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  1. Yes that's right ! I've seen your proposal as well and I've a better proposal that solves your proposal issues(Step Over/replicating the codes) and it's a little bit slightly faster ! To begin, the issue arise because there was a mismatch between a call and a ret instruction (a ret instruction that doesn't correspond to a call instruction). In your proposal, you introduced a call to fix the issue but that also introduced Step Over issue ! Here is my proposal : if we jumped without using a call instruction then we simply return without using a ret instruction. How ? we do a lazy stack pop (add esp, 4) to remove the return address from the stack then we jump back to the return address (jmp [esp - 4]). Program Test; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} {$O+,W-} uses Diagnostics, Windows; {$DEFINE PATCH_TRY_FINALLY} {$DEFINE REPLACE_RET_WITH_JMP} procedure Test; var i: Integer; begin i := 0; try Inc(i); asm nop nop end; finally Dec(i); Dec(i); Dec(i); {$IFDEF REPLACE_RET_WITH_JMP} { payload : --------- add esp, 4 // remove return address from the stack jmp [esp - 4] // jmp back (return address) } Dec(i); Dec(i); {$ENDIF} end; if i = 0 then; end; procedure PatchTryFinally1(address: Pointer); const jmp: array [0 .. 14] of Byte = ($33, $C0, $5A, $59, $59, $64, $89, $10, $E8, $02, $00, $00, $00, $EB, $00); var n: NativeUInt; target: Pointer; offset: Byte; begin target := PPointer(PByte(address) + 11)^; offset := PByte(target) - (PByte(address) + 10) - 5; WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, address, @jmp, SizeOf(jmp), n); WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, PByte(address) + SizeOf(jmp) - 1, @offset, 1, n); FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess, address, SizeOf(jmp)); end; procedure PatchTryFinally2(address: Pointer); const Data: array [0 .. 6] of Byte = ($83, $C4, $04, $FF, $64, $24, $FC); var n: NativeUInt; begin WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess, address, @Data, SizeOf(Data), n); end; procedure PatchTryFinally(address: Pointer); begin {$IFDEF REPLACE_RET_WITH_JMP} PatchTryFinally2(PByte(@Test) + $32); {$ELSE} PatchTryFinally1(PByte(@Test) + 26); {$ENDIF} end; var i: Integer; sw: TStopwatch; begin {$IFDEF PATCH_TRY_FINALLY} PatchTryFinally(PByte(@Test)); {$ENDIF} sw := TStopwatch.StartNew; Sleep(1); sw.ElapsedMilliseconds; sw := TStopwatch.StartNew; for i := 1 to 100000000 do Test; Writeln(sw.ElapsedMilliseconds); Readln; end.
  2. Attila Kovacs

    Manage overloaded IfThen functions

    isn't this "IfThen" is the one that nobody uses because it evaluates both branches?
  3. Dalija, I aspire to being a better coder. I once asked you for some help and you couldn't have responded any better. I got my help and even more. While a lot of what you do is beyond my capability level, some of it does sink in. The sign of a good teacher. So, there's a middling chance I might actually become competent in this area after decades of being a very linear thinker and programmer. So thanks again, in advance. Hope this purchase provides some small recompense. Be safe. GM