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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/27/19 in Posts

  1. It took me hours of research to find the tools & documentation and haven't found any up-to-date text describing a similar process, so I decided to post my findings here in case someone else has the same requirement. I wrote (in Delphi) a simple windows service that runs the FireSQL "nbackup.exe" command line tool to create a DB backup every [x] hours using this command line: "c:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_3_0\nbackup.exe" -U SYSDBA -P [password] -B 0 "c:\path\database.FDB" "[output_file]" The windows service keeps [x] number of backup files (erasing old files) and creates a new backup every [y] minutes. Personally, I used 1 full-db backup per hour, covering an entire week (168 files). I then use the open-source SyncThing P2P file sync tool (also running as a windows service) to securely & automatically sync the DB backups with every PC assigned as off-site backup. 100% automated, secure, zero cost.
  2. PeterBelow

    Left Click Does not Focus Control

    Maake sure you set the form borderstyle to bsNone, so it has no caption bar. Windows does not like controls with the WS_Caption window style (and that is what the form becomes when you embed it), they have focus issues likr the one you observed.
  3. Serge_G

    TListView multi selection?

    😤 Well, I follow the track with those selections in edit mode, and I am disappointed ! 2 black points with the checkbox 1- with the common appearance (ListItemChecked, and all same type appearance). It works but if you don't want the checkbox checked when the item is clicked in theory you have to use option ClickOnSelect of TGlyphObjectButtonObject but this option as no effect (note was working with XE4) 2- I try to do the same thing but with appearance I prefer, the TDynamicAppearance one. In this case the checkbox don't react One question to @sjordi which event did you use for your selection, OnItemClick or OnItemClickEx ?
  4. dummzeuch

    GExperts 1.3.14 released

    The current source now compiles again with all supported Delphi versions.
  5. Remy Lebeau

    SFTP client

    Once upon a time, Indy had a larger dev team, but I suppose no-one ever had the time or opportunity to implement SSH. Not that it is a trivial protocol to implement, what with encryption and all. Now I'm the only dev left, and I definitely don't have the time to do something that large-scale on my own. I don't even have a working SChannel IOHandler working yet, and that is just using a few (albeit complicated) system APIs. I suppose someone could write an IOHandler wrapper for libssh or similar library, though.
  6. dummzeuch

    EMBT: Code Central is going away

    I wonder whether archive.org also caches the downloads. There are various posts on blogs, forums and newsgroups that point to code central downloads. They will not go away but will be useless in the future. So far it was possible to find the download if you simply knew the cc number, even if it still pointed to cc.borland.com. In the future that might no longer work. Tested it: It's even worse: codecentral.embarcadero.com seems not to be in the Internet Archive at all. That also applies to the very first entry which Jim mentions in his blog: https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://codecentral.embarcadero.com/Item/2 Great, so the complete legacy will be lost to posterity. What am I going to show my (non existent, we have not even kids) grand grand children when they ask me "Grampa, WTF is this Delphi thing you keep mumbling about? The web knows nothing about it! Are you finally losing it?"