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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/18/19 in Posts

  1. Dave Nottage

    Delphi Rio 10.3.2 : iOS Display Name

    Changed to: Bob Is A Developer Works OK. If it helps, my setup is: Delphi 10.3.2 iOS 12.4 SDK iPhone X running iOS 13.2 Xcode 11.1
  2. Uwe Raabe

    MMX for Delphi 10.3 Rio

    There is an unofficial download available for MMX Code Explorer with Delphi 10.3 Rio support. Unofficial because it didn't have had much testing yet due to some incompatibilities found during the beta phase. One of this results in the loss of the MMX editor context menu entry. Another big change ist that MMX version 14.x only supports Delphi 10 Seattle and higher. For that, version 13 will still be available for download and installations for older Delphi versions should keep working. I had to make this cut to avoid wasting too much time just to make it work and test it on those older versions. Nevertheless there are some features and bug fixes: Unit Dependency Analyzer is now dockable (so you can see immediately when you introduce cyclic dependencies) New settings page Project Options (currently contains only the setting for Uses Clause Sorting). These settings are stored per project in a separate section of the dproj file. Uses Clause Sorting accepts lists like (ToolsApi,DesignIntf) as one group. This only affects grouping, so the order inside this list is not relevant. Uses Clause Sorting accepts wildcards like Rz* (for Raize Components) or Id* (for Indy) to better handle non-dotted unit names New sorting options "group class members" - keeps the class methods together fix: Wrong result when renaming parameter during Extract Method fix: Add Local Variable now also works with For-In clause fix: Hard coded string scan check for min length works correct now fix: Paste Interface in empty class just works now fix: Consolidated behavior of selected file in Open/Use Unit dialog fix: Creational Wizard follows static/non-static when suggesting destructors Some work has been done for supporting themes, but that is still a long road to go. Please report any bugs and problems found either here or via support@mmx-delphi.de.
  3. Dmitry Arefiev

    New to Json

    This may be coded in a more short form using 10.3.2. First case: var JsonValue: TJSONValue; Branch: string; begin JsonValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(st, False, True); try Branch := JsonValue.GetValue<string>('data.conditions[0].temp'); memo1.Lines.add('Parsed temperature '+branch); Branch := JsonValue.GetValue<string>('data.conditions[2].bar_sea_level'); memo1.Lines.add('Parsed barometer '+branch); finally JsonValue.Free; end; end; Second case: var JsonValue: TJSONValue; Branch: string; begin JsonValue := TJSONObject.ParseJSONValue(st, False, True); try Branch := JsonValue.GetValue<string>('iWN5p2qfRFeGKXn1m3iGnDW0Vkl2.PROFILE.BIRTHDAY'); memo1.Lines.Add('Parsed BIRTHDAY ' + Branch); Branch := JsonValue.GetValue<string>('iWN5p2qfRFeGKXn1m3iGnDW0Vkl2.PROFILE.FULL NAME'); memo1.Lines.Add('Parsed FULL NAME ' + Branch); finally JsonValue.Free; end; end; This is most simple code. Although not fastest, but may be enough fast. Depending on the requirements it may be optimized.
  4. David Schwartz

    Any update on the v10.3.3 release?

    I use a VM. Installing a new Delphi update is just as much of a PITA on a VM as on a host machine.