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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/20 in Posts

  1. Knew that was coming 🙂 This is a monumental task because some patches made it into Tokyo and I merged them while another I applied. I can't exactly publish System.Threading which alters some things dramatically. Will attach the RSP-11267 patch since it was applied over the unaltered Berlin Threading unit. Will add my notes so you get an idea of the changes and limitations. Will add the simple changes which alter the constants used. Not sure how I can deal with some of the core changes though.. Tokyo never made it onto my development machine, that merge was simply an easy way to create an intermediate file that should have been used to update Rio. But in Rio System.Threading was altered so that 1.5 years after its original release we still have to deal with posts like this one.. needless to say I never made that merge.. interface {$REGION 'History'} // earlier - Modified as per RSP-11267 // 09-Jan-2019 - Changed MonitorThreadDelay to 100 to be more responsive, if we are taking a clients system // to 95% CPU or higher shouldn't we be able to adjust that without a long pause // - Changed NumCPUUsageSamples to NumCPUUsageSamplesShort (1000ms) and NumCPUAvgSamples (5000ms) // - Changed Retirement Delay to 500ms Idle already can take 80-320 seconds // - Allow Parking/Suspending of unlimited threads, this is key when another application starts to // chew up resources while tasks have already been spawned // - Fixed CPU usage, was turned off after the last Queued task began work // - Fixed a silly timeout patch that should have used the NoWorker flag instead // Be Aware this may not be a perfect solution if more than one pool is created. // An Assertion has been added to highlight this possible issue // 10-Jan-2019 - Added RunningThreadCount // - Calling CreateMonitorThread always now; We want a Singleton MonitorThead regardless of the amount of Tasks requested // - Added Output2Debug function // 20-Jan-2019 - Merged non Tokyo specific changes from Tokyo // - There are Tokyo specific changes that must be done in a new File {$ENDREGION} {$I ..\..\MatchDelphi.inc} {$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // required for Resource String Pointers {$SCOPEDENUMS ON} {-$DEFINE OUTPUT_DEBUG_STRING} // Activate to show Output2Debug Messages {$IFDEF DEBUG} {$MESSAGE HINT 'Altered System.Threading tested for Single/Default TThreadPool Only'} {$ENDIF} /// <summary-Fred> /// Changed MonitorThreadDelay to 100 to be more responsive, /// if we are taking a clients system to 95% CPU /// or higher shouldn't we be able to adjust that /// </summary> MonitorThreadDelay = 100 {500}; /// <summary-Fred> /// We keep two Averages now, one of 5 secs for standard output as before /// and another for 1 sec used to calculate Suspensions/Parking /// </summary> NumCPUUsageShortSamples = 1000 div MonitorThreadDelay; NumCPUAvgSamples = 5 * NumCPUUsageShortSamples; /// <summary-Fred> /// SuspendInterval is the value used to limit the number of threads that /// can be Parked, IMO this should reflect MonitorThreadDelay because that /// is the time it takes to recalculate the CPU Averages /// </summary> SuspendInterval = MonitorThreadDelay; // Interval to use for suspending work in worker threads /// <summary-Fred> /// Twice MonitorThreadDelay seems to work well /// </summary> SuspendTime = MonitorThreadDelay * 2; // Time to spend in SuspendWork; RetirementDelay = 5000; // Delay interval for retiring threads and finally the output of the original test: Altered Threading Berlin x64: Before: Worker: 0, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 0, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 0, CPU: 0 After: Worker: 4, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 3, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:37.3397033 Before: Worker: 4, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 4, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 7, CPU: 3 After: Worker: 5, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 4, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:36.4708368 Before: Worker: 5, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 5, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 7, CPU: 0 After: Worker: 6, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 5, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:36.2496669 Before: Worker: 6, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 6, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 35, CPU: 0 After: Worker: 7, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 6, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:36.2084714 Before: Worker: 7, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 7, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 7, CPU: 0 After: Worker: 8, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 7, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:36.8463683 Before: Worker: 0, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 0, Retired: 0, Suspended: 0, CPU(Avg): 3, CPU: 0 After: Worker: 4, Min: 4, Max: 100, Idle: 3, Retired: 0, Suspended: 1, CPU(Avg): 100, CPU: 100 Finished in 00:00:37.0737835 1 - RSP-11267.patch
  2. Sorry if that is not clear. The license gives you the full source code. Yes, now I read this myself, it is bit confusing, I'll change it.
  3. David Heffernan

    SVG control package v2.3 update 4 released

    If you don't like the terms, don't buy the product. We all have a right to set the terms of any products that we sell.