shineworld 83 Posted May 13, 2023 (edited) Hi all. There is a way to modify Bitmap contents (actually create content) of a DelphiFMX Image.Bitmap to add a text ? I've tried: bitmap = self.DIOImage.Bitmap bitmap.Width = int(self.DIOImage.Width) bitmap.Height = int(self.DIOImage.Height) bitmap.Clear(0xFF000000) canvas = bitmap.Canvas r = RectF(8 + 15, 10, bitmap.Width - 8, bitmap.Height - 10) ??? canvas.FillText(r, 'Hello World', False, 100, 0, 0, 0) ??? But the image remains EMPTY and doesn't show anything... Edited May 13, 2023 by shineworld Share this post Link to post
SwiftExpat 65 Posted May 13, 2023 Looks like TCanvas.BeginScene / EndScene is missing from the code. Share this post Link to post
shineworld 83 Posted May 15, 2023 OK Bitmap can be modified not, but I was not able to find how to use TCanvas.FillText with Python DelphiFMX. Any try to pass arguments give me: Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\", line 690, in __on_timer_update canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 100.0, None, 'Center', 'Center') TypeError: "FillText" called with invalid arguments. # update tab digital inputs/outputs values if self.TabControl.ActiveTab == self.TabDIO: bitmap = self.DIOImage.Bitmap bitmap.Width = int(self.DIOImage.Width) bitmap.Height = int(self.DIOImage.Height) bitmap.Clear(0xFF000000) canvas = bitmap.Canvas r = RectF(8 + 15, 10, bitmap.Width - 8, bitmap.Height - 10) # from delphi FMX documentation # procedure FillText( # const ARect: TRectF; # const AText: string; # const WordWrap: Boolean; # const AOpacity: Single; # const Flags: TFillTextFlags; # const ATextAlign: TTextAlign; # const AVTextAlign: TTextAlign = TTextAlign.Center # ); virtual; canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 100.0, None, 'Center', 'Center') Share this post Link to post
Christophe E. 12 Posted May 15, 2023 (edited) canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Center, TTextAlign.Center); Edited May 15, 2023 by Christophe E. Share this post Link to post
shineworld 83 Posted May 15, 2023 Seems TTextAlign is not available in DelphiFMX library : Microsoft Windows [Versione 10.0.19045.2965] (c) Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. P:\>pip list Package Version ---------------------- ------------ delphifmx 1.0.6 NameError: name 'TTextAlign' is not defined Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\", line 692, in __on_timer_update canvas.FillText(r, 'hello world', False, 1, [], TTextAlign.Center, TTextAlign.Center) ^^^^^^^^^^ NameError: name 'TTextAlign' is not defined *** Remote Interpreter Reinitialized *** >>> import delphifmx as fmx >>> dir(fmx) ['Abort', 'Action', 'ActionList', 'AdapterListView', 'AniIndicator', 'AppearanceListView', 'Application', 'Arc', 'ArcDial', 'BaseBindScopeComponent', 'BaseLinkingBindSource', 'BaseObjectBindSource', 'BaseValueRange', 'BasicAction', 'BasicBindComponent', 'BindComponentDelegate', 'BindingsList', 'BitmapTrackBar', 'Bounds', 'BufferedFileStream', 'BufferedLayout', 'Button', 'BytesStream', 'Calendar', 'CalloutPanel', 'CalloutRectangle', 'CameraComponent', 'CaretRectangle', 'CheckBox', 'CheckColumn', 'Circle', 'Collection', 'ColorBox', 'ColorButton', 'ColorComboBox', 'ColorListBox', 'ColorPanel', 'ColorPicker', 'ColorQuad', 'Column', 'ComboBox', 'ComboColorBox', 'ComboEdit', 'ComboEditBase', 'CommonCustomForm', 'Component', 'ContainedAction', 'ContainedActionList', 'ContainedBindComponent', 'Control', 'ControlSize', 'CornerButton', 'CreateComponent', 'CurrencyColumn', 'CustomAction', 'CustomActionList', 'CustomBindingsList', 'CustomBufferedLayout', 'CustomButton', 'CustomCalendar', 'CustomColorComboBox', 'CustomComboBox', 'CustomComboEdit', 'CustomControlAction', 'CustomCornerButton', 'CustomDateEdit', 'CustomDateTimeEdit', 'CustomEdit', 'CustomEditBox', 'CustomForm', 'CustomGrid', 'CustomLinkControlToField', 'CustomLinkListControlToField', 'CustomLinkPropertyToField', 'CustomListBox', 'CustomListView', 'CustomMediaCodec', 'CustomMediaPlayerAction', 'CustomMemo', 'CustomMemoryStream', 'CustomMultiView', 'CustomNumberColumn', 'CustomPath', 'CustomPopupForm', 'CustomPopupMenu', 'CustomPresentedFramedScrollBox', 'CustomPresentedFramedVertScrollBox', 'CustomPresentedHorzScrollBox', 'CustomPresentedScrollBox', 'CustomPresentedVertScrollBox', 'CustomPrototypeBindSource', 'CustomScrollBox', 'CustomSwitch', 'CustomTimeEdit', 'CustomTrack', 'CustomValueRange', 'CustomValueRangeAction', 'CustomViewAction', 'DateColumn', 'DateEdit', 'DateTimeColumn', 'DateTimeColumnBase', 'DelphiDefaultContainer', 'DelphiDefaultIterator', 'DelphiMethod', 'DialogService', 'Edit', 'Ellipse', 'Expander', 'ExpanderButton', 'FMXBindNavigateAction', 'FMXBindNavigateApplyUpdates', 'FMXBindNavigateCancel', 'FMXBindNavigateCancelUpdates', 'FMXBindNavigateDelete', 'FMXBindNavigateEdit', 'FMXBindNavigateFirst', 'FMXBindNavigateInsert', 'FMXBindNavigateLast', 'FMXBindNavigateNext', 'FMXBindNavigatePost', 'FMXBindNavigatePrior', 'FMXBindNavigateRefresh', 'FileExit', 'FileHideApp', 'FileHideAppOthers', 'FileStream', 'FloatColumn', 'FlowLayout', 'FmxObject', 'Form', 'Frame', 'FramedScrollBox', 'FramedVertScrollBox', 'GetProcessDpiAwareness', 'GlyphColumn', 'GradientEdit', 'Grid', 'GridLayout', 'GridPanelLayout', 'GroupBox', 'HandleStream', 'HintAction', 'HorzScrollBox', 'IDABORT', 'IDCANCEL', 'IDCLOSE', 'IDCONTINUE', 'IDHELP', 'IDIGNORE', 'IDNO', 'IDOK', 'IDRETRY', 'IDTRYAGAIN', 'IDYES', 'Image', 'ImageColumn', 'ImageControl', 'IntegerColumn', 'IsDpiAware', 'Label', 'Layout', 'Line', 'LinkControlDelegate', 'LinkControlToField', 'LinkControlToFieldDelegate', 'LinkListControlToField', 'LinkPropertyToField', 'LinkPropertyToFieldDelegate', 'ListBox', 'ListBoxItem', 'ListView', 'ListViewBase', 'MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE', 'MB_APPLMODAL', 'MB_DEFBUTTON1', 'MB_DEFBUTTON2', 'MB_DEFBUTTON3', 'MB_DEFBUTTON4', 'MB_HELP', 'MB_ICONASTERISK', 'MB_ICONERROR', 'MB_ICONEXCLAMATION', 'MB_ICONHAND', 'MB_ICONINFORMATION', 'MB_ICONQUESTION', 'MB_ICONSTOP', 'MB_ICONWARNING', 'MB_NOFOCUS', 'MB_OK', 'MB_OKCANCEL', 'MB_RETRYCANCEL', 'MB_SYSTEMMODAL', 'MB_TASKMODAL', 'MB_YESNO', 'MB_YESNOCANCEL', 'MainMenu', 'Media', 'MediaPlayer', 'MediaPlayerControl', 'MediaPlayerCurrentTime', 'MediaPlayerPlayPause', 'MediaPlayerStart', 'MediaPlayerStop', 'MediaPlayerValue', 'MediaPlayerVolume', 'Memo', 'MemoryStream', 'MenuBar', 'MenuItem', 'MultiView', 'NumberBox', 'Object', 'ObjectViewAction', 'OpenDialog', 'PaintBox', 'Panel', 'PascalInterface', 'PascalRecord', 'Path', 'PathLabel', 'Persistent', 'Pie', 'Point', 'PointF', 'Popup', 'PopupColumn', 'PopupMenu', 'Position', 'PresentedFramedScrollBox', 'PresentedFramedVertScrollBox', 'PresentedHorzScrollBox', 'PresentedListView', 'PresentedScrollBox', 'PresentedTextControl', 'PresentedVertScrollBox', 'ProgressBar', 'ProgressColumn', 'PrototypeBindSource', 'RadioButton', 'Rect', 'RectF', 'Rectangle', 'ResourceStream', 'RoundRect', 'SaveDialog', 'ScaledLayout', 'Screen', 'ScrollBar', 'ScrollBox', 'SearchBox', 'Selection', 'SelectionPoint', 'SetHighDpiAware', 'SetProcessDpiAwareness', 'Shape', 'Size', 'SizeF', 'SizeGrip', 'SmallScrollBar', 'SpeedButton', 'SpinBox', 'Splitter', 'StatusBar', 'Stream', 'StringColumn', 'StringGrid', 'StringStream', 'Strings', 'StyleBook', 'StyleManager', 'StyleStreaming', 'StyledControl', 'Switch', 'SysCommonAction', 'TabControl', 'TabItem', 'Text', 'TextControl', 'Thumb', 'TimeColumn', 'TimeEdit', 'Timer', 'ToolBar', 'Touch', 'Track', 'TrackBar', 'ValueRange', 'ValueRangeAction', 'VarParameter', 'VertScrollBox', 'ViewAction', 'VirtualKeyboard', 'WindowClose', '__doc__', '__file__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__spec__', 'crAppStart', 'crArrow', 'crCross', 'crDefault', 'crDrag', 'crHSplit', 'crHandPoint', 'crHelp', 'crHourGlass', 'crIBeam', 'crMultiDrag', 'crNo', 'crNoDrop', 'crNone', 'crSQLWait', 'crSize', 'crSizeAll', 'crSizeNESW', 'crSizeNS', 'crSizeNWSE', 'crSizeWE', 'crUpArrow', 'crVSplit', 'fmCreate', 'fmOpenRead', 'fmOpenReadWrite', 'fmOpenWrite', 'fmShareCompat', 'fmShareDenyNone', 'fmShareDenyRead', 'fmShareDenyWrite', 'fmShareExclusive', 'ssAlt', 'ssCtrl', 'ssDouble', 'ssLeft', 'ssMiddle', 'ssRight', 'ssShift'] >>> Share this post Link to post
shineworld 83 Posted May 16, 2023 (edited) Mmmmm.... seems that Canvas.FillText can't be used... I'm not a guru on Python and DelphiFMX so I can mistake in anything but debugging: >>> import DelphiFMX as fmx >>> img = fmx.Image(None) >>> bmp = img.Bitmap >>> bmp.Handle >>> bmp.Width = 200 >>> bmp.Height = 200 >>> c = bmp.Canvas >>> r = fmx.RectF(0,0,10,10) >>> c.FillText(r, 'hello', True, 1, [], ['Center'], ['Center']) the FindMethod "find" FillRect and first ARect parameter in FMX is a Record when Python call to c.FillText manages R as a class so the arguments check stops at the first argument with an error. Waiting for GURU info 🙂 Edited May 16, 2023 by shineworld Share this post Link to post
shineworld 83 Posted November 13, 2024 Seems that Canvas object is not usable in DelphiFMX. c.BeginScene() does not works also passing (None, 0) or any other combination: import delphifmx as fmx img = fmx.Image(None) bmp = img.Bitmap print(f'Initial Image Width : {img.Width}') print(f'Initial Image Height : {img.Height}') print(f'Initial Image.Bitmap Width : {img.Bitmap.Width}') print(f'Initial Image.Bitmap Height : {img.Bitmap.Height}') bmp.Width = 200 bmp.Height = 200 img.Width = bmp.Width img.Height = bmp.Height print(f'Actual Image Width : {img.Width}') print(f'Actual Image Height : {img.Height}') print(f'Actual Image.Bitmap Width : {img.Bitmap.Width}') print(f'Actual Image.Bitmap Height : {img.Bitmap.Height}') c = bmp.Canvas print(f'Canvas Width : {c.Width}') print(f'Canvas Height : {c.Height}') r = fmx.RectF(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0) c.BeginScene(None, 0) try: pass #c.FillText(r, 'hello', True, 1, [], 'Center', 'Center') finally: c.EndScene() *** Remote Interpreter Reinitialized *** Initial Image Width : 50.0 Initial Image Height : 50.0 Initial Image.Bitmap Width : 0 Initial Image.Bitmap Height : 0 Actual Image Width : 200.0 Actual Image Height : 200.0 Actual Image.Bitmap Width : 200 Actual Image.Bitmap Height : 200 Canvas Width : 200 Canvas Height : 200 Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\x\develop\qem\cnc_api_client_core_1\python\api_client_fmx_demo\", line 30, in <module> c.BeginScene(None, 0) TypeError: "BeginScene" called with invalid arguments. Error: Expected and actual arguments are incompatible >>> Share this post Link to post
pyscripter 740 Posted November 15, 2024 On 11/13/2024 at 4:49 PM, shineworld said: Seems that Canvas object is not usable in DelphiFMX. Unlike DelphiVcl, DelphiFMX does not wrap Canvas. Both DelphiVcl and DelphiFmx are maintained by Embarcadero. There is a reported issue regarding BeginScene, but you may want to submit a broader one about Canvas support. Share this post Link to post