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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/19 in Posts

  1. pcplayer99

    CrossPlatform uPnP solutions for Delphi

    there are some problems in UPNP with cross platform. 1. UPNP is a network protocol, a device that supported UPNP is monitoring at UDP port 1900. We can implement it by using TIdUDPServer. 2. But, Windows system implement UPNP device, so, system has used UDP port 1900, our code can not open UDP port 1900. On windows, we must call windows API to use UPNP. 3. In other system like Android, iOS, maybe we can implement UPNP protocol by using Indy.
  2. Günther Schoch

    Service Pack for RIO scheduled when?

    Hi has anybody seen an info on the release of a service pack 1 for RIO. Some issues raised in https://quality.embarcadero.com are really nasty and should be corrected ASAP. (just as an example https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-21633, https://quality.embarcadero.com/browse/RSP-23216) I am pretty sure that Marco has already a "shortlist" of what is in the SP1 and a rough date when it will ship. While I can accept that new releases are "shipped when ready" a product under SA (software assurance) should have a clear service pack strategy communicated to the customers.
  3. Sherlock

    Service Pack for RIO scheduled when?

    @Marco Cantu is reading here. So we just might get some "insider" information soon.
  4. Sherlock

    CrossPlatform uPnP solutions for Delphi

    I've always found other languages to be a good source of inspiration, in recent years especially Python. So this here https://www.electricmonk.nl/log/2016/07/05/exploring-upnp-with-python/ looks like a promising start. Maybe we could turn this into a community project?
  5. Stéphane Wierzbicki

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    I agree. I don't know if it is easy or not for Andy but I will be really nice to have a IDE fix pack with this feature only.
  6. Uwe Raabe

    Format uses clauses for many units

    Not from inside MMX, but there is a command line tool (see attached). You only have to provide a settings file, like the example provided. UsesCleaner.zip
  7. jbg

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    There are still 6 patches collections (about 30 function patches) that I have to reimplement. At least the Win64 compiler doesn't crash anymore. So it will still take a lot of time to get a usable release version.
  8. jbg

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    There is no IDEFixPack for Rio, yet. There is only the "not_even_alpha" Download with the comment that you shouldn't even come near the Win64 or Android compiler if you install it. That is a work-in-progress version that I uploaded only to help to identify a specific problem.
  9. Rollo62

    IDE Fix pack for Rio

    As far as i understood EMBT, the IdeFixPack should be partly Integrated. Is there still tve need for the rest ?