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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/20 in Posts

  1. I am very happy that FastMM5 is now available and also with the new licensing scheme. We plan to use it in our heavily threaded 64-bit http/socket servers. While I wouldn't have used it at all if it was GPL only, having a commercial offering at a reasonable price is actually more preferable because I like the idea of a properly maintained memory manager for our commercial products. There are plenty of free memory managers around for Delphi, that are barely maintained.
  2. Fred Ahrens

    Fonts & ligatures

    My brain would detect this as an error while reading the code. I always expect to see in the source code the characters I did type and not the characters the IDE "thinks" might look better.
  3. The same way you encode any other <input> field - as a "name=value" pair, where the "name" and "value" are properly url-encoded. The "type" of the <input> field doesn't matter. Yes. The <form> in question specifies "method=post", so you would need to send the encoded parameters in a POST body, not in the query component of a URL, eg: POST /envia_arq2.htm HTTP/1.1 Host: www.trivial.com.br Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded Content-Length: 36 Connection: close senha=violeta&nome=tre&enviar=Enviar However that translates to TSslHttpCli/TSslHttpRest (I don't use ICS).
  4. Also, it is common for webservers to use cookies with webforms, so you should first GET the webpage that contains the webform so that you download any initial cookies, then parse the webform fields (ie, in case any contain randomly generated field values), then submit the webform as directed. Also, make sure you submit ALL <input> fields that have a non-empty value - including the submit button itself! Sometimes webforms have multiple buttons, in which case the webserver needs to know which one is performing the submission.
  5. Also use TSslHttpRest instead of TSslHttpCli since this avoids you needing to use an SslContext in your application, look at the OverbyteIcsHttpRest sample. Angus
  6. You need to look at your form. "Action" is the URL you have to use to submit your form. "Method" is the way to submit if: Get or Post which maps directly to HTTP component. Then you have to look at all "input" tags to find the name of the items to send. Then you have to format a buffer with name/values pair and submit it. François Piette
  7. Vandrovnik

    Function with just underscore _() seems to be valid

    With this info in mind, for bad customers you can start programming like that: const _ = 1; _____ = 2; x = _____ + (_-_-_) + 0 + _+0-0+_ ;
  8. Günther Schoch

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    Hello David I see your concerns and Peirre le Riche and I discussed a lot on the licensing. I tried to explain the background in https://en.delphipraxis.net/topic/2751-fastmm5-now-released-by-pierre-le-riche-small-background-story/ we see 3 groups of "users" a) the vast majority is fine with FastMM4 as the applications do not suffer under any multi-threading related memory manager problem. Means: nobody is forced to switch. b) the developer having heavy multi-threaded applications consuming a lot of rather expensive CPU. There FastMM5 really helps and the small amount of money that Pierre is asking for in form of a dual license (starting with 99$) is nothing compared with other expenses. c) and there is Embarcadero: As explained in my intro story a modern memory manager would actually be part of the scope of Delphi (in theory). Pierre solved this problem already once (with FastMM4) for free. This story will not be repeated by FastMM5 as Pierre needs obviously some financial payback to maintain the product. BTW: When my company started to sponsor the development of FastMM5, I whould never had thought that it pays back that fast. We got beginning of the year our first 2 AMD Epyc 64/128 based servers for hosting your Delphi WebServices. Scaling up our services for such platforms was really only possible with FastMM5.
  9. David Schwartz

    Experience/opinions on FastMM5

    Oh, that one. "If I borrow your hammer then I have to give away everything I'll ever build with it in the future for free, even if it cost me a lot of time and money to build." Some folks have a strange notion of what "equity" and "balance" are about.