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  1. and you did not read my comment If it is not open source not useful !!!!!
  2. Component "TplsController" is missing. If it is not open source not useful
  3. Then you know a lot more than me. But yes, as it relies on Argyll and this program works with command line it makes sense. I was told this by the author: For building CoCa I used some additional free and non-free components. I list them below: Free additional components: PJShellFolders - http://sunsite.icm.edu.pl/delphi/d10free/pjshfldr.htm Precision Language Suite (free version) - http://www.be-precision.com/products/precision-langs/ Carbonsoft cxDrive v.1.0 - https://torry.net/files/vcl/filedrv/driveinformation/cxdrive1_r1005.zip Non-free components: TMS Components - https://www.tmssoftware.com ImageEn https://www.imageen.com Also, to create MS Windows installer I used Inno Setup – a free package that you can download from https://jrsoftware.org Great to know. something to consider indeed! Well, the UI with all those 'floating' buttons and all that to my taste is something more of old desing from the 2000s. I'd prefer a more slick design without bells and whistles. If it's a tiny program, requires an expensive license to develop and can be translated to a cheaper and more spread language, translating it is something to consider... But... what language could be better. What's the main point of the main languages out there? What are their advantages and drawbacks? What's an SCM? I guess S for source and C for Code... Thanks for the kind help!
  4. ah ! if you get the joke, you're near to be a dev, sorry to hear that :)))) - The link correction is ok, and I was able to download it and have a (very) quick look: - the program is very tiny, and handles mostly the user interface. - As I see it (but short study, I may be wrong), the core of the program build a ".bat" file by adding command lines (from the UI data), and then executes it. (with argyll external binaries) - The program has (a lot of) dependencies throught commercial components. (TadvSmoothpanel (TMS software), TimageEnVie (ImageEn), TpLsController (Precision Language Suite) - Delphi (With an "I" not an "Y" !) is a commercial product, yes. But you have delphi Community Edition, which is quite complete and can be used for non commercial product for free. https://www.embarcadero.com/fr/products/delphi/starter/free-download Here, your very first problem is commercial components : For an OpenSource product, It is quite limitating. Very sorry for the delphi world, but as I see it, if "multilingual" stuff and "UI" stuff is not important for you, yes, it can be rewrite in python :)))) ---> Delphi has been used here to give to the product a cool UI, imho. - Github is a SCM. (A very tiny and discreet one) 😄 As I said, I have no personal time for that, but put it on a SCM could help, or, perhaps, directly on the business interest area (print, photography and so on) where a casual dev could handle it, ihmo)