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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/21 in Posts

  1. This question is way too broad to be able to be answered correctly. In general, have Try..Except blocks. What you do inside the exception handler completely depends on the kind of application you are writing. If you don't want your application to crash / misbehave after an exception happened you have to make sure you "reset it to a default state". Roll back transactions, close datasets, free up objects, closing TCP connections, etc. You might want to make a note of it too for debugging purposes so write details to a log file and let your user know that something went south. It's also good to have stack traces so look into MadExcept / DebugEngine - both are really easy to install and can be used for free - with restrictions of course.
  2. https://delphisorcery.blogspot.com/2021/06/spring4d-20-sneak-peek-evolution-of.html
  3. A few months ago I replaced all RTL collections (apart from TStringList) with spring4d 2.0 collections and I saw noticeably smaller binaries (exe/bpl) and faster overall application performance. Spring4D collections are just so much nicer to use, being interface based is a plus for me, and the LINQ like functionality makes it really easy to do sorting, filtering, projections etc - if only Delphi had lambdas so the predicates etc were not so damned verbose! I'm extremely thankful for the work @Stefan Glienke has put into Spring4D 👍
  4. It depends. There are lots of different ways to do it. There is no single "best" way.
  5. Stefan Glienke

    Spring4D, DI and attribute inject

    No, it's not a good practice - write your classes in a way that you could do pure DI. If you do field injection that code can't run without a DI container or some other ways to do such injection. If you have too many ctor arguments you are suffering from so called constructor over-injection and there is a way to solve this: refactor your code and respect the single responsibility principle - see https://blog.ploeh.dk/2010/02/02/RefactoringtoAggregateServices/ Always think of a DI container as something like an automated assembling plant - all the screws and pieces that are put together there by robots don't know of the assembling plant. You can as well grab a screwdriver or some other tool yourself and put the pieces together manually with a lot of work and sweat but it's possible.