap.Canvas
            r = RectF(8 + 15, 10, bitmap.Width - 8, bitmap.Height - 10)
            # from delphi FMX documentation
            # procedure FillText(
            #       const ARect: TRectF;
            #       const AText: string;
            #       const WordWrap: Boolean;
            #       const AOpacity: Single;
            #       const Flags: TFillTextFlags;
            #       const ATextAlign: TTextAlign;
            #       const AVTextAlign: TTextAlign = TTextAlign.Center
            #   ); virtual;
            canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 100.0, None, 'Center', 'Center')


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canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Center, TTextAlign.Center);
Edited by Christophe E.

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Seems TTextAlign is not available in DelphiFMX library :


Microsoft Windows [Versione 10.0.19045.2965]
(c) Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati.

P:\>pip list
Package                Version
---------------------- ------------
delphifmx              1.0.6

NameError: name 'TTextAlign' is not defined
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\api_client_fmx_demo_desktop_view.py", line 692, in __on_timer_update
    canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Center, TTextAlign.Center)
NameError: name 'TTextAlign' is not defined
*** Remote Interpreter Reinitialized ***
>>> import delphifmx as fmx
>>> dir(fmx)



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Mmmmm.... seems that Canvas.FillText can't be used...




I'm not a guru on Python and DelphiFMX so I can mistake in anything but debugging:

>>> import DelphiFMX as fmx
>>> img = fmx.Image(None)
>>> bmp = img.Bitmap
>>> bmp.Handle
>>> bmp.Width = 200
>>> bmp.Height = 200
>>> c = bmp.Canvas
>>> r = fmx.RectF(0,0,10,10)
>>> c.FillText(r, 'hello', True, 1, [], ['Center'], ['Center'])

the FindMethod "find" FillRect and first ARect parameter in FMX is a Record when
Python call to c.FillText manages R as a class so the arguments check stops at the first argument with an error.


Waiting for GURU info 🙂

Edited by shineworld

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