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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/19 in Posts

  1. Perhaps they could buy Greenland as well
  2. Not so much humour as a comment about the arrogance of imagining that the big company can just decide to buy the small company. Perhaps the small company is happy to be independent.
  3. Gary Mugford

    With's the deal with "With"?

    Regardless of whether using WITH is a good idea, there IS a solution ... The Convert WITH expert in MMX. It's not perfect and I always take the step of DUPLICATING the block I'm playing with and commenting out one copy, but the expert does a VERY GOOD JOB MOST OF THE TIME, in converting WITH's to object-referenced individual lines. I know, because I was one of (if maybe not the first) the early requestors for this expert. I'm a self-admitted WITH user. I find it easier on my eyes because I indent more than most. Albeit only two spaces per indent. With Uwe doing such a great job keeping MMX alive ... and for a most reasonable price 😉, whether you use it as a crutch early in development or go back through on refactoring passes, the decision to use WITH is only an installation of MMX from being made to go away.
  4. We just added 2 new demos with Fluent UI to show how form and controls can work in multi-level transparency.... On the pictures you can see fluent acrylic blur background + semi-transparent wallpaper + transparency of our controls. All demos are fully scalable and support any DPI. Also you can enable / disable fluent acrylic blur background in all demos. Home: http://www.almdev.com Fluent UI demos: http://www.almdev.com/prods/stylecontrols/files/fluentuidemo.zip High-DPI UWP demos: http://www.almdev.com/prods/stylecontrols/files/schidpidemo.zip
  5. Dave Nottage

    Delphi 10.3.2 Android Application is Not Starting

    You might want to wind your build tools back to 28.0.3. Other than that, use a logcat viewer to find out what errors have been thrown, if any. I have a logcat viewer called DeviceLens that's in development: https://github.com/DelphiWorlds/MiscStuff/blob/master/Test/DeviceLens.zip
  6. Stefan Glienke

    With's the deal with "With"?

    Guess what - there are even rules that will tell you when you access things without using this in static code analyzers - and there are good reasons to do so (although I personally dislike it) Speaking of programming language design - you never can make everything perfect and there are always features that have some "be careful with it!" tags on them. However features that are so often accused of causing problems or confusions can be declared bad. And yes, every language has them and every responsible Developer should know when it safe to use them. Fun fact: I just recently consciously used goto because it yielded a noticable performance gain and rewriting the code without it would have been a massive undertaking resulting in more complicated code than just putting a goto there. And no, no raptor attacked me (yet...)