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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/20 in Posts
@Dave Nottage Hi Dave, I tested and works perfectly!! Thanks you so much, you are the man!! Just to register here the complete solution. (I preferred to patch the delphi source files because I already have others patchs in that files) iOS - Handle incoming url (custom schemes or universal links) In the file iOSapi.Foundation.pas put the code: // Dave Nottage code (https://www.delphiworlds.com/) NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier = NSString; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1 = procedure(inputStream: NSInputStream; outputStream: NSOutputStream; error: NSError) of object; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2 = procedure of object; NSUserActivityClass = interface(NSObjectClass) ['{412EAEBF-5927-4D01-B83F-69D3B5DFE7B5}'] {class} procedure deleteAllSavedUserActivitiesWithCompletionHandler(handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; [MethodName('deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:')] {class} procedure deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers(persistentIdentifiers: NSArray; handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; end; NSUserActivity = interface(NSObject) ['{B8C2F6C9-31FE-4282-B7CA-98C96E163033}'] function activityType: NSString; cdecl; procedure addUserInfoEntriesFromDictionary(otherDictionary: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure becomeCurrent; cdecl; function delegate: Pointer; cdecl; function expirationDate: NSDate; cdecl; procedure getContinuationStreamsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1); cdecl; function initWithActivityType(activityType: NSString): Pointer; cdecl; procedure invalidate; cdecl; function isEligibleForHandoff: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPrediction: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForSearch: Boolean; cdecl; function keywords: NSSet; cdecl; function needsSave: Boolean; cdecl; function persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier; cdecl; function referrerURL: NSURL; cdecl; function requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet; cdecl; procedure resignCurrent; cdecl; procedure setDelegate(delegate: Pointer); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForHandoff(eligibleForHandoff: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPrediction(eligibleForPrediction: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPublicIndexing(eligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForSearch(eligibleForSearch: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setExpirationDate(expirationDate: NSDate); cdecl; procedure setKeywords(keywords: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setNeedsSave(needsSave: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setPersistentIdentifier(persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier); cdecl; procedure setReferrerURL(referrerURL: NSURL); cdecl; procedure setRequiredUserInfoKeys(requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setSupportsContinuationStreams(supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setTargetContentIdentifier(targetContentIdentifier: NSString); cdecl; procedure setTitle(title: NSString); cdecl; procedure setUserInfo(userInfo: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure setWebpageURL(webpageURL: NSURL); cdecl; function supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean; cdecl; function targetContentIdentifier: NSString; cdecl; function title: NSString; cdecl; function userInfo: NSDictionary; cdecl; function webpageURL: NSURL; cdecl; end; TNSUserActivity = class(TOCGenericImport<NSUserActivityClass, NSUserActivity>) end; ... function NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb: NSString; ... implementation ... function NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb: NSString; begin result := CocoaNSStringConst(FoundationFwk, 'NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb'); end; In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the TApplicationDelegate class, in the private section, put the code: class function applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler(self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; userActivity: Pointer; restorationHandler: Pointer; restorableObjects: Pointer): Boolean; cdecl; static; In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the implementation of the method TApplicationDelegate.CreateDelegateMetaClass, before the line "objc_registerClassPair(DelegateClass);", put the code: class_addMethod(DelegateClass, sel_getUid('application:continueUserActivity:restorationHandler:'), @applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler, 'B@:@@@@'); In the file FMX.Platform.iOS.pas, in the TApplicationDelegate implementation, put the code: class function TApplicationDelegate.applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler( self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; userActivity, restorationHandler, restorableObjects: Pointer): Boolean; var LUserActivity: NSUserActivity; LURLString: string; begin Result := False; if Assigned(userActivity) then begin LUserActivity := TNSUserActivity.Wrap(userActivity); if NSStrToStr(LUserActivity.activityType) = NSStrToStr(NSUserActivityTypeBrowsingWeb) then begin if Assigned(LUserActivity.webpageURL) then LURLString := NSStrToStr(LUserActivity.webpageURL.absoluteString) else LURLString := string.Empty; Result := PlatformCocoaTouch.HandleApplicationEvent(TApplicationEvent.OpenURL, TiOSOpenApplicationContext.Create(string.Empty, LURLString, nil)); end; end; end; Usage uses System.Messaging, FMX.Platform, FMX.Platform.iOS, FMX.Dialogs; constructor TipUrlHandler.Create; begin inherited Create; TMessageManager.DefaultManager.SubscribeToMessage(TApplicationEventMessage, ApplicationEventMessageHandler); end; destructor TipUrlHandler.Destroy; begin TMessageManager.DefaultManager.Unsubscribe(TApplicationEventMessage, ApplicationEventMessageHandler, True); inherited; end; procedure TipUrlHandler.ApplicationEventMessageHandler(const ASender: TObject; const AMessage: TMessage); begin case TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Event of TApplicationEvent.OpenUrl: begin Showmessage(TiOSOpenApplicationContext(TApplicationEventData(TApplicationEventMessage(AMessage).Value).Context).URL); end; else end; end;
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Yes, the application delegate needs to implement this method: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uiapplicationdelegate/1623072-application?language=objc This means class_addmethod will need to be called to add it to the delegate (DelphiAppDelegate). It will also need an import for NSUserActivity, one of which follows (no guarantees as to being 100% accurate): NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier = NSString; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1 = procedure(inputStream: NSInputStream; outputStream: NSOutputStream; error: NSError) of object; TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2 = procedure of object; NSUserActivityClass = interface(NSObjectClass) ['{412EAEBF-5927-4D01-B83F-69D3B5DFE7B5}'] {class} procedure deleteAllSavedUserActivitiesWithCompletionHandler(handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; [MethodName('deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers:completionHandler:')] {class} procedure deleteSavedUserActivitiesWithPersistentIdentifiers(persistentIdentifiers: NSArray; handler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod2); cdecl; end; NSUserActivity = interface(NSObject) ['{B8C2F6C9-31FE-4282-B7CA-98C96E163033}'] function activityType: NSString; cdecl; procedure addUserInfoEntriesFromDictionary(otherDictionary: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure becomeCurrent; cdecl; function delegate: Pointer; cdecl; function expirationDate: NSDate; cdecl; procedure getContinuationStreamsWithCompletionHandler(completionHandler: TNSUserActivityBlockMethod1); cdecl; function initWithActivityType(activityType: NSString): Pointer; cdecl; procedure invalidate; cdecl; function isEligibleForHandoff: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPrediction: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean; cdecl; function isEligibleForSearch: Boolean; cdecl; function keywords: NSSet; cdecl; function needsSave: Boolean; cdecl; function persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier; cdecl; function referrerURL: NSURL; cdecl; function requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet; cdecl; procedure resignCurrent; cdecl; procedure setDelegate(delegate: Pointer); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForHandoff(eligibleForHandoff: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPrediction(eligibleForPrediction: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForPublicIndexing(eligibleForPublicIndexing: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setEligibleForSearch(eligibleForSearch: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setExpirationDate(expirationDate: NSDate); cdecl; procedure setKeywords(keywords: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setNeedsSave(needsSave: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setPersistentIdentifier(persistentIdentifier: NSUserActivityPersistentIdentifier); cdecl; procedure setReferrerURL(referrerURL: NSURL); cdecl; procedure setRequiredUserInfoKeys(requiredUserInfoKeys: NSSet); cdecl; procedure setSupportsContinuationStreams(supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean); cdecl; procedure setTargetContentIdentifier(targetContentIdentifier: NSString); cdecl; procedure setTitle(title: NSString); cdecl; procedure setUserInfo(userInfo: NSDictionary); cdecl; procedure setWebpageURL(webpageURL: NSURL); cdecl; function supportsContinuationStreams: Boolean; cdecl; function targetContentIdentifier: NSString; cdecl; function title: NSString; cdecl; function userInfo: NSDictionary; cdecl; function webpageURL: NSURL; cdecl; end; TNSUserActivity = class(TOCGenericImport<NSUserActivityClass, NSUserActivity>) end; The method implementation should probably be (again no guarantees): class function TApplicationDelegate.applicationContinueUserActivityRestorationHandler(self: id; _cmd: SEL; application: PUIApplication; userActivity: Pointer; restorationHandler: Pointer): Boolean; As far as I know, it doesn't necessarily have to be patched in FMX.Platform.iOS since you should be able to call class_addmethod anywhere, as long as you pass it the correct class function. Hopefully this will give you head start.
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New MemManager allocator Win,Osx,Ios,Android,Linux?
Arnaud Bouchez replied to RDP1974's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
@David Heffernan You just store the ThreadID within the memory block information, or you use a per-convention identification of the memory buffer. Cross-thread deallocations also usually require a ThreadEnded-like event handler, which doesn't exist on Delphi IIRC - but does exist on FPC - so need to hack TThread. @RDP1974 Last time I checked, FastMM4 (trunk or AVX2 fork) don't work well with Linux (at least under FPC). Under Delphi + Linux, FastMM4 is not used at all - it just call libc free/malloc IIRC. I am not convinced the slowness comes from libc heap - which is very good from our tests. But from how Delphi/Linux is not optimized (yet). Other MM like BrainMM or our ScaleMM are not designed for Linux. We tried also a lot of allocators on Linux - see https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/blob/master/SynFPCCMemAligned.pas - in the context of highly multi-threaded servers. In a nutshell, see https://github.com/synopse/mORMot/blob/master/SynFPCCMemAligned.pas#L57 for some numbers. The big issue with those C-based allocators, which is not listed in those comments, apart from loading a lot of RAM, is that they stop the executable as soon as some GPF occurs: e.g. a double free will call a SIGABORT! So they are NOT usable on production unless you use them with ValGrid and proper debugging. We fallback into using the FPC default heap, which is a bit slower, consumes a lot of RAM (since it has a per-thread heap for smaller blocks) but is very stable. It is written in plain pascal. And the main idea about performance is to avoid as much memory allocation as possible - which is what we tried with mORMot from the ground up: for instance, we define most of the temp strings in the stack, not in the heap. I don't think that re-writing a C allocator into pascal would be much faster. It is very likely to be slower. Only a pure asm version may have some noticeable benefits - just like FastMM4. And, personally, I wouldn't invest into Delphi for Linux for server process: FPC is so much stable, faster and better maintained... for free! -
New MemManager allocator Win,Osx,Ios,Android,Linux?
Stefan Glienke replied to RDP1974's topic in RTL and Delphi Object Pascal
How about fixing the issues that FastMM4 has rather than inventing yet another newly mostly untested and unproven memory manager?