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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/27/19 in Posts

  1. PeterBelow

    Abnormal file size..

    The default for the linker options of a debug configuration is to include debug information into the produced EXE. That massively increases the size of the EXE, and, if you are using the IDE debugger (for a 32 bit project), is also completely useless, since the IDE debugger gets the debug info from the DCUs, not the EXE.
  2. ConstantGardener

    How to create common CreateForm method?

    TfrmBase = class (TForm) public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; class function Execute : boolean; virtual; end; class function TfrmBase.Execute: boolean; var Form: TfrmBase; begin Form:=Create(nil); try Result:=Form.showModal<>mrCancel; finally Form.Release; end; end; Inherit your forms from a BaseClass like this on. If you need an other behavior in the actual class you override the class-function.
  3. David Heffernan

    How to create common CreateForm method?

    The entire design seems wrong. Don't use a global variable for each form. Remove them. Use a local variable and destroy it when ShowModal returns.
  4. Bretthans

    Changes in Parallel Library

    You're wearing out the cosine instruction on the CPU. :-)
  5. Dave Nottage

    IDE Design Plug in..

    It's probably Jeremy North's XE Plus Pack: http://jed-software.com/xepp.htm I'll point him in this direction