GExperts supports even more laziness
I got into programming because I am lazy, I’d rather have the computer do the boring work than doing it myself. So it’s no wonder that I always liked Delphi and GExperts because both support my laziness.
Today I added yet another feature to save me a key stroke or mouse click: The “Close Exception Notification” expert.
You probably have encountered those libraries that always raise the same exception class on errors, or even worse, raise the generic Exception class instead of bothering to declare their own. And if I should guess, you have probably been guilty of doing that yourself (as I definitely have).
Why is that a problem, you ask?
Because you can’t easily ignore these exceptions during debugging. You always get this “Debugger Exception Notification” dialog, have to read it and decide whether you want to break and look at the code or ignore the exception.
Read on in the blog post.